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1996/9 - 2000/7,湘潭大學,金屬材料及熱處理,學士

2001/9 - 2008/6,北京科技大學,材料學,博士(導師:陳國良院士)


2008/6 - 2011/6,北京科技大學,新金屬材料國家重點實驗室,助理研究員

2009/8 - 2012/5,香港理工大學,機械工程系,博士後,(導師:C.T.Liu院士)

2015/9 - 2016/9,喬治亞理工大學,材料科學與工程系,訪問學者


2018/7 - 至今,北京科技大學,新金屬材料國家重點實驗室,研究員


1. 非晶合金

2. 高熵合金

3. 納米多孔金屬

4. 計算材料學




2014年Intermetallics 雜誌最佳審稿人

多種國際期刊審稿人:Biosensor and Bioelectronics、Nanoscale、APL、Science China-Materials、Scientific Reports、Intermetallics、J. Alloys and Compounds、Materials Letters、Materials and Design、Computational Materials Science、JOM、JMST、J. Non-crystalline Solids、Science China Technological Sciences等。



1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51671021,面心立方單相固溶體高熵合金輻照損傷行為及其機理研究,2017/1-2020/12、在研、主持

2. 中央高校基本科研業務費,FRF-TP-14-009C1、多孔高熵合金的製備與性能研究、2014/9-2016/8、已結題、主持。

3. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,NCET-13-0663,塊體非晶合金原子尺度結構不均勻性與力學性能研究、2014/1-2016/12、已結題、主持

4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51271212,塊體非晶合金原子結構的本徵特性及形變的微觀機制、2014/1-2016/12、已結題、主持。

5. 中央高校基本科研業務費,FRF-SD-12-004A、基於非晶合金製備納米多孔銀的微結構調控與性能研究、2012/1-2014/12、已結題、主持。

6. 中央高校基本科研業務費,塊體非晶合金的原子結構及形變的微觀機制、2011/5-2014/5、已結題、主持。

7. 北京市科技新星計畫,2010B017、塊體非晶合金的原子結構與玻璃形成能力、2010/12-2013/12、已結題、主持。

8. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,50901006、無長程擴散條件下非晶合金原子結構有序化的演變規律及形成機制、2010/12-2013/12、已結題、主持。

9. 教育部博士點基金新教師基金,20090006120025、非晶態合金短/中程式原子結構的形成機制、2010/12-2013/12、已結題、主持。


[1] J. Wang, Z. Hu, R. Li, X.J. Liu, C. Xu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, E. Fu, Z. Lu, Influences of Au ion radiation on microstructure and surface-enhanced Raman scattering of nanoporous copper, Nanotechnology 29(18) (2018) 184001.

[2] X.J. Liu, S.D. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Wu, C.T. Liu, M. Li, Z.P. Lu, Local structural mechanism for frozen-in dynamics in metallic glasses, Physical Review B 97(13) (2018) 134107.

[3] R. Li, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Lu, High-performance hybrid electrode decorated by well-aligned nanograss arrays for glucose sensing, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 102 (2018) 288-295.

[4] F. Li, H. Zhang, X.J. Liu, C. Yu, Z. Lu, Effects of cooling rate on the atomic structure of Cu64Zr36 binary metallic glass, Comput. Mater. Sci. 141 (2018) 59-67.

[5] F. Li, H. Zhang, X.J. Liu, Y. Dong, C. Yu, Z. Lu, Effects of Al addition on atomic structure of Cu-Zr metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics 123(5) (2018).

[6] Z. Lei, X.J. Liu, R. Li, H. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Lu, Ultrastable metal oxide nanotube arrays achieved by entropy-stabilization engineering, Scripta Materialia 146 (2018) 340-343.

[7] B. Jia, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Lu, Microstructure and mechanical properties of FeCoNiCr high-entropy alloy strengthened by nano-Y2O3 dispersion, Science China-Technological Sciences 61(2) (2018) 179-183.

[8] J. He, Q. Wang, H. Zhang, L. Dai, T. Mukai, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, T.-G. Nieh, Z. Lu, Dynamic deformation behavior of a face-centered cubic FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloy, Science Bulletin 63(6) (2018) 362-368.

[9] F. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Lou, Z. Zeng, V.B. Prakapenka, E. Greenberg, Y. Ren, J. Yan, J.S. Okasinski, X.J. Liu, Y. Liu, Q. Zeng, Z. Lu, Polymorphism in a high-entropy alloy, Nature Communications 8 (2017).

