

1903年3月24日,德國化學家Adolf Frederick Johann Butenandt(1903.3.24—1995.1.18),Butenandt在馬爾堡大學學習,其後在格廷根大學溫道斯的指導下工作,並於1927年獲得哲學博士學位。三年之後他是那裡的有機化學實驗室主任。 Butenandt突出的工作是分離性激素和鑑定其結構。第一個被分離出來的性激素是雌酮,這是Butenandt在1929年從懷孕婦女的尿中得到的。1931年Butenandt分離出雄性甾酮,這是睪丸細胞產生的一種重要的男性激素。1934年Butenandt分離了另外一種對於妊娠過程中的化學機理具有十分重要作用的女性激素---孕甾酮。1936年Butenandt擔任柏林威廉皇家生物化學研究所所長,1939年他與盧齊卡分享了諾貝爾化學獎。戰後他在圖賓根大學任教,1956年之後在慕尼黑大學教書。1960年他繼哈恩之後任馬克斯·普朗克學會主席。



Adolf Butenandt(1903年3月24日—1995年2月18號)

全名:Adolf Frederick Johann Butenandt

布特南特在馬爾堡大學學習,其後在格廷根大學溫道斯的指導下工作,並於1927年獲得化學博士學位。三年之後他是那裡的有機化學實驗室主任。 布特南特突出的工作是分離性激素和鑑定其結構。第一個被分離出來的性激素是雌酮,這是布特南特在1929年從懷孕婦女的尿中得到的。它是卵巢細胞分泌出來的少量幾種物質之一,這些物質是促進婦女性成熟的。1931年布特南特分離出雄性甾酮,這是睪丸細胞產生的一種重要的男性激素,它對男人所起的作用如同雌酮對婦女所起的作用一樣。布特南特只用了15毫克的雄性甾酮,由於採用了普萊格爾所用的微量分析法,得以對這些元素作了兩次分析,而且還制出這個化合物的一種變體並分析了它。這足以使布特南特有可能推導出這個化合物的分子式。1934年盧齊契加根據布特南特的結構見解合成了一種類似的化合物,發現合成的產物完全具有雄性甾酮的性質,因此證實布特南特的探索工作是正確的。1934年布特南特分離了另外一種對於妊娠過程中的化學機理具有十分重要作用的女性激素---孕甾酮。1936年布特南特擔任柏林威廉皇家生物化學研究所所長,1939年他與盧齊卡(Leopold Ruzicka 1887—1976)分享了諾貝爾化學獎。如同那年另一位德國人多馬克以及一年前庫恩得到諾貝爾獎時的情況一樣,納粹政府強迫布特南特拒絕接受這筆獎金。直到第二次世界大戰結束和希特勒完蛋後,他才於1949年接受了這一榮譽。戰後他在圖賓根大學任教,1956年之後在慕尼黑大學教書。1960年他繼哈恩之後任馬克斯·普朗克學會主席。


Adolf Frederick Johann Butenandt was born on March 24, 1903 at Bremerhaven-Wesermünde. The son of a business man Otto Butenandt of Hamburg, he went to school at Bremerhaven and studied chemistry at the Universities of Marburg and Göttingen. In 1927 he graduated at the University of Göttingen, where he had studied under Adolf Windaus.

From 1927 until 1930 he was Scientific Assistant at the Institute of Chemistry, Göttingen, and from 1931 until 1933 he was Privatdozent in the Department of Biological Chemistry at the University of Göttingen and acting Head of the laboratories for organic and inorganic chemistry. He then became Professor Ordinarius and Director of the Institute for Organic Chemistry at the Institute of Technology at Danzig, a post which he held until 1936.

From 1936 until 1960 he was Professor in the University of Berlin and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Berlin-Dahlem, which later moved to Tübingen and then to Munich. From 1945 until 1956 he was Professor of Physiological Chemistry at Tübingen and in 1956 he became Professor of Physiological Chemistry in the University of Munich. From 1956 until 1960 he was Director of the Institute of Physiological Chemistry in the University of Munich.

Since 1960 he has been President of the Max Planck Society at Munich.

Butenandt's name will always be associated with his work on sex hormones, for which he was awarded, jointly with Leopold Ruzicka, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for 1939. In 1929 he isolated oestrone in pure, crystalline form, almost at the same time that E.A. Doisy did this in America. In 1931 he isolated androsterone in pure, crystalline form. From androsterone he as well as Ruzicka, independently of each other, obtained testosterone in 1939, a compound which had been obtained from the testes in 1935 by Ernst Laqueur. Progesterone was isolated by Butenandt from the corpus luteum in 1934.

In addition to these researches, Butenandt carried out much investigation of the interrelationships of the sex hormones and on the possible carcinogenic properties of some of them. His work on the sex hormones was largely responsible for the production of cortisone on a large scale.

A great number of honours and distinctions was bestowed upon him. He was awarded several medals and prizes from Germany, France, Sweden and England, he received the Grand Cross for Federal Services with Star (1959), he holds six honorary doctorates (Munich, Graz, Leeds, Madrid and two from Tübingen) and is Freeman of the city of Bremerhaven. He is corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences at Göttingen, honorary life member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and honorary member of the Japanese Biochemical Society, the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

He married Erika Ziegner in 1931; they have seven children and live at Munich-Obermenzing.

From Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1922-1941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1966

This autobiography/biography was first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

Adolf Butenandt died on January 18, 1995.


1931年德國化學家布特南特(Adolf Frederick Johann Butenandt)從睪丸里分離出一種雄性激素——睪酮,後來確認是從睪丸的間質細胞產生的。它對男人所起的性徵作用如同雌酮對婦女所起的作用一樣。1934年盧齊契加根據布特南特的結構見解,合成了一種類似的化合物,發現合成的產物完全具有睪酮的性質,因此證實布特南特的探索工作是正確的。1939年他們兩人獲諾貝爾化學獎。













