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姓名:唐鐵橋 性別:男 職稱:副教授 通信地址:北京航天航空大學交通科學與工程學院交通運輸工程系 郵編:100191


1. 1996.09-2000.06 湖南師範大學數學系 理學學士 2. 2000.09-2003.06 湖南師範大學數學系 理學碩士 3. 2003.09-2006.06 北京航空航天大學經濟管理學院 工學博士


1. 2006.03-2006.07 香港大學土木工程系做Researcher Assistant研究 2. 2006.03-2008.06 北京航空航天大學交通科學與工程學院 講師 3. 2011.01-2012.01,Curtin University of Technology的數學與統計系做Research Fellow 4. 2008.07-現 在 北京航空航天大學交通科學與工程學院 副教授


1. 2008-2010:多車道混合交通行為及其擁堵機制研究,國家自然科學基金 2. 2009-2011:交通事故對交通流的影響,教育部新世紀優秀人才基金 3. 2010-2012:各種交通中斷因素對網路交通流的影響,國家自然科學基金


1. 2006-2010:路網交通擁堵的形成機理與傳播特性,國家973項目第三課題 2. 2011-2012:複雜低空飛行的自主避險理論與方法研究,國家973項目第二課題


1. 2008年獲得北京航空航天大學學校優秀博士論文 2. 2008年入選“教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫”


1. 交通流動力學 2. 交通運輸規劃與管理 3. 交通控制 4. 交通混沌理論及分岔理論 5. 交通安全 6. 航空交通


在Physical Review E、Physica A、International Journal of Modern Physics B & C、Journal of Advanced Transportation、Europhysics Letters、Acta Mechanics Sinica、 Chinese Physics Letter、Chinese Physics、Communications in Theoretical Physics、《物理學報》和《科學通報》等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文50餘篇,其中48被SCI收錄,6篇被EI收錄,已得到國內外同行的認可。在國際上較早採用交通流理論來研究兩車道交通系統,提出一系列模型並採用這些模型系統地研究換道、超車、信號燈等因素對交通流的影響及這些因素產生的各種複雜的交通現象,從理論上得到換道與車流穩定性之間的內在聯繫:頻繁換道容易產生不穩定交通流(頻繁換道產生嚴重的走走停停),不穩定交通流反過來容易產生頻繁換道;同時適當的換道可以提高車流穩定性,並且從理論上得到適當換道的臨界值(即當換道機率小於或等於1/3時,換道可以提高車流穩定性,否則將會破壞車流穩定性)。這些結果完全符合我國交通現 狀,可以為交通管理提供理論基礎和分析工具,從而為緩解城市交通擁擠提供了新的思路。




1. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang. Continuum models for freeways with two lanes and numerical tests. Chinese Science Bulletin 49, 2004, 2097-2104. 2. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Zi-You Gao. Stability of the car-following model on two lanes. Physical Review E 72, 2005, 066124. 3. Hai-Jun Huang, Tie-Qiao Tang, Zi-You Gao. Continuum modeling for two-lane traffic flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica 22, 2006, 132-137. 4. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Yu Xue. An improve two-lane traffic flow lattice model. Acta Physics Sinica 55, 2006, 4026-4031 (in Chinese).


5. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, SC Wong, Xiang-Yang Xu. A new overtaking model and numerical tests. Physica A, 376, 2007, 649-657. 6. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Zi-You Gao, SC Wong. Interactions of waves in the speed-gradient traffic flow model. Physica A, 380, 2007, 481-489. 7. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Xiang-Yang Xu, Yu Xue. Analysis of density wave in two-lane traffic. Chinese Physics Letters, 24, 2007, 1410-1413. 8. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, SC Wong, Rui Jiang. Lane changing analysis for two-lane traffic flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 23, 2007, 49-54. 9. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Chao-Qun Mei, Shou-Gen Zhao. A dynamic model for traffic network flow. Physica A, 387, 2008, 2603-2610. 10. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Gang Xu, Yu Xue. A traffic flow model and numerical simulation considering signal light influence. Acta Physics Sinica, 57, 2008, 56-60 (in Chinese). 副教授期間發表的SCI論文如下: 11. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, SC Wong, Rui Jiang. A car-following model with the anticipation effect of potential lane changing. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 24, 2008, 399-407. 12. Chao-Qun Mei, Hai-Jun Huang, Tie-Qiao Tang. A cellular automaton model for studying the on-ramp control of a highway. Acta Physics Sinica, 57, 2008, 4786-4793 (in Chinese). 13. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Gang Xu, Ying Zhang. Wave properties of a traffic flow model on highway with ramps, Europhysics Letters, 84, 2008, 14006. 14. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Gang Xu. A new macro model with consideration of the traffic interruption probability. Physica A, 387, 2008, 6845-6856. 15. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Ying Zhang, Xiang-Yang Xu. Stability analysis for traffic flow with perturbations. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 19, 2008, 1367-1375. 16. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, SC Wong, Zi-You, Gao, Ying Zhang. A New Macro Model for Traffic Flow on a Highway with Ramps and Numerical Tests. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 51, 2009, 71-78. 17. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, SC Wong, Rui Jiang. A new car-following model with consideration of the traffic interruption probability. Chinese Physics B, 18, 2009, 975-983. 18. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Shou-Gen Zhao, Gang Xu. An extended OV model with consideration of driver’s memory. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23, 2009, 743-752. 19. Chao-Qun Mei, Hai-Jun Huang, Tie-Qiao Tang, Hui-Wen Wang. Influences by signal light and bus stop on T-road junction traffic. Acta Physics Sinica, 58, 2009, 1497-1503 (in Chinese). 20. Tie-Qiao Tang, SC Wong, Hai-Jun Huang, Peng Zhang. Macroscopic modeling of lane-changing for two-lane traffic flow. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 43, 2009, 245-273. 21. Chao-Qun Mei, Hai-Jun Huang, Tie-Qiao Tang. A cellular automaton model for urban expressway systems with ramps and accessory roads. Acta Physics Sinica, 58, 2009, 3014-3021 (in Chinese). 22. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Shou-Gen Zhao, Hua-Yan Shang. A new dynamic model for heterogeneous traffic flow. Physics Letter A, 373, 2009, 2461-2466. 23. Mei Chao-Qun, Hai-Jun Huang, Tie-Qiao Tang. A modified cellular automaton model for ring road traffic with velocity guidance. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20, 2009, 711-719. 24. Tie-Qiao Tang, Yan Li, Hai-Jun Huang. The effects of bus stop on traffic flow. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20, 2009, 941-952. 25. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang, Yu Xue. Properties of the traffic risk coefficient. Chinese Physics Letter, 26, 2009, 108901. 26. Tie-Qiao Tang, Yan Li, Hai-Jun Huang. The effects of taxi on traffic flow. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20, 2009, 1537-1546. 27. Jian-Xun Ding, Hai-Jun Huang, Tie-Qiao Tang. A cellular automaton model of traffic considering the dynamic evolution of velocity randomization probability. Acta Physics Sinica, 58, 2009, 7591-7595 (in Chinese). 28. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. A new macro model for traffic flow with the consideration of the driver’s forecast effect. Physics Letter A, 374, 2010, 1668-1672. 29. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. A dynamic model for the heterogeneous traffic flow consisting of car, bicycle and pedestrian. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21, 2010, 159-176. 30. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang. Effects of the periodic boundary condition on traffic waves. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 53, 2010, 983-986. 31. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. Effects of the number of on-ramps on the ring traffic flow. Chinese Physics B, 19, 2010, 050517. 32. Tie-Qiao Tang, Chuan-Yao Li, Hai-Jun Huang. A new car-following model with the consideration of the driver’s forecast effect. Physics Letter A, 374, 2010, 3951-3956. 33. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. The effects of the lane changing probability on the kinetic energy of traffic system. Acta Physics Sinica, 59, 2010, 6003-6008 (in Chinese). 34. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. Effects of the potential lane-changing factor on uniform flow. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 54, 2010, 943-946. 35. Tie-Qiao Tang, Chuan-Yao Li, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. An extended optimal velocity model with the consideration of the honk effect. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 54, 2010, 1151-1155. 36. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Shou-Gen Zhao. A signal light and its stability analysis, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24, 2010, 5613-5623. 37. Chuan-Yao Li (student), Tie-Qiao Tang*, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. A new car-following model with the consideration of the driving resistance, Chinese Physics Letter, 28, 2011, 038902. 38. Tie-Qiao Tang, Yan-Feng Shi, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. A new macro model for traffic flow on a highway with bus stop. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 55, 2011, 1113-1118. 39. Tie-Qiao Tang, Chuan-Yao Li, Yong-Hong Wu, Hai-Jun Huang, Impact of the honk effect on the stability of traffic flow, Physica A, 390, 2011, 3362-3368. 40. Tie-Qiao Tang, Chuan-Yao Li, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. Macro modeling and analysis of traffic flow with road width, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 18, 2011, 1757-1764. 41. Tie-Qiao Tang, Yong-Hong Wu, Lou Caccetta, Hai-Jun Huang, A new car-following model with consideration of roadside memorial, Physics Letters A, 375, 2011, 3845-3850. 42. Tie-Qiao Tang, A dynamic model for a single helicopter in the low airspace with telegraph poles and electrical wire, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 56, 2011, 1149-1154. 43. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. A new pedestrian-following model for aircraft boarding and numerical tests, Nonlinear Dynamics, 67, 2012, 437-443. 44. Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang. A macro model for bicycle flow and pedestrian flow with the consideration of the honk effects. International Journal of Modern Physics B, in press. 45. Tie-Qiao Tang, Chuan-Yao Li, Hai-Jun Huang, Hua-Yan Shang, A new fundamental diagram theory with the individual difference of the driver’s perception ability, Nonlinear Dynamics, in press. 46. Tie-Qiao Tang, A helicopter’s formation flying model in the low airspace with two telegraph poles and electrical wire, Nonlinear Dynamics, in press. 47. Tie-Qiao Tang, Yong-Hong Wu, Lou Caccetta, Hai-Jun Huang, An aircraft boarding model accounting for passengers’ individual properties, Transportation Research Part C, in press. 48. Tie-Qiao Tang, Lou Caccetta, Yong-Hong Wu, Hai-Jun Huang, Xiao-Bao Yang, A macro model for traffic flow on road networks with varying road conditions, Journal of Advanced Transportation, in press.






