


1993年9月至1997年7月 大連理工大學高分子化工專業 本科生

1997年9月至2003年2月 大連理工大學高分子材料系 碩博連讀

2002年10月至2006年4月 大連理工大學高分子材料系 講師

2006年5月至今 大連理工大學高分子材料系 副教授

2005年4月至今 大連理工大學高分子材料系 副主任

2009年12月至2010年12月 美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校材料科學與工程系 訪問學者

社會兼職 遼寧省高性能樹脂工程技術研究中心 副主任


(研究課題) 1、新型高性能雜環高分子膜材料研究


承擔國家自然科學基金項目一項(21276037)和教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目一項。作為負責人完成國家自然科學基金項目兩項 和遼寧省博士啟動基金項目一項;作為研究骨幹參加完成了國家“十五”863計畫項目,國家自然科學基金項目,遼寧省重點科技攻關等項目的部分工作。








1、Shouhai Zhang, Bengui Zhang, Guangfang Zhao, Xigao Jian, Anion Exchange Membranes from Brominated Poly(aryl ether ketone) Containing 3,5-dimethyl Phthalazinone Moieties for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2014, 2(9), 3083-3091

2、Shanshan Guan, Shouhai Zhang, Peng Liu, Guozheng Zhang, Xigao Jian, Effect of additives on the performance and morphology of sulfonated copoly (phthalazinone biphenyl ether sulfone) composite nanofiltration membranes, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 295, 130-136

3、Shouhai Zhang, Bengui Zhang, Dongbo Xing, Xigao Jian, Poly(phthalazinone ether ketone ketone) anion exchange membranes with pyridinium as ion exchange groups for vanadium redox flow battery applications, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2013, 1(39), 12246-12254

4、Xiuping Li, Cheng Liu, Shouhai Zhang, Lishuai Zong, Xigao Jian, Functionalized 4-phenyl phthalazinone-based polybenzimidazoles for high-temperature PEMFC, Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 442,160-167

5、Shouhai Zhang, Bengui Zhang, Xigao Jian, Preparation and Properties of Poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) based Anion Exchange Membranes for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 773, 171-174

6、Shanshan Guan, Shouhai Zhang, Runlin Han, Bengui Zhang, Xigao Jian, Preparation and properties of novel sulfonated copoly (phthalazinone biphenyl ether sulfone) composite nanofiltration membrane, Desalination, 2013, 318(22), 56-63

7、張守海,王雨田,楊大令,蹇錫高,雜萘聯苯共聚醚碸中空纖維超濾膜的製備,水處理技術,2013, 39(3), 32-34, 38

8、張守海,王雨田,楊大令,蹇錫高,添加劑對PPBES中空纖維超濾膜的結構和性能的影響,中國材料進展,2013, 32(3), 57-61

9、王曉麗,張守海,觀姍姍,胡利傑,蹇錫高,磺化雜萘聯苯聚醚碸納濾膜用於海水預處理,水處理技術,2013, 39(5), 61-63,68

10、胡利傑,張守海,觀姍姍,蹇錫高,新型耐高溫複合反滲透膜的製備與性能,膜科學與技術,2013,33(3), 23-27

11、觀姍姍,張守海,王曉麗,劉鵬,蹇錫高,耐氯性能優良的磺化雜萘聯苯共聚醚碸複合納濾膜,膜科學與技術,2013,33(4), 17-22

12、張守海,姜懿文,陳麗雲,蹇錫高,磺化側苯基雜萘聯苯聚醚酮酮的合成與性能,高等學校化學學報,2013,34(8), 1993-1998

13、張守海,趙文穎,陳麗雲,蹇錫高,磺化含側苯基雜萘聯苯聚醚碸質子交換膜材料的合成與性能,功能材料,2013,44(18), 2633-2637

14、王旭,張守海,胡利傑,觀姍姍,蹇錫高,聚合氯化鋁的膜法製備及其套用研究,工業水處理,2013, 33(11), 56-60

15、Xiuping Li, Cheng Liu , Shouhai Zhang, Guipeng Yu, Xigao Jian, Acid doped polybenzimidazoles containing 4-phenyl phthalazinone moieties for high-temperature PEMFC, Journal of Membrane Science, 2012, 423-424,128-135

