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宋海洋,男,1979年9月出生,山西臨汾人。工學博士,三級教授,碩士生導師。教育部新世紀優秀人才,陝西省中青年科技創新領軍人才,陝西省青年科技新星,享受陝西省“三秦人才”津貼。2006年畢業於北京理工大學凝聚態物理專業,獲理學碩士學位;2014年畢業於西北工業大學固體力學專業,獲工學博士學位;2008年晉升為講師,2010年破格晉升為副教授,2013年破格晉升為教授 ,2015年晉升為陝西省三級教授。現為西安石油大學“先進材料計算與設計”青年科研創新團隊帶頭人 。



主要從事材料性能的計算機模擬研究。2006年以來,先後在SCI期刊上發表學術論文70篇 ,其中3篇論文4次入選所發表期刊季度“Top 25 Hottest Articles ”行列。截止目前,論文被SCI引用500餘次 ,引文期刊包括《Carbon》、《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》、《Scripta Materialia》、《Applied Physics Letters》、《Physical Review B》、《Nanotechnology》、《Journal of Applied Physics》、《Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter》、《NanoScale》、《Chemical Physics Letters》、《Scientific Reports》等國際知名刊物。擔任《Composites Science and Technology》、《Nanoscale》、《Computational Materials Science》、《Journal of Nanomaterials》、《Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids》、《Communications in Theoretical Physics》等國際期刊的審稿人。


[1] 碳納米管、石墨烯、碳納米管金屬基複合材料、非晶金屬材料、納米多晶金屬材料力學性能的模擬研究

[2] 金屬防腐方面的模擬研究

[3] 並行計算技術研究


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目(10902083),2010.1-2012.12,經費:40萬元,項目負責人;

[2] 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目(NCET-12-1046),2013.1-2015.12,經費:50萬元,項目負責人;

[3] 陝西省青年科技新星計畫支持項目(2012KJXX-39),2012.1-2014.12,經費:20萬元,項目負責人。


[1] 2015年入選陝西省中青年科技創新領軍人才 ;

[2] 2015年晉升為陝西省三級教授 ;

[3] 2012年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫” ;

[4] 2012年被評為陝西省“青年科技新星”;

[5] 2012年獲得陝西省科學技術獎三等獎,第一完成人 ;

[6] 2011年獲得陝西高等學校科學技術獎二等獎,第二完成人;

[7] 2010年獲得陝西高等學校科學技術獎二等獎,第一完成人;

[8] 2009年獲得學校第八屆青年教師講課比賽二等獎,第三名。


[1] Song HaiYang*, Zuo XiongDi, Yin Pei, et at., Effect of amorphous phase on the plastic deformation mechanism of Mg: Amoleculardynamicsstudy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,2018, 494, 1-8.

[2] Song HaiYang*, Wang Ming, Deng Qiong, et al., Deformation mode transitions in Cu50Zr50 amorphous/Cu crystalline nanomultilayer: Amoleculardynamicsstudy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,2018, 490, 13-21.

[3] Song HaiYang*, Li Shan, An MinRong, et al., Effect of crystal phase on shear bands initiation and propagation behavior in metallic glass matrix composites, Computational Materials Science,2018, 150, 42-46.

[4] Song HaiYang*, Li Shan, Zhang YunGuang, et al., Atomic simulations of plastic deformation behavior of Cu50Zr50 metallic glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, 471, 312-321.

[5] Song HaiYang*, Li Shan, Deng Qiong, et al.,Coupling effects of thickness and aspect ratio on deformation behavior of Cu50Zr50 metallic glass,Computational Materials Science, 2017, 139, 106-114.

[6] Song HaiYang*, Xu JinJin, Zhang YunGuang, et al.,Molecular dynamics study of deformation behavior of crystalline Cu/amorphous Cu50Zr50 nanolaminates, Materials & Design, 2017, 127, 173-182.

[7] An MinRong, Deng Qiong*, Li YuLong*, Song HaiYang, et al.,Molecular dynamics study of tension-compression asymmetry of nanocrystal alpha-Ti with stacking fault,Materials & Design, 2017, 127, 204-214.

[8] An MinRong, Deng Qiong*, Su MengJia, Song HaiYang, et al., Dependence of deformation mechanisms on layer spacing in multilayered Ti/Al composite,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 684, 491-499.