[10] Y. Yuan, Y. Wu, X. Tong, H. Zhang, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, L. Ma, H.L. Suo, Z.P. Lu, Rare-earth high-entropy alloys with giant magnetocaloric effect, Acta Materialia 125 (2017) 481-489.

[11] Y. Wu, W.-L. Song, J. Zhou, D. Cao, H. Wang, X.-J. Liu, Z.-P. Lu, Ductilization of bulk metallic glassy material and its mechanism, Acta Physica Sinica 66(17) (2017).

[12] Y. Wu, D. Ma, Q.K. Li, A.D. Stoica, W.L. Song, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, G.M. Stoica, G.Y. Wang, K. An, X.L. Wang, M. Li, Z.P. Lu, Transformation-induced plasticity in bulk metallic glass composites evidenced by in-situ neutron diffraction, Acta Materialia 124 (2017) 478-488.

[13] R. Li, K.C. Chan, X.J. Liu, X.H. Zhang, L. Liu, T. Li, Z.P. Lu, Synthesis of well-aligned CuO nanowire array integrated with nanoporous CuO network for oxidative degradation of methylene blue, Corrosion Science 126 (2017) 37-43.

[14] H. Huang, Y. Wu, J. He, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, K. An, W. Wu, Z. Lu, Phase-Transformation Ductilization of Brittle High-Entropy Alloys via Metastability Engineering, Advanced Materials 29(30) (2017).

[15] J.Y. He, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, T.G. Nieh, Z.P. Lu, High-temperature plastic flow of a precipitation-hardened FeCoNiCr high entropy alloy, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 686 (2017) 34-40.

[16] Z. Fan, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, Z. Lu, Thermoelectric performance of PbSnTeSe high-entropy alloys, Materials Research Letters 5(3) (2017) 187-194.

[17] H.Y. Fan, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, H. Wang, Z.P. Lu, Mechanical heterogeneity and its relation with glass -forming ability in Zr-Cu and Zr-Cu-Al metallic glasses, Intermetallics 90 (2017) 159-163.

[18] Y. Wu, H.X. Li, J.E. Gao, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, M.K. Miller, H. Bei, Y.F. Gao, Z.P. Lu, Nanocrystallization in a Cu-doped Fe-based metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688 (2016) 822-827.

[19] W. Song, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, H. Chen, Z. Guo, Z. Lu, Microstructural Control via Copious Nucleation Manipulated by In Situ Formed Nucleants: Large-Sized and Ductile Metallic Glass Composites, Advanced Materials 28(37) (2016) 8156-8161.

[20] Z.Y. Lv, X.J. Liu, B. Jia, H. Wang, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu, Development of a novel high-entropy alloy with eminent efficiency of degrading azo dye solutions, Scientific Reports 6 (2016).

[21] Z. Lu, S. Jiang, J. He, J. Zhou, W. Song, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Second phase strengthening in advanced metal materials, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 52(10) (2016) 1183-1198.

[22] R. Li, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, D.Q. Zhou, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu, Formation mechanism and characterization of nanoporous silver with tunable porosity and promising capacitive performance by chemical dealloying of glassy precursor, Acta Materialia 105 (2016) 367-377.

[23] R. Li, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu, Bendable nanoporous copper thin films with tunable thickness and pore features, Corrosion Science 104 (2016) 227-235.

[24] J.Y. He, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, H.H. Mao, T.G. Nieh, Z.P. Lu, Precipitation behavior and its effects on tensile properties of FeCoNiCr high-entropy alloys, Intermetallics 79 (2016) 41-52.

[25] J.Y. He, H. Wang, H.L. Huang, X.D. Xu, M.W. Chen, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, T.G. Nieh, K. An, Z.P. Lu, A precipitation-hardened high-entropy alloy with outstanding tensile properties, Acta Materialia 102 (2016) 187-196.

[26] Z. Fan, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Thermoelectric high-entropy alloys with low lattice thermal conductivity, Rsc Advances 6(57) (2016) 52164-52170.

[27] D. Cao, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.-J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Effects of Nitrogen on the Glass Formation and Mechanical Properties of a Ti-Based Metallic Glass, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters 29(2) (2016) 173-180.

[28] C.Y. Yu, X.J. Liu, G.P. Zheng, X.R. Niu, C.T. Liu, Atomistic approach to predict the glass-forming ability in Zr–Cu–Al ternary metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 627(0) (2015) 48-53.

[29] Y. Wu, H. Wang, Y. Cheng, X.J. Liu, X. Hui, T. Nieh, Y. Wang, Z. Lu, Inherent structure length in metallic glasses: simplicity behind complexity, Scientific Reports 5 (2015).

