

歐凱特(中國)新能源科技有限公司(Okate(China)New Energy Science And Techology Co.,Ltd),是國內率先打造集科研、品牌、行銷,服務等為一體“駕安”產業的綜合型汽車後服務業專業機構。公司總部位於世界科技聯盟城市之一合肥,有近20萬科技人員,智力資源在全國同類城市中名列第一。公司專注於研究系列駕安精品及駕安問題的解決方案,公司旗下包含了:“守駕者系列”、“車之友系列”;“安萊爾”、“康吉爾”、“車霧通”、“視雨通”、“路士康”、“康駕爾”等高科技駕安精品。同時公司以雄厚的研發實力為後盾,向中國汽車後市場產業輸出源源不斷的“駕安精品”。並致力於駕安技術創新和歐美成熟暢銷的駕安產品的引進。駕安產業已經成為中國汽車後市場的核心產業代表



歐凱特(中國)新能源科技有限公司(Okate(China)New Energy Science And Techology Co.,Ltd),是國內率先打造集科研、品牌、行銷,服務等為一體“駕安”產業的綜合型汽車後服務業專業機構。公司以廣闊的視野,前瞻性整合行業優勢,集中自身品牌優勢,大手筆精準投資,引領汽車後產業全面升級。公司充分認識到中國自改革開放以來,特別是加入WTO之後,人民生活水平的不斷提高,經濟發展速度令世界震驚,尤其中國的汽車工業,每年以15%-20%的速度遞增,集團公司決定積極注資中國市場,全力進軍汽車後產業。公司總部位於世界科技聯盟城市之一合肥,合肥是安徽省會城市,是中國唯一一個科技創新型試點市。2008年被評為外商投資最具有潛力的城市,2010年合肥更是成為“資本窪地”,引資571億元,再創新高,同比增長71%,居全國第一。安徽有全國十強的江淮,有自主品牌汽車龍頭奇瑞。合肥是全國重要的科技基地,擁有中國科技大學,合肥工業大學等高等院校30多所,有著名的中國科學院合肥物質研究院等各類科研機構200多所,有世界一流的合肥國家同步輻射實驗室,全國最大的直流脈衝機組,有近20萬科技人員,智力資源在全國同類城市中名列第一。




Introduction to Enterprise

Okate(China)New Energy Science And Techology Co.,Ltd, Is the first to create a set of scientific research, brand, marketing, service as one of "drive" the modernization of industry of integrated automobile services professional institutions.Company to the broad field of vision, prospective integration of industry advantages, focus on their own brand, large precision investment, to lead the auto industry after the upgrade in the round.The group fully aware of China since the reform and opening up, especially after joining the WTO, the improvement of people's living standards, the speed of economic development has shocked the world, especially in China's automobile industry, every year to 15%-20% speed increase, group decided to positive injection of the Chinese market, after its entrance into the automotive industry. In 2008 was named foreign investment with the most potential city 2010, Hefei is become" capital depressions", investment 57100000000 yuan, a record high, an increase of 71%, ranking first in the country. Anhui has the ten strong in, have independent brand automobile bibcock chery. Hefei is the important base of science and technology, University of Science and Technology of China, HeFei University of Technology and other institutions of higher learning by more than 30, the famous Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei Material Research Institute and other various types of scientific research institutions of more than 200, has the world first-class Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation laboratory, the nation's largest direct current pulse generator, there are nearly 200000 scientific and technological personnel, intelligence resources in China similar to the first rank in the city.