16、Bengui Zhang, Shouhai Zhang, Dongbo Xing, Runlin Han, Chunxiang Yin, Xigao Jian, Quaternized poly(phthalazinone ether ketone ketone) anion exchange membrane with low permeability of vanadium ions for vanadium redox flow battery application,Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 217, 296-302

17、Lijie Hu, Shouhai Zhang, Runlin Han, Xigao Jian, Preparation and performance of novel thermally stable polyamide/PPENK composite nanofiltration membranes, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(22), 9047-9053

18、Shouhai Zhang, Juan Zhou, Xigao Jian, Synthesis and Properties of Sulfonated Poly(ether ketone)s Containing 3,5-Dimethyl Phthalazinone Moieties as Proton Exchange Membrane Materials, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2012, 30(4), 511-519

19、Runlin Han, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian, Effect of additives on the performance and morphology of copoly (phthalazinone ether sulfone) UF membrane,Desalination, 2012, 290, 67-73

20、Bing Zhang, Yonghong Wu, Tonghua Wang, Jieshan Qiu, Shouhai Zhang, Microporous Carbon Membranes from Sulfonated Poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone): Preparation, Characterization, and Gas Permeation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 122, 1190–1197

21、Runlin Han, Shouhai Zhang, Lijie Hu, Shanshan Guan, Xigao Jian, Preparation and characterization of thermally stable poly(piperazine amide)/PPBES composite nanofiltration membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 2011, 370(1,2), 91-96

23、張守海,蹇錫高,雜萘聯苯聚芳醚功能膜的研究進展,高分子通報,2011, 9, 1-12
24、張守海,曾聖達,蹇錫高,雜萘聯苯共聚醚碸的非均相磺化,功能高分子學報,2011, 24(1), 65-69
25、劉程,褚春波,王錦艷,張守海,蹇錫高,含4_苯基二氮雜萘酮結構共聚芳酯的合成及性能,高分子學報,2011, 2, 186-191
26、龐婧,王同華,李琳,祁文博,張守海,蹇錫高,不同溶劑對聚醚碸酮基炭膜結構及氣體分離性能的影響,高等學校化學學報,2011, 32(1), 143-149
27、Junnan Han, Daling Yang, Shouhai Zhang, Xuyang Liu, Zhiwei Zhang, Xigao Jian, Effects of compatibility difference in the mixed solvent system on the performance of PPES hollow fiber UF membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 365(1-2), 311–318
28、Shouhai Zhang, Chunxiang Yin, Dongbo Xing, Daling Yang, Xigao Jian, Preparation of chloromethylated/quaternized poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) anion exchange membrane materials for vanadium redox flow battery applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 363(1,2), 243-249
29、Runlin Han, Shouhai Zhang, Daling Yang, Yutian Wang, Xigao Jian, Preparation and characterization of novel copoly(phthalazinone ether sulfone) ultrafiltration membranes with excellent thermal stability, Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 358(1,2), 142-149
30、Runlin Han, Shouhai Zhang, Dongbo Xing, Xigao Jian, Desalination dye utilizing copoly (phthalazinone biphenyl ether sulfone) ultrafiltration membrane with low molecular weight cut-off, Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 358(1,2), 1-6
31、Dongbo Xing, Shouhai Zhang, Chunxiang Yin, Bengui Zhang, Xigao Jian, Effect of amination agent on the properties of quaternized poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone) anion exchange membrane for vanadium redox flow battery application, Journal of Membrane Science, 2010, 354(1,2), 68-73
32、趙偉英,張守海,韓潤林,李曉丹,蹇錫高,聚芳醚碸酮複合膜濃縮回收環丁碸初探,水處理技術,2010, 36(1), 48-51
33、尹春香,張守海,邢東博,張本貴,蹇錫高,胺化條件對季銨化PPEK膜性能的影響,電源技術,2010, 34(2), 167-170
34、張守海,周娟,邢東博,蹇錫高,含甲基磺化雜萘聯苯聚醚碸酮質子交換膜材料的合成與性能,高分子學報,2010, 3, 274-279
35、張守海,楊大令,周娟,蹇錫高,磺化雜萘聯苯聚醚酮酮醚酮質子交換膜材料的合成與表征,高分子通報,2010, 4, 44-48
36、張守海,邵萃,曾聖達,蹇錫高,雜萘聯苯共聚醚碸的磺化,功能材料,2010, 41(5), 874-877
37、張守海,王璠,邢東博,蹇錫高,VRB用季銨化聚醚碸陰離子交換膜,電池,2010, 3, 137-139
38、Runlin Han, Shouhai Zhang, Cheng Liu, Yutian Wang and Xigao Jian, Effect of NaA zeolite particle addition on poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) composite ultrafiltration (UF) membrane performance, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 345(1-2), 5–12 39、Junnan Han, Daling Yang, Shouhai Zhang and Xigao Jian, Effects of dope compositions on the structure and performance of PPES hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 345(1-2), 257–266

