



Pete Smalls Is Dead------- (2010)

五星之日 Five Star Day------- (2009)

The Mother of Invention------- (2009)

Pinned------- (2009)

新月光光心慌慌II/新萬聖節2 Halloween II------- (2009)

Spooner------- (2009)

Everything Will Happen Before You Die------- (2009)

Sons of Anarchy Season 1: The Bikes------- (2009)

Fully Loaded------- (2009)

The Forlorn------- (2009)

Sons of Anarchy Season 1: The Ink------- (2009)

Vice------- (2008)

冰凍之河/冰河/凍結的河流/冰凍的河流 Frozen River------- (2008)

追愛自由行(台)/操控 Management------- (2008)

"In Plain Sight"------- (2008)

A Perfect Place------- (2008)

三十極夜/惡夜30(台)/屍城30夜(港)/厄夜三十 30 Days of Night------- (2007)

Journey Into the Unknown------- (2007)

California Indian------- (2007)

The Legend of Lucy Keyes------- (2006)

玩命記憶/未知 Unknown------- (2006)

割腕者的天堂/戀旅人 Wristcutters: A Love Story------- (2006)

One Night with You------- (2006)

The Nickel Children------- (2005)

蝙蝠俠前傳:俠影之謎/蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻(台)/蝙蝠俠-俠影之謎(港) Batman Begins------- (2005)

威尼斯地下黨 Venice Underground------- (2005)

孤獨的吉姆 Lonesome Jim------- (2005)

Making 'Dead Birds'------- (2005)

Showboat & Boonie------- (2005)

全殲 Full Clip------- (2004)

Sawtooth------- (2004)

The Grey------- (2004)

魔鬼重地/死亡之鳥 Dead Birds------- (2004)

科學怪魚 Frankenfish------- (2004)

Jam------- (2004)

Greasewood Flat------- (2003)

速度與激情2/飆風再起/狂野極速/狂野極速2(港) 2 Fast 2 Furious------- (2003)

嘉年華 "Carnivàle"------- (2003)

攤牌 Shade------- (2003)

Wild Turkey------- (2003)

Beautiful------- (2003)

The Real Deal------- (2002)

Long Time No See------- (2002)

叛獄大逃亡/致命交鋒 Proximity------- (2001)

Ordinary Madness------- (2001)

記憶碎片/紀念品/記憶拼圖(台)/凶心人(港)//失憶 Memento------- (2000)

大開殺戒/義膽流氓/神龍再現/復仇殺手/復仇威龍 Get Carter------- (2000)

動物工廠 Animal Factory------- (2000)

The Beat Nicks------- (2000)

Everything Put Together------- (2000)

The Gold Cup------- (2000)

西點揭密/鐵案風暴/將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter------- (1999)

ATF------- (1999)

Buddy Boy------- (1999)

連環計中計 Spanish Judges------- (1999)

The Wetonkawa Flash------- (1999)

Smut------- (1999)

紅色警戒/狂林戰曲(港)/細細的紅線 The Thin Red Line------- (1998)

到底是誰搞的鬼/我依然知道你去年夏天干了什麼 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer------- (1998)

世界末日/絕世天劫(港)/隕石大衝撞 Armageddon------- (1998)

殺手情人 Montana------- (1998)

新應召時代 The Treat------- (1998)

夠僵行動/V字特工隊 Vampires------- (1998)

I Woke Up Early the Day I Died------- (1998)

October 22------- (1998)

紫檀 Rosewood------- (1997)

冷血遊戲 Cold Around the Heart------- (1997)

遊戲/致命遊戲(台)/心理遊戲(港) The Game------- (1997)

Hugo Pool------- (1997)

Hack------- (1997)

Trees Lounge------- (1996)

The Beatnicks------- (1996)

鳳舞狂沙/致命快感 The Quick and the Dead------- (1995)

Last of the Dogmen------- (1995)

Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge------- (1995)

七宗罪/火線追擊令(台) Se7en------- (1995)

Hoggs' Heaven------- (1994)

捷運大爆炸 Daybreak------- (1993)

格羅尼默:一個美國傳奇故事 Geronimo: An American Legend------- (1993)

人鼠之間 Of Mice and Men------- (1992)

The Paint Job------- (1992)

桃色驚魂 Sketch Artist------- (1992)

What Happened to Pete------- (1992)

Delirious------- (1991)

Fever------- (1991)

虎膽龍威2/終極警探2/頑固分子2 Die Hard 2------- (1990)

單身女郎日記 In the Spirit------- (1990)

Force of Circumstance------- (1990)

鬼馬父女 Cookie------- (1989)

布魯克林黑街 Last Exit to Brooklyn------- (1989)

大都會傳奇/紐約故事 New York Stories------- (1989)

摩登紐約Fun Slaves of New York------- (1989)

小馬克·布恩 小馬克·布恩

Borders------- (1989)Prisoners of Inertia------- (1989)

Landlord Blues------- (1988)

Film House Fever------- (1986)The Way It Is------- (1986)

Variety------- (1983)


Deadrockstar------- (2002)


