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2、海水中多環芳烴類污染物的實時監測與分子印跡膜研製,2007.03-2010.03, 山東省自然科學基金,5.5萬元,第五位。


4、VG 354熱電離同位素質譜儀電離帶低溫測量及帶預處理裝置,2002.01-2002.12,中國科學院大型儀器改造項目,第三位。









1. Aide Sun, Qingcai Xu, Shujian Xu, Hongyuan Shen, Jing Sun, Yanling Zhang, Separation and analysis of chlorine isotopes in higher plants, Chemical Geology, 2014, 381: 21-25.

2. Aide Sun, Qingcai Xu, Shujian Xu, Xuehui Shangguan, Jing Sun, Ultrasonic-Assisted Dispersive Liquid Phase Microextration with Low-Volume Toxic Solvent for the Separation of Strontium and its Application in the Determination of Sr Isotopic Composition, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 26(1): 169-172.

3. 孫愛德,徐慶彩,張艷靈,上官雪慧,徐樹建,植物體中硼分離方法的建立及其同位素質譜測定,分析化學,2014,42(1): 83-87。

4. Aide Sun, Qingcai Xu, Shujian Xu, Xuehui Shangguan, Hongyuan Shen, Jing Sun, Determination of boron using headspace liquid phase micro-sublimation coupled with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, Analytical Letter, 2013, 46: 2610-2619.

5. Aide Sun, Qingcai Xu, Xingxiu Yu, Determination of Bisphenol A and 4-nonylphenol in Water Samples Using an Ionic Liquid Dispersive Liquid Phase Microextraction Method Developed by Response Surface Methodology, Polish Journal of Environmental studies, 2013, 22(3): 899-907.

6. Sun Aide, Chen Wei, Lin Tao, Xu Qingcai, Application of Response Surface Method for Optimization of Headspace Liquid Phase Microextraction of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water, Clean soil air water, 2010, 38(4): 353-360.

7. Chen Wei, Sun Adie, Xu Qingcai, Optimization Design for Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water Samples, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(5):2673-2678。

8. Sun Aide, Xu Qingcai, Li Guangyuan, Preliminary study on the fractionation of chlorine isotope in the distillation of seawater, Proceedings of Symposium from Cross-strait Environment & Resources and 2nd Representative Conference of Chinese Environmental Resources & Ecological Conservation Society,2010-07, 250-254.

9. Xu Qingcai, Sun Aide, Simultaneous Analysis of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn by Cloud Point Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry in Water,Proceedings of Symposium from Cross-strait Environment & Resources and 2nd Representative Conference of Chinese Environmental Resources & Ecological Conservation Society,2010-07,255-260,通訊作者。

10. 徐慶彩、孫愛德、石運芹,微波消解/ ICP-OES法同時測定髮菜中Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn,廣東微量元素科學,2010,17(10): 34-37

11. 徐慶彩,孫愛德,賈靈傑,ICP-OES法同步測定黑心菊中多種重金屬元素,臨沂師範學院學報,2009,31(3): 83-86

12. 邱繼彩,梁仁君,孫愛德,薛文欣,祊河下遊河水中重金屬污染評價,中國農學通報,2013,29(20): 176-180.

13. 盧濱,劉明慧,孫愛德,微波協同-電漿發射光譜法分析土壤中重金屬的研究,安徽農業科學,2014,42(8): 2390-2392.(通訊作者)

14. Yang Jimin, Yao Yan, Wang Runzhi, Sun Aide, Li Baohui, Lu Hongzhi, Xia Qiying, Osmotic Coefficients of the Li2B4O7 +LiCl + H2O System at T = 273.15 K, J Solution Chem, 2009, 38: 429–439.

15. Huayu Zhu, Yinwen Li, Li Zhang, Shouli Suo, Aide Sun, Mangeng Lu, Optical properties of novel blue-emitting phosphor, Optoelectronics and Advanced materials- Rapid Communications, 2012, 6(5-6): 555-559.

16. 徐慶彩,孫愛德,石鹽溶解過程中氯同位素分餾的初步研究,鹽湖研究,2011,19(1):1-5.(通訊作者)

17. 孫愛德,肖應凱,王慶忠,張崇耿,魏海珍,廖步勇,低氯含量水樣中氯的分離與同位素質譜法測定,分析化學,2004,32(10),1362-1364

18. Haizhen Wei, Yingkai Xiao, Aide Sun, Chonggeng Zhang, Shizhen Li, Effective elimination of isobaric ions interference and precise thermal ionization mass spectrometer analysis for boron isotope, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2004, 2: 187-195.

