Under the Asia Media Research Center, City Image And City Branding Research Base is a research institute focusing on city image communication, city branding and city marketing. The research base brings together the experts on city image, city branding and city marketing from all around the world and the intellectual recourses from Universities to provide comprehensive and systematic service for local city image building and city branding. Meanwhile, the research base dedic ated to provide plat forms for worldwide media communication and international cooperation, and activities of international communication and culture exchange projects.
1.城市形象傳播的理論研究與實踐(Research and Practice on City Image communication)
Through study, analysis on city image and city positioning, city image communication,the city branding and city image research base can provides scientif ic and efficient city image communication strategies. By making and executing communication strategies , the research base can help Chinese cities developcity branding and promote city image.
2.城市形象傳播與品牌行銷戰略諮詢(City Branding and City image consulting)
City image and City Branding System, aiming to develop the theoretical system of city branding and city image, was jointly developed by Asian Media Research Center of Communication University of China, Communication Department of Michigan State University. The systerm will provide:
·城市形象定位、規劃、創意 Positioning the city'image
·城市形象系統設計 City Image System Designing
·城市形象口號的制定及擴展套用 City Slogan Designing and Promoting
·城市形象傳播戰略 City Image Media Strategies
·城市品牌行銷戰略 City branding and city marketing strategies
·城市大型節事活動策劃、實施 Planning and Organizing City Events
3.城市形象傳播專家智庫(Consultations & Experts)
City Branding consultative committee brings together experts specialized in city image and brand marketing who come from prestigious universities, research centers, major media organizations and international organizations both at home and abroad. It is fully qualified to provide professional and all-round marketing strategies for cities to gain international competitiveness.
4.城市形象媒體傳播(Media Communication of City Image)
A successful media communication will be based on a thorough audience analysis, a suitable marketing strategy and a final assessment of the communication effect.
5.城市形象的海外傳播(Overseas Communication of the City Image)
City Image and City Branding Research Base is the first research institute in China that specialized in studying, promoting and marketing city image. Cooperating with many world renowned media and news agencies, the Base builds a bridge to introduce Chinese cities’ image worldwide.
6.國際大型活動與國際交流(Overseas Communication of the City Image)
Base dedicates itself to cultural exchanges between cities, building an international cooperation platform, marketing city image and planning exchange activities..