[30] R. Li, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, Z.P. Lu, Development of electrochemical supercapacitors with uniform nanoporous silver network, Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 224-229.

[31] D. Zhou, X.J. Liu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, Z. Lu, Recrystallization behavior and its influences on mechanical properties of an alumina-forming austenitic stainless steels, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 50(10) (2014) 1217-1223.

[32] C.Y. Yu, X.J. Liu, C.T. Liu, First-principles prediction of the glass-forming ability in Zr-Ni binary metallic glasses, Intermetallics 53(0) (2014) 177-182.

[33] W.M. Yang, H.S. Liu, X.J. Liu, G.X. Chen, C.C. Dun, Y.C. Zhao, Q.K. Man, C.T. Chang, B.L. Shen, A. Inoue, R.W. Li, J.Z. Jiang, Correlation of atomic packing with the boson peak in amorphous alloys, Journal of Applied Physics 116(12) (2014) 123512.

[34] Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, X.H. Chen, X.D. Hui, Y. Zhang, Z.P. Lu, Designing Bulk Metallic Glass Composites with Enhanced Formability and Plasticity, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 30(6) (2014) 566-575.

[35] R. Li, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.M. Chu, Z.P. Lu, Nanoporous silver with tunable pore characteristics and superior surface enhanced Raman scattering, Corrosion Science 84(0) (2014) 159-164.

[36] F. Li, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Atomic structural evolution during glass formation of a Cu-Zr binary metallic glass, Comput. Mater. Sci. 85(0) (2014) 147-153.

[37] J.Y. He, W.H. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, T.G. Nieh, Z.P. Lu, Effects of Al addition on structural evolution and tensile properties of the FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloy system, Acta Materialia 62(0) (2014) 105-113.

[38] Z. Chen, J. Gao, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z. Lu, Alloying effects of the elements with a positive heat of mixing on the glass forming ability of Al-La-Ni amorphous alloys, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 57(1) (2014) 122-127.

[39] D.Q. Zhou, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.D. Hui, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Alloying effects on mechanical properties of the Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass composites, Comput. Mater. Sci. 79 (2013) 187-192.

[40] Z.Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, J. Zhou, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Strong work-hardening behavior in a Ti-based bulk metallic glass composite, Scripta Materialia 69(1) (2013) 73-76.

[41] Z.Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, J. Zhou, W.L. Song, D. Cao, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Effects of Sn addition on phase formation and mechanical properties of TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composites, Intermetallics 42 (2013) 68-76.

[42] Z. Zhang, Z. Jiao, J. Zhou, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z. Lu, Effects of density difference of constituent elements on glass formation in TiCu-based bulk metallic glasses, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International 23(5) (2013) 469-474.

[43] C.Y. Yu, X.J. Liu, J. Lu, G.P. Zheng, C.T. Liu, First-principles prediction and experimental verification of glass-forming ability in Zr-Cu binary metallic glasses, Scientific Reports 3 (2013).

[44] Y.F. Yan, X.Q. Xu, D.Q. Zhou, H. Wang, Y. Wu, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Hot corrosion behaviour and its mechanism of a new alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel in molten sodium sulphate, Corrosion Science 77(0) (2013) 202-209.

[45] H. Wang, R. Li, Y. Wu, X.M. Chu, X.J. Liu, T.G. Nieh, Z.P. Lu, Plasticity improvement in a bulk metallic glass composed of an open-cell Cu foam as the skeleton, Composites Science and Technology 75(0) (2013) 49-54.

[46] R. Gao, Y.F. Zhao, X.J. Liu, Z.K. Liu, X. Hui, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of the liquid and amorphous structure of Mg65Cu25Gd10 alloy, Physica B 426 (2013) 65-70.

[47] J.E. Gao, Z.P. Chen, Q. Du, H.X. Li, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Fe-based bulk metallic glass composites without any metalloid elements, Acta Materialia 61(9) (2013) 3214-3223.

[48] Z.P. Chen, J.E. Gao, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Designing novel bulk metallic glass composites with a high aluminum content, Scientific Reports 3 (2013).

[49] Z.P. Chen, H. Yu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Nano-network mediated high strength and large plasticity in an Al-based alloy, Materials Letters 84(0) (2012) 59-62.

[50] Z.Y. Liu, Y. Yang, S. Guo, X.J. Liu, J. Lu, Y.H. Liu, C.T. Liu, Cooling rate effect on Young's modulus and hardness of a Zr-based metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509(7) (2011) 3269-3273.

