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出版社: 東北財經大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年8月1日)
叢書名: 21世紀國際經濟與貿易專業系列教材
平裝: 383頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 7811226863, 9787811226867
條形碼: 9787811226867
尺寸: 20.8 x 14.6 x 1.8 cm
重量: 381 g


《外貿英語函電學習指導》共十七章,在內容和結構的編排上按照蘭天編著的《外貿英語函電》,分別以外貿交易磋商過程和外貿契約磋商內容為兩條主線,注重練習的實用性和可操作性。每章包括三個部分。Section One,主要介紹英文函電寫作的背景知識,這既有利於外貿相關專業讀者對重點知識的回顧,提高理解能力、寫作能力,又有利於非國際貿易專業讀者對知識的理解和掌握。


Chapter One Business Letters
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Three Enquiries
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Four Offer
Section one Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Five Counter-0ffer
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Sentences
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Six Conclusion of Business
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Seven Terms of Payment
Section one Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Eight Establishment of L/C and amendment
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words, Phrases and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Nine Packing, Shipping Mark and Shipment
Section one Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercme
Chapter Ten Insurance and Shipment
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercme
Chapter Eleven Agency
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercme
Chapter Twelve Complaints and Claims
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Thirteen Invitation for Bids and Bid
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exercise
Chapter Fourteen International Brininess Contract in Writing
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section Three Exereme
Chapter Fifteen Agreements and Contracts
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section ThreeExercise
Chapter Sixteen Other Letter Writing
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section ThreeExercise
Chapter seventeen Job-Application Writing in English
Section One Background Knowledge
Section Two Useful Words and Sentence Patterns
Section ThreeExercise
Appendix One Keys to the Exercises
Appendix Two Test Papers and the Keys
Section A Test Papers
Section B Keys to Test Papers
Appendix Three Final Exam Banks and the Keys
Section A Final Test Papers
Section B Keys to Final Test Papers


