

周芳芳教授,2008年在清華大學生物科學與技術系獲得博士學位。2008-2013年在荷蘭萊頓大學醫學中心從事博士後研究。 2013-2014年在荷蘭萊頓大學醫學中心任研究助理教授。2014年10月受聘蘇州大學生物醫學研究院特聘教授及博士生導師。周芳芳教授長期致力於細胞信號轉導,包括TGF-β,Wnt,NF-κB等信號通路的分子機制的研究以及在人類疾病特別是腫瘤發生髮展中細胞信號紊亂導致的影響,並取得了多項科研成果。以第一或通訊作者身份在國際著名期刊如Nature Immunology、 Nature Cell Biology、Molecular Cell、EMBO Journal、Nature Communications、Trends in Biochemical Sciences及Molecular Biology of the Cell, The Journal of Biological Chemistry等發表論文20餘篇。目前,周芳芳教授及其團隊致力於腫瘤與免疫的互作及分子機制的研究。










周芳芳教授長期致力於細胞信號轉導,包括TGF-β,Wnt,NF-κB等信號通路的分子機制的研究以及在人類疾病特別是腫瘤發生髮展中細胞信號紊亂導致的影響,並取得了多項科研成果。以第一或通訊作者身份在國際著名期刊如Nature Immunology、Nature Cell Biology、Molecular Cell、EMBO Journal、Nature Communications、Trends in Biochemical Sciences及Molecular Biology of the Cell, The Journal of Biological Chemistry等發表論文20餘篇。目前,周芳芳教授及其團隊致力於腫瘤與免疫的互作及分子機制的研究。


代表性論文 ( #Corresponding author; *Co-first authors

Gao L, Wang L, Dai T, Jin K, Zhang Z, et al., Zhou F#, Zhang L#. Tumor-derived exosomes antagonize innate antiviral immunity.Nat Immunol.2018

Wang S, Xie F, Chu F, Zhang Z, Yang B, Dai T, Gao L, Wang L, Ling L, Jia J, van Dam H, Jin J, Zhang L#,Zhou F#. YAP antagonizes innate antiviral immunity and is targeted for lysosomal degradation through kinase-IKKe mediated phosphorylation.Nat Immunol.2017

Xie F, Jin K, Shao L, Fan Y, Tu YF, Yang B, van Dam H, Ten Dijke P, Weng HL, Dooley S, Wang S, Jia JL, Jin J,Zhou F#, Zhang L#. FAF1 phosphorylation by AKT accumulates TGF-β type II receptor and drives breast cancer metastasis.Nat Commun.2017

Zhou F, Xie F, Jin K, Zhang ZK, Clerici M, Gao R, Sixma TK, Huang HZ, van Dinther M, Zhang L#, Ten Dijke P#. USP4 inhibits SMAD4 monoubiquitination and promotes activin and BMP signaling.EMBO J.2017

Zhang L#, Xie F, Ten Dijke P, Zhang J,Zhou F#. SUMO-triggered ubiquitination of NR4A1 controls macrophage cell death.Cell Death Differ.2017 (In press)

Jin K#, Li T, van Dam H,Zhou F#, Zhang L#. Molecular insight into tumor metastasis: tracing the dominant events.J Pathol.2016

Jin K#, Li T, Sanchez-Duffhues G,Zhou F#, Zhang L#. Involvement of inflammation and its related microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma.Oncotarget.2016

Li Y, Jin K, van Pelt GW, van Dam H, Yu X, Mesker WE, Ten Dijke P,Zhou F#, Zhang L#. c-Myb Enhances Breast Cancer Invasion and Metastasis through the Wnt/beta-Catenin/Axin2 Pathway.Cancer Res.2016

Zhou F, Li F, Fang P, Dai T, Yang B, van Dam H, Jia J, Zheng M, Zhang L. Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 4 Antagonize Osteoblast Differentiation through Dishevelled.J Bone Miner Res.2016

Zhang J, Zhang X, Xie F, Zhang Z, van Dam H,Zhang L#,Zhou F#. The regulation of TGF-β/SMAD signaling by protein deubiquitination.Protein Cell.2014

Zhou F, Drabsch Y, Dekker T.J.A, Vinuesa A.G.d, Li Y,Hawinkels L.J, Lu CX, Zhang L, Ten Dijke P. (2014) Nuclearreceptor NR4A1 promotes breast cancer invasion and metastasis by activatingTGF-β signalling.Nat Commun.2014

Zhang L#,Zhou F#, ten Dijke P#. (2013) Signaling interplay between transforming growthfactor-β receptor and PI3K/AKT pathways in cancer.Trends Biochem Sci.2013

Zhang L*,Zhou F*#, García de Vinuesa A, de Kruijf EM, Mesker WE, HuiL, Drabsch Y, Li Y, Bauer A, Rousseau A, Sheppard KA, Mickanin C, Kuppen PJ, LuCX, Ten Dijke P#.(2013) TRAF4 promotes TGF-β receptor signaling and drives breast cancer metastasis.Molecular Cell. 51(5):559–572.

Zhou F, Zhang XF, van Dam H, ten Dijke P, Huang HZ, Zhang L. Ubiquitin-specificprotease 4 mitigates Toll-like/Interleukin-1 receptor signaling and regulatesinnate immune activation.J Biol Chem.2012

Zhang L*#, Huang H*,Zhou F*, Pardo CG, Zhang T, Barakat TS, Sheppard KA, van Dam H, Gribnau J, Lu C, and ten Dijke P#. RNF12 controls embryonic stem cell fate and morphogenesis in zebrafish embryos by targeting Smad7 for degradation.Molecular Cell2012;

Zhang L*,Zhou F*#, Drabsch Y, Snaar-Jagalska E, Mickanin C, Huang H, Sheppard KA, Lu C,and ten Dijke P#. (2012) USP4is regulated by Akt phosphorylation and directly deubiquitinates TGF-β type Ireceptor.Nat Cell Biol.2012

Zhang L*,Zhou F*#, van Laar T, Zhang J, van Dam H, ten Dijke P#. Fas-associated factor 1 antagonizes Wnt signaling by promoting β-catenin degradation.Mol Biol Cell.2011;

Zhou F*,Zhang L*#, van Laar T, van Dam H, ten Dijke P#. GSK3β inactivation induces apoptosis of leukemia cells by repressing the function of c-Myb.Mol Biol Cell.2011;

Zhou F*,Zhang L*, Wang A, Song B, Gong K, Zhang L, Hu M, Zhang X, Zhao N, Gong. The association of GSKβ with E2F1 facilitates nerve growth factor-induced neural cell differentiation.J Biol Chem.2008;


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