劉金林, 1963年12月出生,教授,理學博士,長期從事複分析方向的學習和研究,主持數學天元基金1項,參加國家自然科學基金1項,主持省高校自然科學基金2項,在國內外核心期刊發表研究論文57篇,其中被SCI檢索20篇,被國際學術期刊引用45次,編寫出版國家“十一五”規劃教材1部。 劉金林教授兼任江蘇省高校數學教學研究會副理事長,主持的《高等數學》課程為省級精品課程,參加完成2項省級教改項目,主持完成2項揚州大學教改項目。主講的本科生課程有:《複變函數》、《高等數學》、《線性代數》、《機率論與數理統計》等;主講的研究生課程有:《複分析》、《單葉函式理論》、《Hp空間》等。
[1] Jin-Lin Liu, Properties of certain subclass of multivalent functions defined by an integral operator, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 54(2009), 471-483.
[2] Jin-Lin Liu, Some properties of certain meromorphically multivalent functions, Appl.Math.Comput.210(2009), 136-140.
[3] Jin-Lin Liu and H.M.Srivastava, A class of multivalent analytic functions associated with the Dziok-Srivastava operator, Integral Transforms Spec.Funct.20(2009), 401-417.
[4] Jin-Lin Liu, On subordinations for certain analytic functions associated with the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator, Taiwanese J.Math.13(2009), 349-357.
[5] Jin-Lin Liu, Subordinations for certain multivalent analytic functions associated with the generalized Srivastava-Attiya operator, Integral Transforms Spec.Funct.19(2008), 893-901.
[6] Ding-Gong Yang and Jin-Lin Liu, A class of meromorphically multivalent functions defined by means of a linear operator, Appl.Math.Comput.204(2008), 862-871.
[7] Jin-Lin Liu and J.Patel, Certain properties of multivalent functions associated with an extended fractional differintegral operator, Appl.Math.Comput.203(2008), 703-713.
[8] Jin-Lin Liu, Neighborhoods and partial sums of certain meromorphically multivalent functions, Tamkang J.Math.38(2007), 301-306.
[9] Jin-Lin Liu, Further properties of a certain subclass of analytic and multivalent functions, Appl.Math.Comput.187(2007), 290-294.
[10] Jin-Lin Liu and K.I. Noor, On subordinations for certain analytic functions associated with Noor integral operator, Appl.Math.Comput.187(2007), 1453-1460.
[11] Jin-Lin Liu, On application of certain integral operator, Indian J.Math.49(2007), 1-6.
[12] Jin-Lin Liu, Some properties of certain multivalent analytic functions associated with certain integral operator, Indian J.Math.48(2006), 259-273.
[13] Jin-Lin Liu, On subordinations for certain multivalent analytic functions associated with the generalized hypergeometric function, JIPAM.J.Inequal.Pure Appl.Math.7(2006), no.4, Article 131, 6 pp.(electronic).
[14] Jin-Lin Liu, On applications of Noor integral operator, 數學進展35(2006), 138-142.
[15] Jin-Lin Liu and H.M.Srivastava, Classes of meromorphically multivalent functions associated with the generalized hypergeometric function, Math.Comput.Modelling39(2004), 21-34.
[16] Jin-Lin Liu and H.M.Srivastava, Subclasses of meromorphically multivalent functions associated with a certain linear operator, Math.Comput.Modelling39(2004), 35-44.
[17] Jin-Lin Liu, Notes on Jung-Kim-Srivastava integral operator, J.Math.Anal.Appl.294(2004), 96-103.
[18] Jin-Lin Liu and H.M.Srivastava, Certain properties of the Dziok-Srivastava operator, Appl.Math.Comput.159(2004), 485-493.
[19] Jin-Lin Liu and S.Owa, Properties of certain integral operator, Int.J.Math.Sci.3(2004), 351-359.
[20] Jin-Lin Liu and S.Owa, Some families of meromorphic multivalent functions involving certain linear operator, Indian J.Math.46(2004), 47-62.
[21] Jin-Lin Liu and H.M.Srivastava, Some convolution conditions for starlikeness and convexity of meromorphically multivalent functions, Appl.Math.Lett.16(2003), 13-16.
