



2008.09--2014.06 大連理工大學運載工程與力學學部工程力學系 博士

2004.09--2008.07 重慶大學資源及環境科學學院工程力學系 學士


2016.11--2017.11 加州大學伯克利分校土木與環境工程系 訪問學者

2016.09 至今 重慶大學航空航天學院工程力學系 副教授

2015.11--2017.11清華大學航空航天學院工程力學系 博士後

2014.07--2016.09 重慶大學航空航天學院工程力學系 講師




International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Acta Mechanica

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

力學學報 等期刊審稿人






國家自然科學基金面上項目:大型柔性薄膜天線局部褶皺變形的多場多尺度計算方法(負責人, 2019~2022)

重慶市留學人員回國創業創新支持計畫創新類項目:柔性張拉整體結構設計及其套用(負責人, 2019~2021)

上海宇航系統工程研究所航天創新基金項目:柔性可展結構非線性分析的基礎算法及軟體開發(負責人, 2017-2019)

國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:考慮熱力耦合作用的薄膜褶皺分析穩定化算法研究(負責人, 2016~2018)

中國博士後科學基金第59批面上項目(一等資助):熱力耦合作用下薄膜褶皺變形的數值模擬與實驗驗證(負責人, 2016~2017)

重慶市基礎科學與前沿研究技術專項項目:柔性薄膜二次失穩的高效數值模擬(負責人, 2016~2018)

中央高校基本科研業務費項目:薄膜在熱力耦合載荷作用下的褶皺變形機理研究(負責人, 2015~2017)

大連理工大學工業裝備結構分析國家重點實驗室開放基金項目:基於參變數變分原理的薄膜褶皺分析建模與算法研究(負責人, 2014~2016)

重慶大學引進人才科研啟動項目:Tensegrity結構展開過程數值模擬及其高效計算方法(負責人, 2014~2017)

上海宇航系統工程研究所橫向科研項目:伸展機構非線性計算(負責人, 2016~2017)

西南電力設計院橫向科研項目:矩形煙風道結構計算方法研究及軟體開發(主研人, 2014~2016)




Zhang L, Feng XQ, Li S, Review and perspective on soft matter modeling in cellular mechanobiology: Cell contact, adhesion, mechanosensing and motility, Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228, 12: 4095-4122. (SCI)

Lu MK, Zhang HW, Zheng YG, Zhang L, A multiscale finite element method for the localization analysis of homogeneous and heterogeneous saturated porous media with embedded strong discontinuity model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2017, 112(10): 1439-1472. (SCI)

Wu J, Zhang L, Wan L, A mode-III crack under surface adhesion studied by non-uniform linear spring models, Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228(5): 1621-1629. (SCI)

Lu MK, Zhang HW, Zheng YG, Zhang L, A multiscale finite element method with embedded strong discontinuity model for the simulation of cohesive cracks in solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 311: 576-598. (SCI)

Zhang L, Zhang HT, Wu J, Yan B, Lu MK, Parametric variational principle for bi-modulus materials and its application to nacreous bio-composites, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 8(6): 1650082. (SCI)

Zhang L, Zhang HW, Wu J, Yan B, A stabilized complementarity formulation for nonlinear analysis of 3D bimodular materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2016, 32(3): 481-490. (SCI)

Wu J, Ru C, Zhang L, Wan L, Geometrical shape of an in-plane inclusion characterized by polynomial internal stress field under uniform eigenstrains, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, 37(9): 1113-1130. (SCI)

Wu C, Yan B, Zhang L, Zhang B, Li Q, A method to calculate jump height of iced transmission lines after ice-shedding, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016, 125: 40-47. (SCI)

Li H, Zhang HW, Zheng YG, Zhang L, A peridynamic model for the nonlinear static analysis of truss and tensegrity structures, Computational Mechanics, 2016, 57(5): 843-858. (SCI)

Zhang L, Dong KJ, Zhang HT, Yan B, A 3D PVP co-rotational formulation for large-displacement and small-strain analysis of bi-modulus materials, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2016, 110: 20-31. (SCI)

Zhang L, Gao Q, Liu Y, Zhang HW, An efficient finite element formulation for nonlinear analysis of clustered tensegrity, Engineering Computations, 2016, 33(1): 252-273. (SCI)

Zhou LS, Yan B, Zhang L, Zhou S, Study on galloping behavior of iced eight bundle conductor transmission lines, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 362: 85-110. (SCI)

Zhang L, Lu MK, Zhang HW, Yan B, Geometrically nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis of clustered tensegrity based on the co-rotational approach, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 93: 154-165. (SCI)

Zhang L, Gao Q, Zhang HW, Analysis of 2-D bimodular materials and wrinkled membranes based on the parametric variational principle and co-rotational approach, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2014, 98(10): 721-746. (SCI)

Liu H, Zhang L, Yang DS, Zhang HW, An efficient multiscale method for 2D large displacement-small strain analysis of heterogeneous materials, Computational Materials Science, 2014, 83: 443-456. (SCI) Zhang L, Gao Q, Zhang HW, An efficient algorithm for mechanical analysis of bimodular truss and tensegrity structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013, 70: 57-68. (SCI)

Zhang HW, Zhang L, Gao Q, Numerical method for dynamic analysis of two-dimensional bimodular structures, AIAA Journal, 2012, 50: 1933-1942. (SCI)

Zhang HW, Zhang L, Gao Q, An efficient computational method for mechanical analysis of bimodular structures based on parametric variational principle, Computers & Structures, 2011, 89: 2352-2360. (SCI)

伍川, 嚴波, 張亮, 張博, 李清, 覆冰輸電線路脫冰跳躍高度理論算法, 套用數學與力學, 2016, 37(2): 117-126.

張洪武, 張亮, 高強, 拉壓不同模量材料的參變數變分原理和有限元方法, 工程力學, 2012, 29: 22-27. (EI)

周林抒, 嚴波, 趙洋, 張亮, 電磁力對雙分裂導線舞動的影響, 振動與衝擊, 2016, 35(4): 141-147. (EI)

高強,張洪武,張亮, 鍾萬勰,拉壓剛度不同桁架的動力參變數變分原理和保辛算法,振動與衝擊, 2013, 32: 179-184. (EI)

Zhang L, Zhang HW, Yan B, A Stabilized Algorithm for Nonlinear Analysis of Bi-modulus Composites and Wrinkled Membranes, WCCM & APCOM, Seoul, 24-29th July, 2016.

張卉婷,張亮,嚴波,三維拉壓不同模量材料非線性分析的二次規划算法,中國力學大會,上海, 2015.

Zhang L, Zhang HW, Gao Q, Numerical investigation of tensegrity structures using co-rotational approach and parametric variational principle, The Fifth Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics and the Fourth International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Singapore, 11-14th December, 2013.

張亮,張洪武,高強,拉壓不同模量平面問題大位移分析,中國計算力學大會,重慶, 2012.