[9] Xu TianHan, Zhu ZhenQian, Geng ShuFang, Song HaiYang*, Molecular dynamics study of effect of hydrogen atoms on mechanical properties of alpha-Fe nanowires, Physics Letters A, 2017, 381, 3222-3227.

[10] Song HaiYang*, Li YuLong, Atomistic study of crack growth behavior in crystalline Mg/amorphous Mg–Al nanocomposites, Computational Materials Science, 2016, 111, 125-130.

[11] Song HaiYang*, Zhang Lei, Xiao MeiXia,Molecular dynamics simulation of effect of hydrogen atoms on crack propagation behavior of alpha-Fe,Physics Letters A, 2016, 380, 4049-4056.

[12] Song HaiYang*, Li YuLong, Atomic simulations of deformation mechanisms of crystalline Mg/amorphous Mg-Al nanocomposites, Physics Letters A, 2015, 379, 2087-2091.

[13] Song HaiYang*, Sun Yuan,Effect of coherent twin boundary and stacking fault on deformation behaviors of copper nanowires, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 104, 46-51.

[14] Xi Huan, Song HaiYang*,Simulation of mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes with superlattice structure,Current Applied Physics, 2015, 15, 1216-1221.

[15] Song HaiYang*, An MinRong, Li YuLong*, Deng Qiong, Atomic simulation of mechanical behavior of Mg in a super-lattice of nanocrystalline Mg and amorphous Mg-Al alloy, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116, 214305-7.

[16] Song HaiYang*, Li YuLong*, An MinRong, Atomic simulations of the effect of twist grain boundaries on deformation behavior of nanocrystalline copper, Computational Materials Science,2014, 84, 40-44.

[17] Gao Lu, Song HaiYang*,Sun Yuan, Zhang YunGuang, Effects of twist twin boundary and stacking fault on crack propagation of nanocrystal Al,Computational Materials Science, 2014, 95, 484-490.

[18] Song HaiYang*, Geng ShuFang, An MinRong, Zha XinWei, Atomic simulation of the formation and mechanical behavior of carbon nanoscrolls, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113, 164305-6.

[19] An MinRong, Song HaiYang*,Atomic simulations of influence of twinning on crack propagation of Al,SCIENCECHINAPhysics,Mechanics & Astronomy,2013, 56, 1938-1944.

[20] Song HaiYang*, Li YuLong*, Atomic simulations of effect of grain size on deformation behavior of nano-polycrystal magnesium, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111, 044322-5.

[21] Song HaiYang*, Li YuLong*, Effect of stacking fault and temperature on deformation behaviors of nanocrystalline Mg, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112, 054322-4.

[22] Song HaiYang*, Li YuLong*, Effect of twin boundary spacing on deformation behavior of nanotwinned magnesium, Physics Letters A, 2012, 376, 529-533.

[23] Song HaiYang*, Zha XinWei, Molecular dynamics study of effects of intertube spacing on sliding behaviors of multi-walled carbon nanotube, Computational Materials Science, 2011, 50, 971-974.

[24] Song HaiYang*, Zha XinWei, Mechanical properties of nickel coated single-walled carbon nanotubes and their embedded gold matrix composites, Physics Letters A, 2010, 374: 1068-1072.

[25] Song HaiYang*, Zha XinWei, Influence of nickel coating on the interfacial bonding characteristics of carbon nanotube-aluminum composites, Computational Materials Science, 2010, 49, 899-903.

[26] Song HaiYang*, Li LiFeng, Feng Feng, Torsional behavior of carbon nanotubes with abnormal interlayer distances, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42: 055414-5.

[27] Song HaiYang*, Zha XinWei, The effects of boron dopings and boron grafts on the mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42: 255402-6.

[28] Song HaiYang*, Zha XinWei, Molecular dynamics study of effects of radius and defect on oscillatory behaviors of C60-nanotube oscillators, Physics Letters A, 2009, 373: 1058-1061.

[29] Song HaiYang*, Zha XinWei, Molecular dynamics study of effects of sp3 interwall bridging upon torsional behavior of double-walled carbon nanotube, Physics Letters A, 2009, 373: 682-685.


中國收藏家協會是經業務主管單位國家文物局審查同意,民政部正式批准登記,1996年3月12日正式成立, 由全國收藏家、收藏組織、收藏愛好者自願組成的非營利性的全國性社會團體。本期任務我們來盤點中國收藏家協會諮詢、鑑定專家委員會的專家委員們。



