(1)表面活性納米顆粒(Surface Active Nanoparticles);
(2)提高石油採收率/三次採油(Enhance Oil Recovery by Surfactant Flooding);
(3)液-液、氣-液及固-液分散體系(Emulsions, Foams and Suspensions);
(5)混合表面活性劑體系的協同效應(Synergistic Effects in Mixed Surfactant Systems)
1. 驅油用新型表面活性劑研究。
2. 納米碳酸鈣/表面活性劑相互作用及其在流體界面上的行為研究。

Z-G. Cui, C-F. Cui, Y. Zhu and B.P. Binks.“Multiple phase inversion of emulsions stabilized by in situ surface activation of CaCO3 nanoparticles via adsorption of fatty acids”. Langmuir 2012, 28, 314-320
Zheng-gang Cui,Hong-xing Song, Jun-jie Yu, Jian-zhong Jiang, Feng Wang. “Synthesis of N-(3-Oxapropanoxyl) dodecanamide and its application in surfactant–polymer flooding”. J. Surfact Deterg. 2011, 14, 317-324.
Zheng-gang Cui, Le Wu, Ming-ming Sun, Jian-zhong Jiang, Feng Wang. “Synthesis of dodecyllauroylbenzenesulfonate and its application in enhanced oil recovery”. Tenside Surfact. Deterg. 2011, 48(5), 408-414.
Z.-G. Cui,Y.-Z. Cui, C.-F. Cui, Z. Chen, and B.P. Binks. “Aqueous foams stabilized by in situ surface activation of calcium carbonate nanoparticles via adsorption of anionic surfactant”. Langmuir 2010, 26, 12567-12574.
陳釗,崔晨芳, 崔正剛,“納米二氧化矽與陽離子表面活性劑相互作用及其誘導的正辛烷-水乳狀液的雙重相轉變”. 《 高等學校化學學報》2010, 31(11):2246-2253.
Z.-G. Cui, L.-L. Yang, Y.-Z. Cuiand B.P. Binks. “Effects of surfactant structure on the phase inversion of emulsions stabilized by mixtures of silica nanoparticles and cationic surfactant”. Langmuir 2010, 26, 4717-4724.
Z.-G. Cui, K.-Z. Shi, Y.-Z. Cui, B.P. Binks. “Double phase inversion of emulsions stabilized by a mixture of CaCO3 nanoparticles and sodium dodecyl sulphate”. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2008, 329, 67–74.S. M. MacDonald, P.D.I. Fletcher,
Z.-G. Cui, M. Opallo, J.-Y. Chen and F. Marken. “Carbon nanoparticle stabilised liquid/liquid micro-interfaces for electrochemically driven ion-transfer processes”. Electrochimica Acta2007, 53, 1175–1181.
B. P. Binks, Z.-G. Cui, and P. D. I. Fletcher. “Optical microscope absorbance imaging of carbon black nanoparticle films at solid and liquid surfaces”. Langmuir2006, 22 , 1664-1670.
Z.-G. Cui, B. P. Binks and J. H. Clint. “Determination of Contact Angles on Microporous Particles Using the Thin-Layer Wicking Technique”. Langmuir 2005, 21, 8319-8325.
Z.-G. Cui, J. P. Canselier, and X.-Q. Zhou. “Mixed adsorption and surface tension prediction of nonideal ternary surfactant system”. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2005, 283, 539–550.
Z.-G. Cuiand J. P. Canselier. “Solubilization in some anionic/cationic surfactant binary systems”. Polymer International 2003, 52, 548-552.
Z.-G. Cui and J. P. Canselier. “Interfacial and aggregation properties of some anionic/cationic surfactant binary systems II. Mixed micelle formation and surface tension reduction effectiveness”. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2001, 279, 259-267.
Z.-G.Cui and J. P. Canselier. “Interfacial and micellar properties of some anionic/cationic binary surfactant systems. 1. Surface properties and prediction of surface tension”. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2000, 278, 22-29.
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1. 崔正剛,施凱州,崔燕貞,一種可致循環相轉變的超穩定乳狀液的乳化劑,申請日:2007.8.13,公開號:CN 101108324A。
2. 崔正剛,羅志昕,劉學民,鄒文華,張天林,一種耐鹽型驅油劑及其套用,申請日:2007.12.12,公開號:CN 101177606
3. 崔正剛,湯佳慶,蔣建中,王峰,一種萘取代a-烯烴磺酸鹽表面活性劑及其製備和套用,申請日期:2009.4.13。
4. 崔正剛,孔雲,蔣建中,王峰,張天林,許園園,一種雙長鏈烷基氧化胺表面活性劑的製備及其套用,申請日期:2009.4.13
5. 崔正剛,程珊,蔣建中,王峰,張天林,一種雙長鏈烷基甜菜鹼表面活性劑的製備及其套用,申請日期:2009.4.13