

姓 名: 姜 萍

性 別: 女

職 務: 助理研究員

職 稱: 中級

學 歷: 碩士

通訊地址: 北京市北四環西路15號




2006年7月-2009年8月,中科院力學所 非線性力學國家重點實驗室,LNM材料介觀力學性能的表征課題組,研究實習員

2009年8月-今, 中科院力學所 非線性力學國家重點實驗室,LNM材料介觀力學性能的表征課題組,助理研究員


1. 納米結構金屬的力學行為和變形機理

2. 納米結構材料的強韌化及微觀結構


Chen, L., Yuan, F. P., Jiang, P., Xie, J. J., and Wu, X. L. (2014). Simultaneous improvement of tensile strength and ductility in micro-duplex structure consisting of austentite and ferrite, Materials Science and Engineering A, (In press).

Wu, X. L., Jiang, P., Chen, L., Zhang, J. F., Yuan, F. P., and Zhu, Y. T.(2014). Synergetic strengthening by gradient structure, Materials Research Letters, (Online).

Wu, X. L., Jiang, P., Chen, L., Yuan, F. P., and Zhu, Y. T.(2014). Extraordinary strain hardening by gradient structure, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Yuan, F. P., Chen, L., Jiang, P. and Wu, X. L.(2014). Twin boundary spacing effects on shock response and spall behaviors of hierarchically nanotwinned fcc metals, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol

Yuan, F. P., Jiang, P., and Wu, X. L.(2012). Annealing effect on the evolution of adiabatic shear band under dynamic shear loading in ultra-fine-grained iron, International Journal of Impact Engineering

Chen, L., Yuan, F. P., Jiang, P. and Wu, X. L., (2012). Mechanical properties and nanostructures in a duplex stainless steel subjected to equal channel angular pressing, Materials Science and Engineering A

Yuan, F. P., Jiang, P., Xie, J. J., and Wu, X. L., (2012). Analysis of spherical indentation of materials with plastically graded surface layer, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol

Jiang, P., Lu, J., Wu, X.L., (2011). Microstructure evolution and tensile properties of 304L stainless steel subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatment, Materials Science Forum Vols. Vol

Chen, L., Jiang,P., Wu, X.L., Yang, M.X., Wang, C., Yang, G.,(2011). Mechanical properties and microstructure of a duplex nanostructure, Materials Science Forum Vols

Yuan, F. P., Jiang, P. and Wu, X.L. (2011). Annealing and strain rate effects on the mechanical behavior of ultrafine-grained iron produced by SPD. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters

史子木,姜萍,謝季佳, 武曉雷,(2008) 具有梯度結構表層301不鏽鋼的壓縮性能,金屬熱處理

Zhang, X.Y,, Wu, X,L,, Liu, Q, Zuo, R.L,, Zhu, A.W, Jiang, P., Wei, Q.M.,(2008). Phase Transformation Accommodated Plasticity in Nanocrystalline Nickel, Applied Physics Letters

Jiang, P., Wei, Q.M., Hong, Y.S., Lu, J., Wu, X.L., (2007). In Situ Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Intermetallic Layer during Surface Plastic deformation of Zirconium, Surface & Coatings Technology

Wu, X.L., Tao, N.R., Wei, Q.M., Jiang, P., Lu, J., Lu, K., (2007). Microstructural Evolution and Formation of Nanocrystalline Intermetallic Compound during Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment of Cobalt, Acta Materialia


