研究興趣:超導理論;拓撲絕緣體;自旋電子學;統計模型精確解等。二零零零年八月赴美國休斯頓大學物理系攻讀凝聚態理論博士學位。在2009年,我提出了一個關於鐵基超導體的兩軌道四帶緊束縛模型,其能帶結構在電子或空穴摻雜範圍內與ARPES實驗相一致。根據該模型和超導平均場理論,研究了單個雜質對超導態的影響,指出非磁性雜質在超導能隙內產生的共振峰可視為鐵基超導體序參量為s+-對稱的信號,已被STM實驗所證實;隨後,美國休斯敦大學德州超導中心理論組在這個兩軌道四帶緊束縛模型並計入庫侖相互作用和Hund交換的基礎上,利用BdG自洽方法,計算了電子摻雜鐵基超導體Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2的相圖和磁疇結構,以及空穴摻雜鐵基超導體Ba1-xKxFe2As2渦旋中的共振峰等。在低電子摻雜區域,自旋密度波與超導電性共存,在其餘電子摻雜區域,為均勻的超導相,這與中子和x射線衍射實驗,以及核磁共振實驗結果相一致;理論所獲得的在渦旋中心處位於負能量的共振峰,以及90°疇壁和反相疇壁等,均與STM實驗和SQUIDM實驗相符。關於這些研究結果的綜述文章,已被“Monograph on Frontier of Superconductivity Research”收錄。相關研究已在美國物理學會三月會議上報告,並發表在Phys. Rev. Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett., New J. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.等上。這些文章已被同行在Nature, Nature Physics, Rev. Mod. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., J. Phys.: Condens. Matt., Physica C, Solid State Comm.等雜誌上,以及在專著和博士論文中引用。曾獲得四川省科技進步三等獎,四川省第五屆青年科技獎,四川省優秀青年教師和四川省傑出青年學科帶頭人等稱號。現為Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B等美國物理學會雜誌等審稿人。
1.Degang Zhangand C. S. Ting, Proposed Detection of Time-Reversal Symmetry in Topological Surface States,arXiv:1301.6543.
2.Degang Zhangand C. S. Ting, Impact of Step Defects on Surface States of Topological Insulators,Phys. Rev. B85, 115434 (2012).
3.Degang Zhang,Reply to Comment on ‘Nonmagnetic Impurity Resonances as a Signature of Sign-Reversal Pairing in FeAs-Based Superconductors’,Phys. Rev. Lett.104, 089702 (2010).
4.Degang Zhang, Nonmagnetic Impurity Resonances as a Signature of Sign-Reversal Pairing in FeAs-Based Superconductors,Phys. Rev. Lett.103, 186402 (2009).
5.Degang Zhangand C. S. Ting, Model for tunneling-mediated impurity resonances in bilayer cuprate superconductors,Phys. Rev.B79, 092501 (2009).
6.Degang Zhang, Yao-Ming Mu, and C. S. Ting, Resonant Spin Polarization and Hall Effects in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas,Appl. Phys. Lett.92, 212103(2008).
7.Degang Zhang, Coulomb Interaction-induced Checkerboard Patterns in Disordered Cuprates,New J. Phys.9, 256 (2007).
8.Degang Zhang, Exact Landau Levels in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems with Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interactions in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field,J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, L477 (2006).
9.Degang Zhang, C. S. Ting and C.-R.Hu, Impurity-induced local density of states in a d-wave superconductor carrying a supercurrent,Phys. Rev. B71, 064521 (2005).
10.Degang Zhang, C. S. Ting and C.-R.Hu, Conductance characteristics between a normal metal and a clean superconductor carrying a supercurrent,Phys. Rev. B70, 172508 (2004).
11.Degang Zhangand C. S. Ting, Energy-dependent checkerboard patterns in cuprate superconductors,Phys. Rev. B69, 012501 (2004).
12.Degang Zhangand C. S. Ting, Energy-dependent modulations in the local density of states of the cuprate superconductors,Phys. Rev. B67, 100506(R) (2003).
13.Degang Zhang, Charge modulations in the superconducting state of the cuprates,Phys. Rev. B66, 214515 (2002).
14.De-gang Zhanget al., Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction and the growth model,Phys. Rev. B59, 8379 (1999).