40、Chunrui Wu, Shouhai Zhang, Daling Yang, Xigao Jian, Preparation, characterization and application of a novel thermal stable composite nanofiltration membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 326(2), 429–434
42、Chun Yan, Shouhai Zhang, Cheng Liu, Daling Yang, Fajie Yang, Xigao Jian, Preparation, morphologies, and properties of positively charged quaternized poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) nanofiltration membranes, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2009, 113(3), 1389-1397
43、Runlin Han, Shouhai Zhang, Weiying Zhao, Xiaodan Li, Xigao Jian, Treating sulfur black dye wastewater with quaternized poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) nanofiltration membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 67, 26-30
44、Dongbo Xing, Shouhai Zhang, Chunxiang Yin, Chun Yan, Xigao Jian, Preparation and characterization of chloromethylated/quanternized poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone) anion exchange membrane, Materials Science and Engineering B 2009, 157,1–5
45、Tonghua Wang, Bing Zhang, Jieshan Qiu, YonghongWu, Shouhai Zhang, Yiming Cao, Effects of sulfone/ketone in poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) on the gas permeation of their derived carbon membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 330, 319–325 46、蹇錫高,王君,張守海,楊大令,雜萘聯苯聚醚碸及其磺化物溶解度參數,大連理工大學學報,2009,49(3)322-326
47、Weng, ZH, Wang, JY, Zhang, SH, et al. Synthesis and characterization of a polymer-supported heteropolytungstate catalyst for oxidation of benzyl alcohol, CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, 2008, 10(2), 125-128
48、Bing Zhang, Tonghua Wang, Yonghong Wu, Qingling Liu, Shili Liu, Shouhai Zhang and Jieshan Qiu, Preparation and gas permeation of composite carbon membranes from poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone), Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 60(3), 259-263
49、Zhihuan Weng, Jinyan Wang, Shouhai Zhang, Chun Yan and Xigao Jian, Efficient oxidation of cyclohexene over tetrakis(diperoxomolybdo) phosphate immobilized on poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) with hydrogen peroxide, Applied Catalysis A, General, 2008, 339 (2), 145-150
50、Shili Liu, Tonghua Wang, Qingling Liu, Shouhai Zhang, Zongchang Zhao, and Changhai Liang, Gas Permeation Properties of Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes Derived from Novel Poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone), Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2008, 47 (3), 876 –880
51、Chunrui Wu, Shouhai Zhang, Cheng Liu, Daling Yang and Xigao Jian, Preparation, characterization and performance of thermal stable poly(phthalazinone ether amide) UF membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, 311(1-2), 360-370
52、Zhao Jin, Da Ling Yang, Shou Hai Zhang and Xi Gao Jian, Hydrophobic modification of poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) hollow fiber membrane for vacuum membrane distillation, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2008, 19(3),367-370
53、Zhao Jin, Da Ling Yang, Shou Hai Zhang and Xi Gao Jian, Hydrophobic modification of poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) hollow fiber membrane for vacuum membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science 310 (2008) 20–27
54、Chun Yan, Shou Hai Zhang, Da Ling Yang, Xi Gao Jian, Preparation and characterization of chloromethylated-quaternized poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) for positively charged nanofiltration membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 107, 1809–1816







64、王志鵬,楊大令,張守海,富海濤,蹇錫高,NMP/EtOH θ組成對PPESK氣體分離膜性能的影響,膜科學與技術,2008,28(02),9-13










