安布羅斯·葛溫奈特·比爾斯(英語:Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce;1842年6月24日-1913年或之後)是一位美國記者、短篇小說、傳說與諷刺小說作家。著名作品有短篇小說《鷹溪橋上》(An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge)和諷刺小說《魔鬼辭典》(The Devil's Dictionary)等。
生於俄亥俄州的梅格斯,在印第安納州長大。中學肄業一年後去印刷所充當學徒。1861年4月入聯邦軍充當志願兵,參加南北戰爭。1866年去舊金山,1868年任《新聞信札》雜誌編輯。1871年發表短篇小說《鬧鬼的山谷》。1872至1875年間旅居英國,為倫敦《玩笑》等雜誌撰稿,替被放逐的歐仁妮皇后(拿破崙三世之妻)編輯了兩期《燈籠》,並以多德·格里爾的筆名出版《魔鬼的樂趣》(1873)、《在加利福尼亞淘出的金塊和金粉》(1873)、《來自空腦殼的蜘蛛網》(1874)等作品。1877年後在舊金山《阿爾戈英雄》等雜誌任編輯。1896年遷往首都華盛頓。1913年,由於厭倦美國的生活而去戰事紛起的墨西哥採訪農民領袖潘喬·比利亞,後即失去訊息。有人猜測他死於1914年1月對奧希納加的圍攻 。
比爾斯的短篇小說都帶有憤世嫉俗思想,喜歡用諷刺筆調處理死亡和恐怖的主題。以致於被人們稱為“辛辣比爾斯”(Bitter Bierce)。主要作品有短篇小說集《軍人與平民的故事》(1891),後易名為《在人生中間》(1892);《這種事情可能嗎?》(1893),其中敘述的故事離奇怪誕,有強烈的“世紀末”色彩。此外,還有《憤世者詞典》(1906),後易名為《魔鬼詞典》(1911),尖銳辛辣又不失機智和幽默。《鬼東西》(1894)是他的一個短篇恐怖小說,篇幅雖短,但懸念迭起,寫法與構思均不同凡響,曾被選入美國博尼和萊烏賴特出版公司1919年版《最好的鬼故事》一書。
富有娛樂精神的美國人在美國近年來拍攝電影《從黃昏到黎明》(《殺出個黎明》)第三集《劊子手之女》(From Dusk Till Dawn 3 The Hangman's Daughter)中,布爾斯在美、墨邊境失蹤後,闖入阿茲特克吸血聖壇,上演了一系列傳奇故事。其實,布爾斯失蹤後,警察百般調查,均無結果,人們只能把他的死亡年代估計為1914。
The Fiend's Delight(1873) (novella)
Cobwebs from an Empty Skull(1874) (short story collection)
The Dance of Death(with Thomas Arundel Harcourtand William Rulofson, as William Herman) (1877) (satyric work)
Tales of Soldiers and Civilians(1891) (short story collection)
Black Beetles in Amber(1892) (poetry)
The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter(1892) (with Adolphe De Castro) (novella)
Can Such Things Be?(1893) (short story collection)
Fantastic Fables(1899) (short story collection)
The shadow on the dial, and other essays[16](1909) (nonfiction)
The Devil's Dictionary(1911) (first published in book form as The Cynic's Wordbook, 1906) (nonfiction)
Collected Works(1909) (short story collection)
Write It Right(1909) (nonfiction)
A Horseman in the Sky, A Watcher by the Dead, The Man and the Snake(1920) (tales)
A Vision of Doom: Poems by Ambrose Bierce(1980) (poetry)
The Best of the Devil's Dictionary[17](2011) (nonfiction)
"Civil War Stories" [18](2011) (short stories with autobiographical essay)
The Haunted Valley(1871)
An Unfinished Race(1873)
An Inhabitant of Carcosa(1887)
Four Days in Dixie
One of the Missing (1888)
The Boarded Window(1891)
The Eyes of the Panther (1891)
Haita the Shepherd(1891)
The Man and the Snake(1891)
The Middle Toe of the Right Foot(1891)
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge(1891) 鷹溪橋上
The Suitable Surrounding (1891)
A Tough Tussle(1891)
A Watcher by the Dead(1891)
An Adventure at Brownville (with Ina Lillian Peterson)(1893)
A Baby Tramp(1893)
Bodies of the Dead (1893)
The Death of Halpin Frayser(1893)
The famous Gilson bequest (1893)
John Bartine's Watch(1893)
The Night-Doings at "Deadman's"(1893)
A Psychological Shipwreck(1893)
The Realm of the Unreal(1893)
The Secret of Macarger's Gulch(1893)
The Damned Thing(1894)
A Vine on a House(1905)
The Moonlit Road(1907)
The Time the Moon Fought Back (1911)
Beyond the Wall(1909)
A Diagnosis of Death(1909)
A Jug of Sirup(1909)
Moxon's Master(1909)
Staley Fleming's Hallucination(1909)
The Stranger(1909)
The Way of Ghosts (1909)
The Affair at Coulter's Notch
An Affair of Outposts
The Applicant
An Arrest
The Baptism of Dobsho
A Bottomless Grave
The City of the Gone Away
The Coup de Grace
The Crime at Pickett's Mill(1888)
Curried Cow
The Failure of Hope and Wandel
George Thurston
A Holy Terror
A Horseman in the Sky
The Hypnotist
An Imperfect Conflagration
The Ingenious Patriot
Jo. Dunfer. Done for
John Mortonson's Funeral
Jupiter Doke, brigadier-general
Killed at Resaca
An Heiress from Redhorse
The Little Story
The Major's Tale
The Man Out of the Nose
The Mocking-Bird
The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter (with Adolphe De Castro)
Three and One Are One
Mr Swiddler's Flip-Flap
My Favourite Murder
Mysterious Disappearances
Oil of Dog
One Kind of Officer
One of Twins
One Officer, One Man
One Summer Night
Parker Adderson, Philosopher
Perry Chumly's Eclipse
A Providential Intimation
The Race at Left Bower
A Resumed Identity
A Revolt of the Gods
Some Haunted Houses
A Son of the Gods
The Story of a Conscience
The Tail of the Sphinx
Visions of the Night
The Widower Turmore