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研究員,博士生導師。致力於新型工業酶的發掘,催化套用與工程改造設計。圍繞蛋白質大分子的結構和功能對應關係,酶中心化學反應中底物與周圍基團的動態變化,多酶聯用的適配性,工業酶的改造進化方法學等關鍵科學問題開展系統深入研究。在Angew. Chem., Trends. Biotechnol., Chem. Comm.等國際著名刊物發表多篇論文。長期與工業界密切合作,曾參與德國巴斯夫(BASF),荷蘭皇家帝斯曼集團(DSM)等跨國化工企業的工業酶項目開發。主持開發的多肽合成酶項目,獲得風險投資,並已進入商業化階段。


- 2000年-2004年 北京大學 藥學 本科

- 2004年-2006年 荷蘭格羅寧根大學 碩士

- 2006年-2010年 荷蘭格羅寧根大學 博士


- 2010年-2012年 荷蘭格羅寧根大學/DSM 博士後

- 2012年-2014年 荷蘭格羅寧根大學 研究組長

Enzypep B.V. 主任生物學家

- 2015年- 中國科學院微生物研究所百人計畫 研究員


1. Wu B(通訊作者)*, Wijma HJ, Song L, Rozeboom HJ, Poloni C, Tian YE, Arif MI, Nuijens T, Quaedflieg PJ, Szymanski W, Feringa BL, Janssen DB.*. “Versatile peptide C-terminal functionalization via a computationally engineered peptide amidase” ACS.Catal.2016,(6):5405−5414

2. Toplak A, Nuijens T, Quaedflieg PJ, Wu B*(通訊作者), Janssen DB*. “Peptiligase, an Enzyme for Efficient Chemoenzymatic Peptide Synthesis and Cyclization in Water”Adv.Synth.Catal.2016,358(13):2140-2147

3. Palacio CM, Crismaru CG, Bartsch S, Navickas V, Ditrich K, Breuer M, Abu R, Woodley J, Baldenius K, Wu B, Janssen DB. “Enzymatic network for production of ether amines from alcohols” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2016, 113(9):1853-1861

4. Toplak A, Nuijens T, Quaedflieg PJ, Wu B, Janssen DB. “Peptide synthesis in neat organic solvents with novel thermostable proteases” Enzyme. Microb. Technol. 2015, 6(73-74):20-28

5. Arif MI, Toplak A, Szymanski W, Queadflieg P, Feringa BL, Wu B,* (通訊作者)Janssen DB* “One-step C-terminal deprotection and activation of peptides with peptide amidase from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in neat organic solvent” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2014, 356(10): 2197-2202

6. Wu B, Szymanski W, Wybenga G, Heberling MM, Bartsch S, de Wildeman S, Poelarends GJ, Feringa BL, Dijkstra BW, Janssen DB. “Mechanism-inspired engineering of phenylalanine aminomutase for enhanced β-regioselective asymmetric amination of cinnamates” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51(2): 482-486

7. Wu B, Szymanski W, Heberling MM, Feringa BL, Janssen DB. “Aminomutases: mechanistic aspects, biotechnological applications and future perspectives” Trends. Biotechnol. 2011, 29(7): 352-362

8. Szymański W, Wu B, Poloni C, Janssen DB, Feringa BL. “Azobenzene photoswitches for Staudinger-Bertozzi ligation.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52(7):2068-2072

9. Heberling MM, Wu B, Bartsch S, Janssen DB. “Priming ammonia lyases and aminomutases for industrial and therapeutic applications.” Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2013, 17(2):250-260

10. Wybenga GG, Szymanski W, Wu B, Feringa BL, Janssen DB, Dijkstra BW.“Structural investigations into the stereochemistry and activity of a phenylalanine-2,3-aminomutase from Taxus chinensis” Biochemistry. 2014, 53(19):3187-98

11. Toplak A, Wu B, Fusetti F, Quaedflieg PJLM, Janssen DB “Proteolysin, a novel highly thermostable and cosolvent-compatible protease from the thermophilic bacterium coprothermobacter proteolyticus” Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2013, 79(18):5625-32

12. Bartsch S., Wybenga GG, Jansen M, Heberling MM, Wu B, Dijkstra BW, Janssen DB “Redesign of a phenylalanine aminomutase into a phenylalanine ammonia lyase” ChemCatChem. 2013, 5(7): 1797–1802

13. Crismaru CG, Wybenga GG, Szymanski W, Wijma HJ, Wu B, Bartsch S, de Wildeman S, Poelarends GJ, Feringa BL, Dijkstra BW, Janssen DB. “Biochemical properties and crystal structure of a,β-phenylalanine aminotransferase from Variovorax paradoxus.” Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2013, 79(1):185-195

14. Wu B, Szymanski W, Janssen DB “Preparation of β-phenylalanine using phenylalanine aminomutase” Practical Methods in Biocatalysis and Biotransformations, Wiely Edition 2012, 337-341

15. Wu B, Szymanski W, Crismaru CG, Janssen DB. “C-N lyases catalyzing addition of ammonia, amines and amides to C=C and C=O bonds” Enzyme Catalysis in Organic Synthesis 3rd edition, Wiley Edition 2012, 749-778

16. Wu B, Szymanski W, Wijma HJ, Crismaru CG, de Wildeman S, Poelarends GJ, Feringa BL, Janssen DB. “Engineering of an enantioselective tyrosine aminomutase by mutation of a single active site residue in phenylalanine aminomutase” Chem. Comm. 2010, 46(43): 8157-8159

17. Wu B, Szymanski W, de Wildeman S, Poelarends GJ, Feringa BL, Janssen DB. “Efficient tandem process for the kinetic resolution of aromatic β-amino acids” Adv. Synt. Catal. 2010, 352(9): 1409-1412

18. Verkuijl BJV, Szymanski W, Wu B, Minnaard AJ, Janssen DB, de Vries JG, Feringa BL. “Enantiomerically pure α-phenylalanine analogues from α-, β-phenylalanine mixtures in a single reactive extraction step” Chem. Comm. 2010, 46(6): 901-903

19. Szymanski W, Wu B, Weiner B, de Wildeman S, Feringa BL, Janssen DB. “Phenylalanine aminomutase-catalyzed addition of ammonia to substituted cinnamic acids: a route to enantiopure α- and β-amino acids” J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74(23): 9152–9157

20. Wu B, Szymanski W, Wietzes P, de Wildeman S, Poelarends GJ, Feringa BL, Janssen DB. “Enzymatic synthesis of enantiopure α- and β-amino acids by phenylalanine aminomutase-catalysed amination of cinnamic acid derivatives” ChemBioChem 2009, 10(2): 338-344


1. Wu B, Toplak A, Nijens T, Queadflieg P, van der Laan, JM, Janssen DB “PEPTIDE FRAGMENT CONDENSATION USING A SUBTILISIN VARIANT WITH IMPROVED SYNTHESIS OVER HYDROLYSIS RATIO” International Patent Application No. PCT/NL2014/050707


