It is located to the east of Mt. Xianhua, which was formerly known as Mt. Lipu. The gorge is lined on both sides with rising crags and protruding rocks. The stream beats the rocks in the bosom of the valley with the clear ripple, and the spring is limpid and sweet, sometimes rushing like scattering pearls and jades, sometimes spewing from earth, and sometimes bubbling up and down. In the valley there is the Baozhang Temple,where the Indian eminent Monk Baozhang settled down in 641 AD, after roaming most parts of China. and extolled that "wandering for almost all of the China, here is the most suitable for me". He claimed he was 1072 years old when he died and called himself "the thousands-year-old monk". Becanse the gorge is narrow and the stream is green, the rosy clouds are always slowly rising and the mountains always look vacant except for the occasional mysterious rising violet air. It is the touring holy land for sightseeing and pilgrimage.