作 者:中國質量認證中心 編譯出 版 社:中國計量出版社出版時間:2006-6-1版 次:1頁 數:284字 數:216000印刷時間:2006-6-1包 裝:平裝內容簡介
本書由ISO 9001審核實踐小組編寫,共29個ISO9001審核指南性檔案。主要包括了有關QMS審核的理念、實例和解釋的指南檔案。這些檔案體現了基於過程的方法,是審核ISO 9001:2000的精髓。主要內容:兩階段審核方式的必要性;測量QMS有效性和改進;過程的識別;理解過程方法;“適當時”過程的確定;審核“適當時”要求;審核持續改進;第三方審核員的公正性和利益衝突29個檔案。本書可供QMS審核員、諮詢師和質量從業者使用。圖書目錄
ISO 9001審核實踐小組介紹 Introduction to the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices GrouD兩階段審核方式的必要性 The Need for a 2-stage Approach tO Auditing使QMS瞄向組織成就和經營成功 Aligning the QMS with the Achievement of Organizarionaland Business Success過程的識別 Identification of Processes 理解過程方法 Understanding the Process Approach“適當時”過程的確定 Determination of the“Where Appropriate”Processes審核“適當時”要求 Auditing the“Where Appropriate”Requirements證實與標準的符合性 Demonstrating Conformity to the Standard特定任務、活動或過程的審核與整個體系相聯繫 Linking an Audit of a Particular Task,Activitv or Process to the Overall System 審核持續改進 Auditing continual Improvement審核具有最低限度檔案的QMS Auditing a QMS Which has Minimum Documentation如何審核最高管理者過程 How to Audit Top Management Processes 審核檢查表的作用和價值 The Role and Value of the Audit ChecklistISO 9001:2000的範圍、質量管理體系(QMS)的範圍和註冊/認證範圍 ScoDe of ISO 900 1:2000,Scope of Quality Management System and the Scope of Registration/Certification 如何在審核過程中增值 HOW to Add Value During the Audit Process審核“能力”和“所採取措施的有效性” Auditing“Competence”and the“Effectiveness of Actions Taken”審核法律法規要求 Auditing Statutory and Regulatory Requirements審核質量方針、質量目標和管理評審 Auditing Quality Policy,Quality Obj ectives and Management Review 審核監視和測量裝置的控制 Auditing the Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices有效使用ISO 19011 Making Effective Use of ISO 19011審核顧客反饋過程 Auditing Customer Feedback Processes出具不符合項 Documenting a nonconformity評審和關閉不符合項的指南 Guidance for Reviewing and Closing Nonconformities 審核內部溝通 Auditing Internal Communications 審核預防措施 Auditing Preventive Action審核服務組織 Auditing Service 0rganizations第三方審核員的公正性和利益衝突 Third Party Auditor Impartiality and Conflict of Interest審核內部審核的有效性 Auditing the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit審核電子化管理體系(EBMS) Auditing Electronic Based Management Systems