



出生日期:1970年5月。中國醫科大學實驗動物及轉基因動物重點實驗室專家組成員。入選遼寧省高等院校優秀人才支持計畫(2008年)及遼寧省百千萬人才工程千人層次(2004年)。2001-2002年, 2005-2007年兩次赴美國留學,於美國明尼蘇達大學進行膠質瘤的基因治療與免疫治療工作,於美國西雅圖華盛頓大學以及美國巴羅神經外科研究所學習顱底手術(spetzler fellow)。專業方向為神經系統腫瘤的診斷與治療,專業特色為顱底手術(包括垂體瘤,聽神經瘤,及各種累及顱底的疾病),同時與美國明尼蘇達大學神經外科及北京天壇醫院神經外科合作進行膠質瘤綜合治療(手術,放療,化療及生物治療)研究,作為負責人承擔國家自然科學基金項目,教育部霍英東基金項目及省科技廳項目,作為博士生導師培養博士生8人,碩士生兩人,其中1人獲得遼寧省優秀博士畢業生稱號。


1. An-hua Wu, Walter C.Low. Molecular cloning of the rat IL-13Ra2 receptor cDNA and its expression in rat tissues. Journal of Neuro-oncology, 2002,59:99-105. SCI收錄。

2. An-hua Wu, Walter C.Low. Molecular cloning and identification of the human interleukin 13 receptor alpha 2 receptor(IL13Ra2) promoter. Neuro-oncology, 2003, 5:179-187. SCI收錄。

3. Wu AH, Hall WA and Low WC. Identification of HLA a*0201 glioblastomamultiforme cell lines for immunotherapy by PCR-SSP and DNA sequencing. Journal of Neuro-oncology. 2004,66:1-8. SCI收錄。

4. An-hua Wu, Jing Xiao, Lars Anker, Walter A. Hall, Dale S.Gregerson, Wei Chen and Walter C. Low. Identification of EGFRvIII-derived CTL Epitopes Restricted by HLA*0201 for dendritic cell based immunotherapy of gliomas. Journal of Neuro-oncology,2006,76(1):23-30.. SCI收錄。

5. Wu A, Wiesner S, Xiao J, Ericson K, Chen W, Hall WA, Low WC, Ohlfest JR. Expression of MHC I and NK ligands on human CD133(+) glioma cells: possible targets of immunotherapy. Journal of Neuro-oncology. 2007,83(2):121-31. SCI收錄。

6. Wu A, Oh S, Ericson K, Demorest ZL, Vengco I, Gharagozlou S, Chen W, Low WC, Ohlfest JR. Transposon-based interferon gamma gene transfer overcomes limitations of episomal plasmid for immunogene therapy of glioblastoma. Cancer Gene Therapy. 2007, 14(6):550-60. SCI收錄。

7. Anhua Wu, Seunguk Oh, Soheila Gharagozlou, Raji N Vedi, Katya Ericson, Walter C.Low, Wei Chen, and John Ohlfest. in vivo vaccination with tumor cell lysate plus CpG oligodeoxynucleotides eradicates murine glioblastoma. Journal of immunotherapy, 30(8):789-797,2007. SCI收錄。

8. Anhua Wu, Seunguk Oh, Stephen M. Wiesner, Katya Ericson, Lisa Chen, Walter A.Hall, Paul E.Champoux, Walter C.Low, and John Ohlfest. Persistance of CD133+ cells in human and mouse glioma cell lines: detailed characterization of GL261 glioma cells with cancer stem cell like properties. stem cells and development, 17(1):173-84. 2008 SCI 收錄。

9. Tang C, Wu AH(reprint), Xue HL, Wang YJ. Tanshinone IIA inhibits endothelin-1 production in TNF-alpha-induced brain microvascular endothelial cells through suppression of endothelin-converting enzyme-1 synthesis. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2007, 28(8):1116-1122. SCI收錄。(通訊作者)

10. Wu anhua, Tie xinxin, Wang yunjie, Yang guorui. Expression of IL13Ra2 gene in human brain tumors. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 17(3):157-160,2005. CA 收錄.

11. Wu anhua, Zhang xue, Walter C.Low. a method to generate mature dendritic cells from cryopreserved PBMC. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 15(1):9-13. 2003

12. Wu anhua, Wang yunjie, Zhang xue, Walter C.Low. expression of immune related molecules in glioblastoma multiform cells. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 15(2):112-115. 2003. CA 收錄.

13. Steve W.Chang, Anhua Wu, Pushpa Deshmukh, Mark C.Preul, Robert F.Spetzler, Nicholas Bambakidis. Quantitative comparision of Kawase’s approach versus retrosigmoid approach. Neurosurgery. (影響因子:2.587) 已接受

14. Anhua Wu, Pakrit Jittapiromsak, Pushpa Deshmukh, Mark C.Preul, Robert F. Spetzler, and Joseph M. Zabramski. Quantitative Analysis of Variants of the Far Lateral Approach: condylar Fossa and Trans-Condylar exposure. Neurosurgery(影響因子: 2.587) 已修回

15. Anhua Wu, Katya Ericson, Xiao Feng, Wei Chen, John R.Ohlfest, and Walter C.Low. NFAT andAP1are essential for the expression of a glioblastoma multiforme related Il13Ra2 transcript. Nature Medicine(影響因子:28.8) 已投稿

16. Anhua Wu, Pushpa Deshmukh, Steve W. Chang, Robert F. Spetzler, Mark C. Preul. Quantitative analysis of trans-sylvian, trans-choroid fissure approach, compared with lateral trans-temporal approach. Neurosurgery(影響因子:2.587) 已投稿

17. Anhua Wu, Steve W.Chang, Pushpa Deshmukh, Robert F.Spetzler, Mark C.Preul. Quantitative analysis of prevascular trans-cervicalversus retrovascular extreme-lateral approach for odentoidectomy. Journal of Neurosurgery. (影響因子:2.587) 已投稿

18. Steve W.Chang, Anhua wu, Pukaj Gore, Kumar Kakarla, Peter Maughan, Randall Porter, Nicholas Theodore, Wolker Sonntag. Anterior prevascular extraoral approach for odoitoidectomy and fusion: anatomic and technical description of a novel single stagedecompressionand fusion. Journal of Neurosurgery, Spine. (影響因子:2.587) 已投稿



