排名 | 學校名稱 |
1 | 國際學院International,Academy |
2 | 城市中學(國中/高中)City,Middle/High,School |
3 | 法蘭克,幕斯高中Frankenmuth,High,School |
4 | 格羅斯波因特南部高中Grosse Pointe South High School |
5 | 歐內斯特希霍姆高中Ernest,W,Seaholm,High,School |
6 | 東蘭辛,高中East,Lansing,High,School |
7 | 奧基,莫斯高中Okemos,High,School |
8 | 特洛伊,高中Troy,High,School |
9 | 西區高級中學West,Senior,High,School |
10 | 春湖高中Spring,Lake,High,School |
11 | 羅切斯特,亞當斯,高中Rochester,Adams,High,School |
12 | 先鋒中學Pioneer,High,School |
13 | 詹尼森高中Jenison,High,School |
14 | 東區高中Eastern,High,School |
15 | 西密西根環境科學學院West Michigan Academy of Environmental Science |
16 | 休倫高中Huron,High,School |
17 | 卡迪拉克,高級中學Cadillac,Senior,High,School |
18 | 衛理格羅夫斯高中Wylie,E,Groves,High,School |
19 | 北部高中Northern,High,School |
20 | 利蘭,公立學校,Leland,Public,School |
21 | 中心區高中Central,High,School |
22 | 格蘭德黑文高中Grand,Haven,High,School |
23 | 澤蘭,西區高中Zeeland,West,High,School |
24 | 羅切斯特高中Rochester,High,School |
25 | 洛威爾高中Lowell,Senior,High,School |
26 | 復興高中Renaissance,High,School |
27 | 霍頓,中心高中Houghton,Central,High,School |
28 | H.H.道高中 H.H. Dow High School 3901 NORTH SAGINAW RDMIDLAND, MI 48640, USA Midland Public Schools 全美國高中排名#109631.1高於密西根州平均值 33% 考試 (AP®) 30% 通過 (AP®) |
29 | 西,渥太華,高中校園West,Ottawa,High,School,Campus |
30 | 漢密爾頓,高中Hamilton,High,School |
31 | 拉迪亞德高中Rudyard,High,School |
32 | 荷蘭中學Holland,High,School |
33 | 東,肯特伍德,高中East,Kentwood,High,School |
34 | 霍利高中Holly,High,School |
35 | 北,馬斯基根,高中North,Muskegon,High,School |
36 | 大布蘭克社區高中Grand Blanc Community High School |
37 | 本西,中部高級中學Benzie,Central,Sr,High,School |
38 | 迪爾伯恩,高中Dearborn,High,School |
39 | 馬里斯維爾,高中Marysville,High,School |
40 | 奧齊戈高中Otsego,High,School |
41 | 奧沃索高中Owosso,High,School |
42 | 蒙塔古高中Montague,High,School |
43 | 沙勒沃伊高中Charlevoix,High,School |
44 | 康斯托克公園高中Comstock,Park,High,School |
45 | 克雷斯特伍德高中,Crestwood,High,School |
46 | 伊薩卡,高中Ithaca,High,School |
47 | 薩吉諾藝術與科學學院Saginaw Arts And Sciences Academy |
48 | 聖約瑟夫,高中St,Joseph,High,School |
49 | 伊什伯明高中Ishpeming,High,School |
50 | 慕尼辛高級/初級中學Munising High And Middle School |
51 | 卡魯梅特高中Calumet,High,School |
52 | 波波高中Paw,Paw,High,School |
53 | 中線高中Center,Line,High,School |
54 | 黑斯廷斯,高中Hastings,High,School |
55 | 迪凱特,高中Decatur,High,School |
56 | 米德蘭高中Midland,High,School |
57 | 福特森高中Fordson,High,School |
58 | 索爾特,地區高中Sault,Area,High,School |
59 | 北景高中Northview,High,School |
60 | 沃特,弗,利特,高中Watervliet,Senior,High,School |
61 | 戴爾頓凱洛格高中Delton-Kellogg,High,School |
62 | 哥倫比亞中心,高中Columbia,Central,High,School |
63 | 托瓦斯地區中學Tawas,Area,High,School |
64 | 戴維森,高中Davison,High,School |
65 | 卡斯技術中學(高中)Cass,Technical,High,School |
66 | 星光國際學院Star,International,Academy |
67 | 曼尼斯提中學(高中)Manistee,High,School |
68 | 巴德,阿克斯,高中Bad,Axe,High,School |
69 | 蓋洛德高中/高職大廈Gaylord High School/Vocational Building |
70 | 卡羅,高中Caro,High,School |
71 | 米西克綜合初級/高級中學Mesick Consolidated Junior/Senior High School |
