
When When When

她是唯一(She’s The One) 這首來自World Party的抒情歌曲,多年來婉約地征服了無數歌迷。更引許多歌手爭相翻唱。其中Robbie Williams的翻唱之作堪稱經典,水平大大超過原唱而幾乎讓大家忘記原唱,大有喧賓奪主的意思。是唱給女友絕佳的曲目,不要錯過……

Robbie Williams版的歌曲信息

名字:《She’s The One》
專輯:《She's The One / It's Only Us EP》
唱片公司:chrysalis Records


I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
We were young we were wrong
We were fine all along
When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna play
You'll be so high you'll be flying
Though the sea will be strong I know we'll carry on
Cause if there's somebody calling me on
And you know the way you wanna say it
Yeah she's the ono
Robbie Williams是公認的反叛才子,以“壞孩子”的綽號聞名流行樂壇,天生就是一位表演藝人。由Take That時期到現在的不同階段,站在舞台上的Robbie,都像是在享受著表演時每分每秒所帶來的喜悅。
自1997年離開Take That自己發展後,他的“Life Thru A Lens”“I’ve Been Expecting You”“Sing When You’re Winning”“escapology”專輯,以及“Swing When You’re Winning”大碟、“What We Did Last Summer”DVD,皆成為No.1銷量之作,“What We Did Last Summer”DVD更是英國樂壇史上銷售速度最快及最多的音樂DVD。Robbie的全球唱片總銷量超過32 000 000張,實力毋庸置疑!


