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出版社: 科學出版社; 第1版 (2012年1月1日)
外文書名: The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Re-action Mechanisms(2nd Edition)
叢書名: 國外化學經典教材系列(影印版)
平裝: 355頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787030333018
條形碼: 9787030333018
尺寸: 23.6 x 16.8 x 2 cm
重量: 699 g


作者:(美國)格羅斯曼(Robert B.Grossman)




“這是一部優秀並完美表達的作品……作者……成功地將反應活性和選擇性的核,小觀點視為一個有機整體詳盡表述 簡潔的文風,精選的實例……每一章末對要點簡明的概括,使得讀者很容易鞏固學到的知識……這本書不失為一個小小的藝術品。”
——Jens Hartung ,Angewandte Chemie International Edition
——Amy Howell,Synthesis


Preface to the Student
Preface to the Instructor
1 The Basics
1.1 Structure and Stability of Organic Compounds
1.1.1 Conventions of Drawing Structures;Grossman’S Rule
1.1.2 Lewis Structures;Resonance Structures
1.1.3 Molecular Shape;Hybridization
1.1.4 Aromaticity
1.2 BrCnsted acidity and Basicity
1.2.1 PK Values
1.2.2 Tautomerism
1.3 Kinetics and Thermodynamics
1.4 Getting Started in Drawing a Mechanism
1.5 Classes of Overall Transformations
1.6 Classes of Mechanisms
1.6.1 Polar Mechanisms
1.6.2 Free.Radical Mechanisms
1.6.3 Pericyclic Mechanisms
1.6.4 Transition-Metal-Catalyzed and-Mediated Mechanisms
1.7 Summary
2 Polar Reactions under Basic Conditions
2.1 Substitution and Elimination at C(sp3)一X bonds.Part I
2.1.1 Substitution by the Sn2 Mechanism
2.1.2 Elimination by the E2 and Elcb Mechanisms
2.1.3 Predicting Substitution VS.Elimination
2.2 Addition of Nucleophiles to Electrophilic仃Bonds
2.2.1 Addition to Carbonyl Compounds
2.2.2 Conjugate Addition;The Michael Reaction
2.3 Substitution at C(sp2)一X Bouds
2.3.1 Substitution at Carbonyl C
2.3.2 Substitution at Alkenyl and Aryl C
2.3.3 Metal Insertion;Halogen-Metal Exchange
2.4 Substitution and Elimination at C(sp3)-X Bonds,Part II
2.4.1 Substitution by the SRNl Mechanism
2.4.2 Substitution by the Elimination-Addition Mechanism
2.4.3 Substitution by the One-Electron Transfer Mechanism
2.4.4 Metal Insertion;Halogen一Metal Exchange
2.4.5 Ol-Elimination;Generation and Reactions of Carbenes
2.5 Base-Promoted Rearrangements
2.5.1 Migration from C to C
2.5.2 Migration from C to O or N
2.5.3 Migration from B to C or O
2.6 Two Multistep Reactions
2.6.1 The Swem Oxidation
2.6.2 The Mitsunobu Reaction
2.7 Summary
3 Polar Reactions Under Acidic Conditions
3.1 Carbocations
3.1.1 CarbOCation Stability
3.1.2 Carbocation Generation;The Role of Protonation
3.1.3 Typical Reactions of Carbocations;Rearrangements
3.2 Substitution and 一Elimination Reactions at C(sp3)一X
3.2.1 Substitution by the SNL and SN2 Mechanisms
3.2.2 Elimination by the E1 Mechanism
3.2.3 Predicting Substitution VS.Elimination
3.3 Electrophilic Addition to Nucleophilic C=C Bonds
3.4 Substitution atNucleophilic C=C Bonds
3.4.1 Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
3.4.2 Aromatic Substitution of Anilines via Diazonium Salts
3.4.3 Electrophilic aliphatic Substitution
3.5 Nucleophilic Addition to and Substitution at Electrophilic Bonds
3.5.1 Heteroatom Nucleophiles
3.5.2 Carbon Nucleophiles
3.6 Summary
4 Pericyclic Reactions
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Classes of Pericyclic Reactions
4.1.2 Polyene MOs
5 Free.Radical Reactions
6 Transition-Metal-Mediated and-Cata!vzed Reactions
7 Mixed.Mechanism Probiems
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