

出版社: 上海書店出版社; 第1版 (2011年3月1日)
叢書名: 全國高等院校藝術通識系列叢書
平裝: 126頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 7545803396, 9787545803396
條形碼: 9787545803396
尺寸: 23.6 x 16.6 x 0.8 cm
重量: 240 g


《實用戲劇英語口語》是一部為藝術院校學生,尤其是表演、主持和藝術管理專業學生編寫的專業英語領域的口語教材。整個教材分為八個單元,每兩個單元作為一個教學內容,共分四個主題,分別為話劇、電影、電視連續劇和音樂劇。每一單元分為討論作品的對話(Dialogue)、給定主題的陳述練習(Oral Practice)、介紹相關作品和演員背景的短文(Text)、供課堂及課後排演的戲劇作品選段(Drama Dialogue)、視聽說綜合訓練(More Practice)等部分,各部分中還配有相應的進階練習和辭彙解釋。此外,雙數單元還安排了兼有資料性質和實用價值與戲劇相關的必知辭彙(Professiorlal Vocabulary)及實用表達(Common Expressioils)。


Unit 1
Section I Dialogues
Section lI Oral Practice
Text Drama as Performing Art
Section III Drama Dialogue: Faith
Section IV More Practice
Unit 2
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text Benefits of Drama
Section III Drama Dialogue: Death of A salesman
Section IV More Practice
Section V Professional Vocabularies
Section VI Common Expressions
Unit 3
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text Characteristics of Movie English
Section III Drama Dialogue: Titanic
Section IV More Practice
Unit 4
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text Nicole Kidman, Hollywood's Leading Lady
Section I]I Drama Dialogue: A Walk in the Clouds
Section IV More Practice
Section V Professional Vocabularies
Section VI Common Expressions
Unit 5
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text The One-Eyed Monster
Section III Drama Dialogue: Friends
Section IV More Practice
Unit 6
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text Do the Advantages of Television Outweigh the Disadvantages?
Section III Drama Dialogue: Growing Pa/ns
Section IV More Practice
Section V Professional Vocabularies
Section VI Common Expressions
Unit 7
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text The Phantom of the Opera
Section III Drama Dialogue : Cats
Section IV More Practice
Unit 8
Section I Dialogues
Section II Oral Practice
Text The Father of the Modern Musicals
Section III Drama Dialogue: The Sound of Music
Section IV More Practice
Section V Professional Vocabularies
Section VI Common Expressions
Keys to the Exercises


