
Eatin Section Postin


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2009年6月1日)
叢書名: 博識英語一百系列
平裝: 208頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544609821
條形碼: 9787544609821
尺寸: 25.6 x 18.2 x 1 cm
重量: 381 g




Section 1 Short Dialogues(第一部分:短對話)
Going to the Cinema(去看電影)
I Really Must Go Now(我真得告辭了)
What’S the Weather like Today?(今天天氣如何?)
I’d Like to Buy a Pair of Running Shoes(我想買雙跑鞋)
Which Way Is the Post Office?(到郵局怎么走?)
It Just Slipped My Mind!(我還真給忘了!)
Can You Give Me Some Help?(你能幫幫我嗎?)
Eating at a Restau rant(在餐館用餐)
HOW Do You Feel About You r Life Here?(你在這裡生活得如何?)
Talking About a Test(談論考試)
I’m Feeling Terrible(我感覺糟透了)
Can l Have My Breakfast in My Room?(我能在我的房間裡享用早餐嗎?)
Talking About FamOUS Actors(侃一侃影壇的天王巨星)
Talking About Past Experiences(聊聊過去的經歷)
What ShouId I Buy?(我該買點兒什麼呢?)
What Do You Think of Shanghai?(你認為上海怎么樣?)
HOW Do You Do?(你好!)
A Birthday Present(生日禮物)
You MuSt Have Dialed the Wrong Number(你一定是撥錯號碼了)
I’Writing a Novel(我在寫一部小說)
Making a Self-Introduction(作自我介紹)
At the Airport(在機場)
A Telephone Date(電話約會)
Learn to Relax(學會放鬆)
It’S Time to Sleep(該睡覺了)
There’S Something Wrong with the Bill(賬單有誤)
Have You Got Any Brothers or Sisters?(你有兄弟姐妹嗎?)
Missing the Good Old Days(懷念過去的好時光)
Asking for Directions tO the Police Station(詢問去警察局的路)
I,d Rather Be Happy Than Rich(只求快樂,不求富有)
Section 2 Long Dialogues(第二部分:長對話)
I Just Opened My Own Restaurant(我剛開了家自己的餐館)
Introducing a Friend(介紹一位朋友)
Have You Ever Been to Japan?(你去過日本嗎?)
What Seems to Be the Matter?(怎么了?)
I Want a Leather Iacket(我想要件皮夾克)
Learning Something About American Holidays(了解一下美國的假日)
Posting a Registered airmail Letter tO the USA(寄一封到美同的航空掛號信)
I’d Like tO Know the People in This Gathering(我想認識一下參加聚會的這些人)
Tell Me Something About the robber(告訴我劫匪的~些情況吧!)
What Are You Going tO Do Next?(你接下來打算做什麼?)
COUId I ASk YOU About Some of the Rules Here?(能向您請教一下這兒的一些規定嗎?)
Talking About Traveling tO the East Coast(談論到東部沿海地區的旅行)
Asking Something About You r Family(了解一下你的家庭情況)
Inviting a Friend tO See a Film(邀請朋友看電影)
I Can’t Find My Wallet(我找不到錢包了)
How About Their Trip tO Mexico?(他們到墨西哥的旅行如何?)
Knowing Something About Indonesia(了解印尼)
Thinking About a Future Job(考慮未來的工作)
Let’S Do Something Different for a Change(我們做點兒別的換換“El味”吧)
Different Ways tO Count Years(不同的計年方法)
Introducing Friends to Know Each Other(介紹朋友互相認識)
What Makes Her SO Good?(她好在什麼地方?)
Let’S Play Basketball Together!(咱們一塊兒打籃球吧!)
Talking About Big Countries in the World(聊聊世界上的大國)
I Wonder What They’re Going tO Do(真不知道他們會怎么辦呢?)
Taking Part in a TV Game Show(參加電視有獎競猜節目)
Discussion About Handguns(關於手槍問題的討論)
Talking About Likes and Dislikes of Music(聊聊關於音樂方面的喜好)
Tou ring in Suzhou(在蘇州旅遊)
Saying Goodbye tO Friends(與朋友道別)
Section 3 Passages(第三部分:段落)
Being Happy About a Theft(因被盜而喜)
Why Did Money Fall from the Sky?(錢為何會從天而降?)
What Are the Times of Meals,Then?(那么,就餐的時間是怎么安排的?)
Explaining Something About Colds(話說感冒)
The Secret of the Rose Restaurant’S Success(玫瑰飯店的成功秘訣)
I Don’t Want tO Send Him Away(我可不想把他趕走)
The Usage of Paper(紙的用途)
A Red Cross Nurse(一名紅十字會護士)
Native Words and Foreign Words in English(英語中的本土詞和外來詞)
Explaining About the Sky(話說天空)
Ou r shopping in the January Sales(我們在一月大酬賓中的購物)
The Moon Landing(登月)
Wilt Chamberlain(威爾特·張伯倫)
News About a Morning Fire(關於清晨一起火災的新聞)
The Changes of Women’S Role in America(美國女性角色的變化)
HOW Americans Value Time(美國人如何珍惜時間)
Other Kind of Heroes(另類英雄)
A Letter tO Mary(寄給瑪麗的一封信)
The Changes of the Word“Sport”(“運動”這個詞的變化)
Words and Their Stories(詞語掌故)
Plants Brought Back from America by Columbus
A Joke on the Train(火車上的玩笑)
The lmportance of Health(健康的重要性)
Canada’S Two Official Languages(加拿大的兩種官方語言)
Mailing Letters in the USA(在美國寄信)
Drinking ProblemS in American Colleges and Universities(美國高校的酗酒問題)
Bill Gates in His Boyhood(少年時代的比爾·蓋茨)
News About Liu Xiang(關於劉翔的新聞)
Helen Keller(海倫·凱勒)
America’S Official Holidays(美國的法定假日)
The Federal Square of Melbourne(墨爾本的聯邦廣場)
Smoking Problems(吸菸問題)
Helping tO Fight Bird flu(幫助抗擊禽流感)
West Point(西點軍校)
Strategies&Skills of Listening Training(訓練策略與技巧)