[22] Jin-Lin Liu, A linear operator and its applications on meromorphic functions, Bull.Inst.Math.Acad.Sinica 31(2003), 23-32.
[23] Ding-Gong Yang and Jin-Lin Liu, On Sakaguchi functions, Int J.Math.Math.Sci.30(2003), 1923-1931.
[24] Jin-lin Liu, Applications of the Noor integral operator to multivalent functions, J.Nat.Geom.24(2003), 11-20.
[25] Jin-Lin Liu and K.I.Noor, Some properties of Noor integral operator, J.Nat.Geom.21(2002), 81-90.
[26] Ding-Gong Yang and Jin-Lin Liu, On a class of analytic functions involving Ruscheweyh derivatives, Bull.Korean Math.Soc.39(2002), 123-131.
[27] Jin-Lin Liu, Certain integral operator and strongly starlike functions, Int.J.Math.Math.Sci.30(2002), 569-574.
[28] Jin-Lin Liu, A linear operator and strongly starlike function, J.Math.Soc.Japan54(2002), 975-981.
[29] Jin-Lin Liu and S.Owa, On a class of meromorphic p-valent functions involving certain linear operators, Int.J.Math.Math.Sci.32(2002),271-280.
[30] Jin-Lin Liu and S.Owa, On a class of multivalent functions involving certain linear operator, Indian J.Pure Appl.Math.33(2002),1713-1722.
[31] Jin-Lin Liu and H.M.Srivastava, A linear operator and associated families of meromorphically multivalent functions, J.Math.Anal.Appl.259(2001), 566-581.
[32] Jin-Lin,Liu The Noor integral and strongly starlike functions, J.Math.Anal.Appl.261(2001), 441-447.
[33] Jin-Lin Liu, Properties of some families of meromorphic p-valent functions, Math.Japon.52(2000), 425-434.
[34] Jin-Lin Liu, Ruscheweyh derivative and strongly starlike functions, Tsukaba J.Math.24(2000), 303-309.
[35] Ding-Gong Yang and Jin-Lin Liu, On a class of univalent functions, Int.J.Math.Math.Sci.22(1999), 605-610.
[36] Jin-Lin Liu and S.Owa, On certain meromorphic p-valent functions, Taiwanese J.Math.2(1998), 107-110.
[37] Jin-Lin Liu, On subordination for certain subclass of analytic function, Internat.J.Math.Math.Sci.20(1997),225-228.
[38] Jin-Lin,Liu Notes on the Ruscheweyh derivatives, J.Math.Anal.Appl.,199(1996),936-940.
[39] Jin-Lin Liu, Some applications of certain integral operator. Kyungpook Math. J.43 (2003), ,211--219.
[40] Jin-Lin Liu, Properties of certain multivalent analytic functions. 數學進展31 (2002), no. 6, 565—569.
[41] Jin-Lin Liu, On a subclass of meromorphic $p$-valent functions defined by certain linear operator. 數學雜誌21 (2001), no. 3, 276--280.
[42] Jin-Lin Liu, One criterion for meromorphic univalent functions.Soochow J. Math.27 (2001), no. 1, 113—115.
[43] Jin-Lin Liu, On a class of p-valent analytic functions.Chinese Quart. J. Math.15 (2000), no. 4, 27--32.
[44] Jin-Lin Liu, Some classes of univalent meromorphic functions defined in terms of operators. 數學雜誌19 (1999), no. 1, 105--110.
[45] Jin-Lin Liu and S.Owa, On certain meromorphic p-valent functions, Univalent functions and the Briot-Bouquet differential equations (Japanese) (Kyoto, 1996).Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho KōkyūrokuNo. 963(1996), 63—66.
[46] Jin-Lin Liu, Remark on two results of Nunokawa. 數學研究與評論16 (1996), no. 3, 351--354.
[47] Jin-Lin Liu, A remark on certain multivalent functions.Soochow J. Math.21 (1995), no. 2, 179--181.
[48] Jin-Lin Liu, Strongly starlike functions associated with the Dziok-Srivastava operator.Tamkang J. Math.35 (2004), no. 1, 37--42.
[49] Jin-Lin Liu, Certain sufficient conditions for univalency of analytic functions.
數學進展32 (2003), no. 4, 416--418.