2001年—2008年,碩博連讀, 北京大學心理學系,理學博士
1990年—1994年,本科 湖南師範大學中文系,文學學士
1994年-2001年 湖南衡陽日報社 記者、編輯
2008年至今 清華大學心理學系 博士後
消費心理學 ——內隱記憶與廣告研究、物質主義價值觀、面子與消費行為、信貸消費
行為經濟學 ——反事實思維與風險決策、心理賬戶與責任效用、羊群效應與責任效用
社會心理學 ——社會認知、反事實思維與文化、中國人的面子
liao, J., & Wang, L., Face as a Moderator or Mediator of the Relationship between Material Value and Brand Consciousness in China, Psychology & Marketing,2009,1.
Liao, J., & Wang, L., Are Chinese Material Success and Happiness Separate? A Cultural Psychological Perspective of the Materialism Structure. Submitted to Asian Journal of Social Psychology. (Second review).
Liao, J. & Wang, L., Researches on the Relationship between Material Value, Money Attitude and Pay Satisfaction, Journal of Applied Psychology (Chinese), 2008, 8.
Liao, J., Wang L, Fragile mental accounting: social comparison information influences mental accounts, ICP 2004.
Liao, J., Wang L, MVS: moderator or mediator in the relation between face and consumer decision style, IACP 2006 (oral presentation)
Liao, J., Wang Lei, Need For Cognition: mediator in the relation between justice perception and organizational commitment, IACP 2006 (oral presentation)