姜潮 男,1955年9月生,教授,博士研究生導師,浙江省“千人計畫”特聘專家,國家“千人計畫”特聘專家。
學士(bachelor) 1978.03-1981.01,中國,東北農業大學,農學
碩士(master) 1982.02-1985.01,中國,吉林農業大學,農學
博士(Ph.D) 1989.09-1994.01 加拿大,阿爾伯塔大學,植物分子生物學
長期從事植物油體和昆蟲表達系統生產FGFs、胰島素、抗體藥物等方面具有豐富的經驗,先後於國外權威期刊和國際會議上發表論文近20 篇,其作為主要發明人之一的相關專利已經獲得美國專利授權,相關技術處於世界領先水平。2009 年,姜潮教授回國,連同李校堃博士共同創辦浙江格魯斯特生物科技有限公司,初步建立了生物藥物的三個表達體系——植物油體、懸浮細胞和昆蟲細胞,為FGFs 等蛋白類生物藥物的高效表達提供了新的技術平台。同時組織和申報了多項國家三類醫療器械和生物製品的臨床批件。
2011 年入選第六批國家“千人計畫”
2011 年入選溫州市“580 海外精英引進計畫”。
2011 年入選浙江省第三批“千人計畫”
(1) Jiang,C., Huel, R., van Rooijen, G. and Moloney, M (2003). Effect of promoter timing on differential protein accumulation and sub-cellular targeting in seeds. Conference Proceedings, ISPMB 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology.
(2) Qi Q., Rajala R.V., Anderson W., Jiang C., Rozwadowski K., Selvaraj G., Sharma R., Datla R (2000). Molecular cloning, genomic organization, and biochemical characterization of myristoyl-CoA:protein N-myristoyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana. J biol chem, 275: 9673-9683. (SCI, IF=5.328)
(3) Jiang,C., Seon, J., Keon, R., Moloney, M and van Rooijen, G (2000). Optimization of oleosin and oleosin fusion in transgenic oilseeds. Conference Proceedings, American Society of Plant Biologist.
(4) Jiang, C., Datla, R., G., Sudam, P., Keller, W and Selvaraj, G (1999). Isolation and characterization of a tobacco cysteine proteinase promoter: Circadian, light and hormonal regulation. Conference Proceedings, Kaystone Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology.
(5) Jiang, C., Datla, R., G., Keller, W and Selvaraj, G (1997). Isolation and characterization of two organ-specific promoters from tobacco tagging lines. Poster Presentation, Golden Research Conference in Gene Silencing.
(6) Jiang, C., Iu, B. and Singh, J (1996). Requirement of a CCGAC cis-acting element for cold-induction of the BN115 gene of winter Brassica napus. Plant Molecular Biology 30, 679-684. (SCI, IF=3.978)
(7) Jiang, C., Iu, B. and Singh, J (1996). Introduction of dehydration and salt response in a cold-induced promoter by base-substitutions of a low temperature responsive cis-acting element. Conference Proceedings, the First Molecular Farming Conference.
(8) Jiang, C, Iu, B. and Singh, J (1995). Functional analyses, by base-substitution, of cis-acting elements required for expression of a cold-induced gene BN115 from winter Brassica napus. Conference Proceedings, Golden Research Conference in Temperature Stress.
(9) Jiang, C., Iu, B., White, T. and Singh, J. (1994) Mutation analyses of
two low-temperature-response-elements (LTREs) in the BN115 promoter from
winter Brassica napus. Conference Proceedings, Canadian Society of Plant
(10)Jiang, C., Escher, A. and Szalay, A.A (1993). Alteration of a luciferase based binary plant transformation vector for simultaneous expression of desired gene products and bacterial luciferase in transgenic plants. Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, Status Report. Szalay, A.A., Kricka, L. and Stanley, P. (Eds) John Wiley & Sons.
(11)Jiang, C., Langridge, W.H.R. and Szalay, A.A (1993). Isolation of developmentally regulated promoter elements from tobacco by T-DNA insertional activation of promoterless luciferase marker gene. Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, Status Report. Szalay, A.A., Kricka, L. and Stanley, P. (Eds) John Wiley & Sons.
(12)Langridge, W.H.R., Jiang, C., Wang, G., Giacomin, L., Dale, P., Baga, M., Fodor, I. and Szalay, A.A (1993). Use of a luciferase marker gene system to monitor gene expression in bacteria, plants and virus infected animal cells. Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence, Status Report. Szalay, A.A., Kricka, L. and Stanley, P. (Eds) John Wiley & Sons.
(13)Jiang, C., Langridge, W.H.R. and Szalay, A.A (1992). Identification of plant genes in vivo by tagging with T-DNA border-linked luciferase gene followed by inverse polymerase chain reaction amplification. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. (SCI, IF=0.711)
(3)高級研究員(Senior Research Scientist),2009.02-2010.07,加拿大,Paladin Biosciences 公司(Paladin Biosciences, a Division of Paladin Labs. Inc. Canada);
(4)高級研究員(Team Leader and Senior Research Scientist),1999.3-2009.1, 加拿大,SemBioSys Genetics 公司(SemBioSys Genetics Inc, Calgary, Canada);
(5)客座教授(Adjunct Professor),2006.8-2010.07,中國,吉林農業大學,教育部生物反應器與藥物開發工程研究中心(Ministry of Education,Engineering Research Center of Bioreactor and Pharmaceutical Development);
(6)高級研究助理(Senior Research Associate),1996.9-1999.3,加拿大,國家科學院植物生物技術研究所(Plant Biotechnology Institute, National Research Council of Canada, Saskatoon, Canada);
(7)博士後研究員(Post Doctor fellow), 1994-1996.9,加拿大,加拿大
國家農業部植物研究中心(Eastern Cereal and Oil-Seed Plant Research Centre, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa);
(8)講師(Lecturer),1985.9-1988.12,中國,東北農業大學(Northeast Agriculture University)。
Singh, J., White, T. and Jiang, C. Cold-induced promoter from winter
Brassica. USA Patent # 5,847,102