

吳劍峰 ,對外經濟貿易大學國際商學院教授、博導、管理學系主任,美國普渡大學(Purdue University)管理學博士,北京大學光華管理學院博導,中國戰略管理學者論壇理事。主要研究中國企業國際化戰略、企業戰略轉型與技術變革。先後主持和參與國家級科研項目七項、省部級科研項目十項,主要研究成果發表在Asia Pacific Journal of Management、Chinese Management Studies、Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing、Journal of Business Research、Organization Science等國際SSCI學術期刊和《經濟科學》、《南開管理評論》、《財貿經濟》、《科研管理》、《管理學報》等國內CSSCI學術期刊上。已培訓與諮詢的企業包括IBM、英國電信、德國西門子、三星集團、葛蘭素史克(GSK)、國家開發投資公司、國家電網、中糧集團、中國國電集團、中國鋁業、中國有色金屬總公司、中國寰球工程公司、中國水電、中海油集團、中國印鈔造幣總公司、全國供銷合作總社、國家物資儲備局、中國航空油料集團公司、光大銀行昆明分行、金泰集團、大唐電力、創維集團、新興鑄管等。



吳劍峰[對外經濟貿易大學國際商學院教授、博導] 吳劍峰[對外經濟貿易大學國際商學院教授、博導]

武常岐、吳劍峰:中外企業跨國併購與股權投資比較。北京:中國商務出版社,2009。(ISBN 978-7-5103-0033-5)


l 吳劍峰,邱永輝譯。歐盟的能源政策 ——以德國生態稅改革為例。經濟管理出版社。2014.

l 《管理科學季刊-最佳論文集》徐淑英、張維迎主編。

l 《美國管理學會學報-最佳論文集》徐淑英、張維迎主編。


1. Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang, Sichao Li. 2014. Search depth, knowledge characteristics, and innovation performance. Journal of Chinese Management, 1: 2.

2. Jianfeng Wu, Sali Li, Zijie Li. 2013. The contingent value of CEO political connections: A study on IPO performance in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(4): 1087-1114. (SSCI)

3. Yonggui Wang, Jianfeng Wu, Zhilin Yang. 2013. Customer participation and project performance: The mediating role of knowledge sharing in the Chinese telecommunication service industry. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 20(4), 227-244. (SSCI)

4. Menita Liu Cheng, Jianfeng Wu, Jianjun Zhang. 2013. Formal and informal CPAs on business strategy and performance. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 7(3): 245-273. (ABI)

5. Xiaoli Yin, Jianfeng Wu, Wenpin Tsai. 2012. When unconnected others connect: Does degree of brokerage persist after the formation of a multipartner alliance. Organization Science, 23(6): 1682-1699. (SSCI)

6. Jianfeng Wu, Menita Liu Cheng. 2011. The impact of managerial political connections and quality on government subsidies: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Chinese Management Studies, 5(2), 207-226. (SSCI)

7. Jianfeng Wu, Dean Xu, Phillip Phan. 2011. The effects of ownership concentration and corporate debt on corporate divestitures in Chinese listed firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(1): 95-114. (SSCI)

8. Jianfeng Wu, Mark Shanley. 2009. Knowledge stock, exploration and innovation: Research on theUnited Stateselectromedical industry. Journal of Business Research, 62(4): 474-483. (SSCI)

9. Jianfeng Wu, Rungting Tu. 2007. CEO stock option pay and R&D spending: A behavioral agency explanation. Journal of Business Research, 60(5): 482-492. (SSCI)

10. Jianfeng Wu, Min Liu, Yonggui Wang, Zijie Li. 2010. Legitimacy and the financing of Chinese technological start-ups. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM10), Tokyo, Japan. (EI index)

11. Yonggui Wang, Jianfeng Wu, Zijie Li. 2010. Customer innovations in the telecommunication service industry: An empirical study in perspective of suppliers. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM10), Tokyo, Japan. (EI index)

12. Zijie Li, Yi Li, Da Chen, Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang. 2010. International expansion strategy of firms in China: An empirical study on information technology industry. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM10), Tokyo, Japan. (EI index)

13. Jianfeng Wu, Min Liu, Zijie Li, Yonggui Wang. 2010. Cluster density, external search and innovation performance: Evidence from the ZGC Science Park. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August 24-26, 2010. (EI index)

14. Menita Liu, Jianfeng Wu. 2010. Corporate political resources and their effects on technological innovation. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August 24-26, 2010. (EI index)

15. Zijie Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang, Da Chen. 2010. Cultural Differences and Performance: An Empirical Research on International Joint Ventures in China. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August 24-26, 2010. (EI index)

16. Jianfeng Wu, Zijie Li, Yonggui Wang, Min Liu. 2009. Joining an e-marketplace: The role of resource and structural dependence. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Engineering on Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09 (EI index:DOI 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5302820)

17. Zijie Li, Jianfeng Wu, Yonggui Wang, Ming Cai. 2009. Knowledge complexity, learning capability and joint venture stability. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Engineering on Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. (EI index:DOI 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5305099)

18. Yonggui Wang, Shanji Yao, Jianfeng Wu, Zijie Li, Ruqiong Tong. 2009. The key drivers of user innovation performance: An empirical study of QZONE in perspective of users. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Engineering on Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. (EI index:DOI 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5303836)


1. 吳劍峰、楊震寧:政府補貼、兩權分離與企業技術創新。《科研管理》(CSSCI),2015。

2. 吳劍峰、許偉宏、許煥捷:金融風暴下企業高管危機意識的決定因素探討——基於資源依賴與行為理論的實證分析。《東北大學學報(社會科學版)》(CSSCI),2012,14(1),17-22。

3. 吳劍峰,張澤龍:戰略剝離研究的回顧與展望。《科學決策》,2012(1):78-94。

4. 吳劍峰、宗芳宇:實物期權、動態能力與海外敵意併購:基於中鋼併購澳大利亞中西部礦業的分析。《管理學報》(CSSCI),2010(11),1652-1659。

5. 韓志霞,吳劍峰:冗餘資源、多元化與金融風暴下的經濟危機感知:基於中國機電類上市企業的實證分析。《戰略與風險管理》,2010(5),81-85。

6. 吳劍峰,胡曉敏:中國上市公司的國際化傾向研究——基於高管團隊和代理理論的實證分析。《科學決策》,2010(5),14-22。

7. 吳劍峰,李自傑,武亞軍:競爭密度、合法化與外資企業生存——基於中關村高新科技園區的研究。《經濟科學》(CSSCI),2009(5),107-116。

8. 吳劍峰:轉型經濟中的戰略剝離分析:以中國上市企業為例。《南開管理評論》(CSSCI),2009(2),4-10。

9. 吳劍峰,呂振艷:資源依賴、網路中心度與多方聯盟構建:基於產業電子商務平台的實證研究。《管理學報》(CSSCI),2007(4),37-41。

10. 武亞軍,吳劍峰:轉型經濟中的戰略規劃與企業績效:基於中國製造企業的實證分析。《南開管理評論》(CSSCI),2006(2),58-63。

11. 郭國慶,吳劍峰,錢明輝:交叉銷售在中國金融業的套用前景研究。《南開管理評論》(CSSCI), 2005(1),47-51。

12. 郭國慶,錢明輝,吳劍峰:論加強商品交易市場管理。《財貿經濟》(CSSCI),2005(5),80-84。

13. 郭國慶,吳劍峰:論產權市場的功能、管理與法制化建設。《當代經濟管理》,2005(2),4-8。


•Reviewer for Journal of Business Research (SSCI)、Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI)







