產廣東連州。生於低山陰處石上。Perennials, stemless. Rhizome internodes inconspicuous. Leaves basal, opposite; petiole 0.5-3 cm X 1-3 mm; leaf blade elliptic to narrowly ovate or narrowly obovate, 2.5-5(-7) X 1-2 cm, papery, adaxially densely puberulent and villous, eglandular, abaxially grayish velutinous to densely pubescent, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, margin entire, apex acute to rounded; lateral veins ca. 3 on each side of midrib, inconspicuous. Cymes 1-3-flowered; peduncle ca. 6 cm, densely pubescent to villous; bracts 2, free, triangular-linear, ca. 2 X 0.3 mm, pilose, margin entire, apex obtuse. Pedicel ca. 5 mm, densely spreading pilose. Calyx 5-sect from base; segments equal, lanceolate-linear, 4-5 X 0.8-1 mm, outside densely pilose, inside above sparsely pubescent, margin entire, apex acute. Corolla white, ca. 2.3 cm, outside sparsely puberulent, inside glandular puberulent near mouth; tube narrowly funnelform, 1.5-1.8 X ca. 0.5 cm; adaxial lip ca. 4 mm; abaxial lip 8-9 mm. Filaments ca. 6.5 mm, pilose basally, pubescent above; anthers fused by entire adaxial surfaces, ca. 3.2 mm, abaxially pilose; staminodes absent. Pistil ca. 1.5 cm, puberulent; ovary ca. 5.5 mm. Stigma narrowly oblong, ca. 1 mm, undivided. Capsule erect, ca. 5 cm. Fl. Oct.* Rocks in shaded hilly regions. N Guangdong (Lian Xian).