19. 孫愛德,肖應凱,自然界鋰同位素質譜法測定及其樣品製備研究進展,鹽湖研究,2001,9(4), 64-71。

20. 孫愛德,肖應凱,氯同位素質譜法測定進展,鹽湖研究,2002,10(3), 45-49。

21. 孫愛德,肖應凱,魏海珍,王慶忠,張崇耿,廖步勇,碳納米材料的非還原熱離子發射特性的比較,質譜學報,2002,23(3), 129-134。

22. 孫愛德,肖應凱,魏海珍,張崇耿,廖步勇,在硼特效樹脂IRA 743分離硼的過程中氯對硼吸附的影響,中國質譜學會第七屆學術交流會論文集,2002,250-252。

23. 肖應凱,李世珍,魏海珍,孫愛德,周衛建,劉衛國,從海/鹹水中沉積碳酸鈣時異常的硼同位素分餾,中國科學B,2006,36(3),263-272

24. 張利,朱化雨,宋興良,孫愛德,黃荊子超臨界CO_2萃取物化學成分的研究,中國藥房,2006,17(19),1514-1515

25. Aide Sun, Yingkai Xiao, Qingzhong Wang, Chonggeng Zhang, Haizhen Wei,Separation And Isotopic Measurement Of Chlorine For Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry,BCEIA,2003,B121-B122.

26. 張崇耿,肖應凱,王慶忠,魏海珍,孫愛德,塗樣量對納克級硼同位素測定的影響,質譜學報,2002,22(3), 56-60。

27. 肖應凱,魏海珍,王慶忠,張崇耿,孫愛德,VG354質譜計離子源電離帶低溫測定設備及其套用,分析化學,2002,30(10), 1272-1276。

28. 魏海珍,肖應凱,王慶忠,張崇耿,孫愛德,廖步勇,不同金屬帶的非還原熱離子發射特性,質譜學報,2002,23(2), 76-80。

29. Yingkai Xiao, Hai Lu, Chonggeng Zhang, Qingzhong, Wang, Haizhen Wei, Aide Sun, Weiguo Liu,Major factors affecting the isotopic measurement of chlorine based on the Cs2Cl+ ion by thermal ionization mass spectrometry,Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 2458-2464.

30. Chonggeng Zhang, Yingkai Xiao, Qingzhong Wang, Yunhui Wang, Haizhen Wei, Hai Lu, Aide Sun, Isotopic measurement of Nano-gram boron by positive thermal ionization mass spectrometry based on Cs2BO2+ ion, BCEIA,2001, B127-B128

31. 張崇耿,肖應凱,汪品先,王慶忠,魏海珍,孫愛德,趙志琦, 有空蟲中硼的分離及其同位素組成測定的初步研究, 礦物岩石地球化學通報,2001, 4(20),415-417。

32. 張崇耿,肖應凱,魏海珍,王慶忠,孫愛德,趙志琦,劉衛國,王醞慧, 珊瑚中硼的分離及其同位素組成的測定, 理化檢驗,2003,652-655。

33. 張崇耿,肖應凱,孫愛德,王慶忠,廖步勇,有空蟲中硼的分離及其正熱電離質譜法測定,分析化學,2003,31(4),405-408。

34. 魏海珍,肖應凱,孫愛德,對正熱電離質譜法硼同位素測定的實驗設計和條件最佳化,鹽湖研究,2003,11(1),26-30。

35. Shizhen Li, Yingkai Xiao, Kaiyuan Chen, Aide Sun, Haizhen Wei, The separation and measurement of isotopic composition of boron in evaporate halite by thermal ionization mass spectrometry, BCEIA, 2003, B125-B126

36. 申請專利一個:

超淨蒸發乾燥箱,肖應凱,孫愛德,廖步勇,張崇耿,專利號:ZL 01273759.3

37. 硼同位素熱電離質譜測定中氰酸根干擾的消除方法,肖應凱,魏海珍,李世珍,孫愛德,專利號:CN 1598555A

38. 孫愛德,杜鳳香,徐慶彩,“儀器分析”在成人教育中“問題式”教學模式的構建,中國科教創新導刊,2012,11:81.


