2006年出演電影《小鹿斑比2》,片中她飾演Faline 。
2012 Divorce Invitation ……Melanie
2012 The Preacher's Daughter……Hannah White
2007 Red Riding Hood…… Ashley #2
2006《海豚的眼睛》Eye of the Dolphin……Candace
2006《小鹿斑比2》 Bambi II ……Faline (voice)
2005《最終幻想7:降臨之子》Final Fantasy VII :Advent Children……Girl (voice: English version)
2005Luckey Quarter (short) ……Patsy
1997Highball ……Witch/Fairy
2012《青春密語》 The Secret Life of the American Teenager……Jackie

2004-2012《絕望的主婦》Desperate Housewives……Julie Mayer
2011《天堂執法者》Hawaii Five-0……Amy
2010 After the Fall (電視電影)……Jenna Danville
2010《蝙蝠俠:英勇無畏》Batman:The Brave and the Bold……Talia
2006-2009 King of the Hill ……Sandy / Teen Girl
2009《鬼語者》Ghost Whisperer……Rebecca Kelly
2007 《罪案終結》The Closer……Michelle Clark
2007 Girl, Positive(電視電影)……Rachel Sandler
2005《尋人密探組》Without a Trace……Becky Grolnick
2004 Party Wagon (電視電影) ……Billie Bartley/Manifest Destiny (voice)
2003《妙手良方》Strong Medicine……Sara Buck
2003《籃球兄弟》One Tree Hill ……Stella
2003《高校風雲》Boston Public……Riley Ellis
2002 That Was Then ……Zooey Glass
2002《牛人阿利斯》Arli$$ ……Ginny
2001《城市守護者第三梯隊》Third Watch……Rachel
2001《法律與秩序:特殊受害者》Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ……Sophie Douglas
1996-1997《法律與秩序》Law & Order……Bess / Rankin Child
1996 Un angelo a New York……Child