2006年榮獲“東北林業大學優秀碩士論文”, 2011年榮獲“東北林業大學優秀博士論文”。參與課題10餘項,主持課題4項,並在國內外發表論文10餘篇,其中SCI檢索文章3篇。現任《Global Journal of Environment Science and Technology》期刊編委(Editorial Board Member)、《African Journal of Biotechnology》(SCI期刊)審稿專家。
1. 野生動物保護
2. 環境保護
YANHUA LIU, MIGHAI ZHANG. .Mitochondrial DNA variation in northeastern Chinaroe deer ( Capreolus pygargus) populations: implications for management and conservation. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research,2011,01.(SCI.IF=1.075)
Meng chen, Yanhua liu. Nox removal from vehicle emissions by functionality surface of asphait raod. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,02. (Correspondence auther)(SCI.IF=4.144)
Yanhua liu.Tibet red deer (Cervus elaphus wallichi) return: implications for ecological environment improving. Advanced Materials Research.2010,113-114.(EI)