[51] Z. Liu, S. Guo, X.J. Liu, J. Ye, Y. Yang, X.-L. Wang, L. Yang, K. An, C.T. Liu, Micromechanical characterization of casting-induced inhomogeneity in an Al0.8CoCrCuFeNi high-entropy alloy, Scripta Materialia 64(9) (2011) 868-871.

[52] X.J. Liu, Y. Xu, Z.P. Lu, X. Hui, G.L. Chen, G.P. Zheng, C.T. Liu, Atomic packing symmetry in the metallic liquid and glass states, Acta Materialia 59(16) (2011) 6480-6488.

[53] F. Li, X.J. Liu, H.Y. Hou, G. Chen, G.L. Chen, Atomic-scale structural evolution from disorder to order in an amorphous metal, Journal of Applied Physics 110(12) (2011) 123508-6.

[54] F. Li, X.J. Liu, H.Y. Hou, G. Chen, G.L. Chen, Structural origin underlying poor glass forming ability of Al metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics 110(1) (2011) 013519.

[55] F. Li, X.J. Liu, H.Y. Hou, G. Chen, G.L. Chen, Atomistic structural evolution with cooling rates during the solidification of liquid nickel, Intermetallics 19(5) (2011) 630-635.

[56] X. Hui, Z. Xu, Y. Wu, X. Chen, X.J. Liu, Z. Lu, Magnetocaloric effect in Er-Al-Co bulk metallic glasses, Chin. Sci. Bull. 56(36) (2011) 3978-3983.

[57] C. Yu, X. Hui, X. Chen, X.J. Liu, D. Lin, Z. Liu, G. Chen, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of the atom packing and density of Al-Ni amorphous alloys, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 53(12) (2010) 3175-3182.

[58] Y. Xu, G.L. Chen, Y. Zhang, F.L. Tang, X.J. Liu, Glassy Formability and Structural Variation of Zr50-xCu50Alx (x=0 similar to 25) Alloys with Respect to Icosahedral Short-Range Ordering, Materials Transactions 51(7) (2010) 1178-1182.

[59] X.J. Liu, Y. Xu, X. Hui, Z.P. Lu, F. Li, G.L. Chen, J. Lu, C.T. Liu, Metallic Liquids and Glasses: Atomic Order and Global Packing, Physical Review Letters 105(15) (2010) 155501.

[60] X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, C.T. Liu, Correlation between primary phases and atomic clusters in a Zr-based metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics 108(12) (2010) 123516-5.

[61] X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, F. Li, X.D. Hui, Z.P. Lu, F. Ye, C.T. Liu, Evolution of atomic ordering in metallic glasses, Intermetallics 18(12) (2010) 2333-2337.

[62] X. Chen, B. Zhang, G. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Hui, Z. Lu, X.J. Liu, Y. Xu, X. Xing, Continuously manufacturing of bulk metallic glass-coated wire composite, Intermetallics 18(11) (2010) 2034-2038.

[63] Y. Xu, Y.L. Wang, X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, Y. Zhang, Effects of additional elements (M) on the thermal stability and structure of (Zr52.2Cu39.1Al8.7)(100-x) M (x) (M = Ag, Be, Gd, x=8, 7, 2) amorphous alloys, Journal of Materials Science 44(14) (2009) 3861-3866.

[64] X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, G.L. Chen, T. Liu, Local atomic structures in Zr-Ni metallic glasses, Physics Letters A 373(29) (2009) 2488-2493.

[65] F. Li, X.J. Liu, H.Y. Hou, G. Chen, G.L. Chen, M. Li, Atomic scale calculation of the free volume in Zr2Ni metallic glass, Intermetallics 17(3) (2009) 98-103.

[66] Y. Zhang, J. Chen, G.L. Chen, X.J. Liu, Influence of yttrium addition on the glass forming ability in Cu-Zr-Al alloys, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 483-84 (2008) 235-238.

[67] C.M. Zhang, X.D. Hui, X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, Preparation and mechanical properties of high strength Zr-based bulk metallic glasses containing high content of Cu, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 37(2) (2008) 320-324.

[68] X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, H.Y. Hou, T. Liu, G.L. Chen, Chemical short-range order in Zr2Ni amorphous alloy, Physics Letters A 372(18) (2008) 3313-3317.

[69] X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, G.L. Chen, M.H. Sun, In situ synchrotron SAXS study of nanocrystallization in Zr65Ni25Ti10 metallic glass, Intermetallics 16(1) (2008) 10-15.

