1. Xu X, Lu BR, Rong J, Xu M, Zhang WJ, Chen JK, Song ZP,(聯繫作者). (2006) Inferring population history and introgression from spatial genetic structure analysis in a population of Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae). Molecular Ecology (in press)。
2. Liu GH, Luo LM, Li W, Wang B, Song ZP,(聯繫作者) (2006). Comparison of population genetic variation between surface plant and seed bank of wild rice Orzya rufipogon. Conservation Genetics (in press)。
3. Song ZP,, Guan Y, Rong J, Xu X, Lu BR (2006). Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) variation in the aquatic cutgrass Leersia hexandra populations from China. Aquatic Botany (in press)。
4. Song ZP,, Rong J, Zhu WJ, Xu X, Chen JK, Lu BR (2006). Evidence of introgression from cultivated rice in Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae) populations by SSR fingerprinting: implications for wild rice differentiation and conservation). Evolutionary Ecology (accepted)。
5. Song ZP,, Li B, Chen JK, Lu BR (2005) Genetic diversity and conservation of Common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) in China. Plant Species Biology 20, 83-92。
6. 宋志平 陳家寬(2005)野生稻瀕危機制與保育策略. 物種的瀕危機制與保育原理. 科學出版社,249-262。
7. Rong J, Song ZP,, Su J, Xia H, Wang F, Lu BR (2005) Low frequency of transgene flow between Bt/CpTI rice lines and non-transgenic controls planted at close spacing. New Phytologist 168, 559-566。
8. Qian J, He TH, Song ZP,, Lu BR, Chen JK (2005) Spatial genetic structure within four northern populations of Oryza rufipogon (Poaeceae). Biochemical Genetics 43 (11-12): 561-575。
9. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Chen JK (2004). Pollen flow of cultivated rice measured under experimental conditions. Biodiversity and Conservation 13, 579-590。
10. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Wang B, Chen JK (2004) Fitness estimation through performance comparison of F1 hybrids with their parental species Oryza rufipogon and O. sativa. Annals of Botany 93, 311-316。
11. Lu BR, Song ZP,, Rong J, Chen LY (2004) Environmental biosafety research in China with a special emphasis on rice (Poaceae: Oryza). Process of the 8th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms. France, Montpellier, 68-76。
12. Lu BR, Song ZP,, Chen JK (2004) Crop to wild gene flow in rice and its ecological consequences. Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives,139-150. CABI Publishing。
13. Chen LJ, Lee DS, Song ZP,, Suh HS, Lu BR (2004) Gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) to its weedy and wild Relatives. Annals of Botany 93, 67-73。
14. Song ZP,, Xu X, Wang B, Chen JK, Lu BR (2003) Genetic diversity in the northernmost Oryza rufipogon populations estimated by SSR markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107, 1492-1499。
15. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Zhu YG, Chen JK (2003) Gene flow from cultivated rice to the wild species Oryza rufipogon under experimental field conditions. New Phytologist 157(3), 657-665。
16. Lu BR, Song ZP,, Chen JK (2003) Can transgenic rice cause ecological risks through transgene escape? Progress in Natural Science, 13(1), 17-24。
17. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Zhu YG, Chen JK (2002) Pollen competition between cultivated and wild rice species (Oryza sativa and O. rufipogon). New Phytologist, 153(2), 289-296。
18. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Zhu YG, Chen JK (2001) Changes of genetic structure in common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) populations as referred by RAPD markers. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology, 12(2), 78-84。
19. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Chen JK (2001) A study of pollen viability and longevity in Oryza rufipogon, O. sativa, and their hybrid. International Rice Research Notes, 26(2), 31-32。
20. 汪小凡, 廖萬金, 宋志平 (2001) 小毛茛居群的遺傳分化及空間隔離的相關性. 生物多樣性, 9(2), 138-144。
21. 宋志平,郭友好,黃雙全 (2000) 黃花藺的繁育系統研究。植物分類學報,38(1), 53-63。
22. 宋志平, 汪小凡, 潘明清 (2000) 花藺和黃花藺居群遺傳結構比較研究. 武漢植物研究, 18(2), 91-98。。