72 | 斯普林波特高中Springport,High,School |
73 | 格雷靈高中Grayling,High,School |
74 | 麥迪遜,高中Madison,High,School |
75 | 大瀑布城,高中Big,Rapids,High,School |
— | 約翰斯頓初級/高級中學A.D. Johnston Junior/Senior High School |
— | 阿格布亞歷克斯-瑪麗馬努吉安學校Agbu Alex-Marie Manoogian School |
— | 阿克倫費爾格羅夫初級/高級中學Akron-Fairgrove Junior/Senior High School |
— | 阿蘭森公立學校Alanson,Public,School |
— | 阿爾科納社區中學Alcona,Community,High,School |
1 | 國際學院International,Academy |
2 | 埃克塞爾特許學院大河預科學校Excel Charter Academy-Grand River Preparatory School |
3 | 特洛伊高中Troy,High,School |
4 | 法蘭克幕斯高中Frankenmuth,High,School |
5 | 城市初級/高級中學City,Middle/High,School |
6 | 鹽水高中Saline,High,School |
7 | 黑河公立學校Black,River,Public,School |
8 | 羅切斯特亞當斯高中Rochester,Adams,High,School |
9 | 奧基莫斯高中Okemos,High,School |
10 | 布盧姆菲爾德山安多弗中學Bloomfield Hills Andover High School |
11 | 先鋒中學Pioneer,High,School |
12 | 歐內斯特希霍姆高中Ernest,W,Seaholm,High,School |
13 | 霍頓中心高中Houghton,Central,High,School |
14 | 利蘭公立學校Leland,Public,School |
15 | 諾斯維爾高中Northville,High,School |
16 | 中心區高中Central,High,School |
17 | 東蘭辛高中East,Lansing,High,School |
18 | 雅典高中Athens,High,School |
19 | 春湖高中Spring,Lake,High,School |
20 | 休倫高中Huron,High,School |
21 | 羅切斯特高中Rochester,High,School |
22 | 東格蘭德瑞佩茲高中East,Grand,Rapids,High,School |
23 | 東區高中Eastern,High,School |
24 | 格蘭維爾,高中Grandville,High,School |
25 | 格蘭德黑文高中Grand,Haven,High,School |
26 | 切爾西高中Chelsea,High,School |
27 | 大布蘭克社區高中Grand Blanc Community High School |
28 | 地平線高中Skyline,High,School |
29 | 馬里斯維爾高中Marysville,High,School |
30 | 卡迪拉克高級中學Cadillac,Senior,High,School |
31 | 克羅斯韋爾-列剋星敦高中Croswell-Lexington High School |
32 | 湖濱高中Lakeshore,High,School |
33 | 哈斯,利特高中Haslett,High,School |
34 | H.H.道高中 H.H. Dow High School 3901 NORTH SAGINAW RD MIDLAND, MI 48640 Midland Public Schools #1213 Nationally Ra30.6 高於密西根州平均值 33% 考試 (AP®) 30% 通過 (AP®) |
35 | 復興高中Renaissance,High,School |
36 | 西密西根環境科學學院West Michigan Academy Of Environmental Science |
37 | 西渥太華高中校園West,Ottawa,High,School,Campus |
38 | 北部高中Northern,High,School |
39 | 哈伯斯普林斯高中Harbor,Springs,High,School |
40 | 馬塔溫高中Mattawan,High,School |
41 | 克雷斯特伍德高中Crestwood,High,School |
42 | 羅斯康門高中Roscommon,High,School |
43 | 佩托斯基高中Petoskey,High,School |
44 | 格雷靈高中Grayling,High,School |
45 | 荷蘭中學Holland,High,School |
46 | 迪爾伯恩高中Dearborn,High,School |
47 | 道爾頓-凱洛格高中Delton-Kellogg,High,School |
48 | 社區高中Community,High,School |
49 | 湖城高中Lake,City,High,School |
50 | 康斯托克公園高中Comstock,Park,High,School |
51 | 波波高中Paw,Paw,High,School |
52 | 北景高中Northview,High,School |
53 | 索格塔克高中Saugatuck,High,School |
54 | 本齊中心高級中學Benzie Central Senior High School |
55 | 大瀑布城高中Big,Rapids,High,School |
56 | 米德蘭高中Midland,High,School |
57 | 金斯福德高中Kingsford,High,School |
58 | 薩吉諾藝術與科學學院Saginaw Arts And Sciences Academy |
59 | 拉迪亞德高中Rudyard,High,School |
60 | 沃倫·莫特高中Warren,Mott,High,School |