
代表論著:1.Tang L, Shao G, and Dai L. 2009. Roles of digital technology in China’s sustainable forestry development. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 16(2): 94 – 101. (SCI)
2.Dai L, Zhao F, Shao G, Zhou L, and Tang L. 2009. China’s classification-based forest management: procedures, problems, and prospects. Environmental Management. 43(6): 1162–1173. (SCI)
3.Martin B, Shao G, Swihart RK, Parker GR and Tang L. 2008. Implications of shared edge length between land cover types for landscape quality: the case of Midwestern US, 1940-1998. Landscape Ecology, 23(4): 391-402. (SCI)
4.Wu G, Liu Y, Shao G, Tang L and Wang G Z. 2008. Effects of land use on water quality for two high-altitude lakes and catchments in Yunnan Province, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 15(6): 1-9. (SCI)
5.唐立娜, 王慶禮, 代力民, 邵國凡. 2008. 遼寧東部山區林地生態分類系統. 套用生態學報, 19 (1): 20-24.
6.唐立娜, 代力民. 2008. 試論生態分類系統在我國數字林業建設中的套用. 套用生態學報, 19 (2): 267-272.
7.代力民, 唐立娜, 曹玉明, 王順忠, 周莉, 王慶禮. 2008. 遼東山區生態土地分類中的植物群落數量分析. 林業科學, 3: 6-12.
8.Tang L, Wang Q, Shao G, Dai L, Wang S, Li X and Xu D. 2006. Digitally Determining Forest Inventory Units with an Ecological Classification System. Science in China (Series E Technological Sciences), 49 Supp. I: 118-127. (SCI)
9.Tang S, Tang L, Shao G, and Dai L. 2006. Digital Forestry Research in China. Science in China: (Series E Technological Sciences), 49 Supp. I: 1-8. (SCI)
10.唐立娜, 陳春, 王慶禮, 郝占慶, 代力民. 2005. 基於遙感的東北農牧交錯區景觀格局與變化研究——以吉林省長嶺縣為例. 地理科學, 25 (1): 81-86.
11.唐立娜, 陳春. 2002. 草地GPS 簡易測圖.草業學報, 11(4): 100-104.
6.美國普渡大學主持項目:Applying GIS in Selecting Suitable vinery Sites in China,項目主研人員,2007.5-2008.10