[70] X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, G.L. Chen, Thermodynamic calculation and experimental investigation of glass formation in Zr-Ni-Ti alloy system, Intermetallics 16(2) (2008) 262-266.

[71] X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, X. Hui, T. Liu, Z.P. Lu, Ordered clusters and free volume in a Zr-Ni metallic glass, Applied Physics Letters 93(1) (2008) 011911.

[72] X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, H.Y. Hou, X. Hui, K.F. Yao, Z.P. Lu, C.T. Liu, Atomistic mechanism for nanocrystallization of metallic glasses, Acta Materialia 56(12) (2008) 2760-2769.

[73] X.D. Hui, X.J. Liu, R. Gao, H.Y. Hou, H.Z. Fang, Z.K. Liu, G.L. Chen, Atomic structures of Zr-based metallic glasses, Science in China Series G-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 51(4) (2008) 400-413.

[74] R. Gao, X. Hui, H.Z. Fang, X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, Z.K. Liu, Structural characterization of Mg65Cu25Y10 metallic glass from ab initio molecular dynamics, Comput. Mater. Sci. 44(2) (2008) 802-806.

[75] X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, X.D. Hui, H.Y. Hou, K.F. Yao, C.T. Liu, Growth mechanism from nano-ordered clusters to nanocrystals in a deeply undercooled melt of Zr-Ni-Ti metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics 102(6) (2007) 063515.

[76] W.D. Cheng, M.H. Sun, F. Liu, X.J. Liu, Y.L. Sun, The evolution of Cu-rich domains in the Cu60Zr30Ti10 metallic glass by ASAXS, Materials Letters 61(4-5) (2007) 1027-1030.

[77] Y. Zhang, J. Chen, G.L. Chen, X.J. Liu, Glass formation mechanism of minor yttrium addition in CuZrAl alloys, Applied Physics Letters 89(13) (2006) 131904.

[78] X.D. Hui, W. Dong, M.L. Wang, X.J. Liu, J.L. Yu, G.L. Chen, In-situ Mg77Cu12Zn5Y6 bulk metallic glass matrix composite with extraordinary plasticity, Chin. Sci. Bull. 51(2) (2006) 229-234.

[79] W. Dong, X.D. Hui, M.L. Wang, X.J. Liu, G.L. Chen, Nanocrystalline formation in Zr52.5Cu27Ni5.5Al12Nb3 amorphous alloy and the effect on compress mechanical properties, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 35(5) (2006) 728-731.

[80] W.D. Cheng, M.H. Sun, J.Y. Li, A.P. Wang, Y.L. Sun, F. Liu, X.J. Liu, Small angle X-ray scattering research of the relaxation and crystallization process in Cu60Zr30Ti10 amorphous alloy, Acta Physica Sinica 55(12) (2006) 6673-6676.

[81] G.L. Chen, X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, H.Y. Hou, K.F. Yao, C.T. Liu, J. Wadsworth, Molecular dynamic simulations and atomic structures of amorphous materials, Applied Physics Letters 88(20) (2006) 203115.

[82] X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, G.L. Chen, Crystallization kinetics of Zr65Ni25Ti10 metallic glass alloy, in: Z.Y. Zhong, H. Saka, T.H. Kim, E.A. Holm, Y.F. Han, X.S. Xie (Eds.), Pricm 5: the Fifth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, Pts 1-52005, pp. 3385-3388.

[83] H.C. Kou, H.D. Hui, X.J. Liu, X.P. Song, G.L. Chen, K.F. Yao, Effects of small amount Ta on the characteristics of the Zr-Al-Ni-Cu-Ta bulk metallic glass, J. Univ. Sci. Technol. Beijing 12(3) (2005) 257-261.

[84] G.L. Chen, X.D. Hui, K.F. Yao, H.Y. Hou, X.J. Liu, M.L. Wang, G. Chen, Observation and computer simulation of multicomponent chemical short-range order (MCSRO) for the bulk metallic glasses, J. Univ. Sci. Technol. Beijing 12(2) (2005) 143-150.

[85] X.J. Liu, X.D. Hui, J.T. Jiao, G.L. Chen, Formation and crystallization of Zr-Ni-Ti metallic glass, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 14(5) (2004) 858-863.








劉雄軍,李睿,王輝,吳淵,呂昭平,“納米多孔銅/Cu(OH)2納米線陣列感測器電極材料及其製備方法”,CN201610645396.4, 2018.04.30.


























