3、1992年於瑞典國立於默奧大學生態與環境科學系獲博士學位; kaoyangj4、訪問與進修情況:1993年7月至9月,美國威斯康辛大學客座研究;1999年1月至8月,瑞典國立於默奧大學高級訪問學者;1990年至今,還先後赴德國、挪威、芬蘭、丹麥和韓國等訪學。
植物種群生態學、種間關係、污染生態學與環境生物學、生物多樣性與保護生物學。 正門三、目前主持或參加研究的主要課題:
2、銅污染脅迫下白車軸草(Trifolium repens)與白車軸草單孢鏽菌(Uromyces trifolii-repentis)相互作用研究(國家自然科學基金,項目編號:30470270)
7、黃山風景區珍稀瀕危植物保護生物學研究(安徽省跨世紀人才科研資助基金)等。 輔導四、講授課程:植物系統學、生態學概論、種群生態學、種群生物學、生物多樣性保護的原理與方法、植物病害與植物種群生物學、環境學概論、套用生態學和專業英語等。
五、代表性研究成果: 同濟大學四平路
1. Liu, D(劉登義). 1986. Some new taxa from Anhui Province. Bulletin of Botanical Research(植物研究),6(1):181-182. (in Chinese)
2. Liu, D(劉登義). 1988. A new form of Deutsia ningpoensis Rehd. Bulletin of Botanical Research(植物研究),8(2):141-142. (in Chinese)
3. Liu, D(劉登義). 1988. A preliminary exploration on the flora of the
Liugujian mountainous region between Anhui and
Jianxi. Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research(武漢植物學報),6(4):365-370. (in Chinese)
4. Liu, D(劉登義). 1996. Pathogenic fungi and natural plant populations. II.
Pathogenic fungi and plant population biology. Acta Ecologica Sinica(生態學報),16(6):79-85. (in Chinese)
5. Liu, D(劉登義). 1997. Pathogenic fungi and natural plant populations. III. Pathogenic fungi-host coevolution and population models for vector dispersed disease. Acta Ecologica Sinica(生態學報). 17(1):105-108. (in Chinese)
6. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Effects of copper on the physiology and development of the
populations of Roegnerid kamoji. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報) ,12(3):455-459. (in Chinese)
7. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Effects of copper mine taillings on the growth、development and physiological function of wheat. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),12(1):125-128. (in Chinese)
8. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Effects of Cu/As and their combination pollution on eco-physiological index of wheat. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),12(5):773-776 .(in Chinese)
9. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Micronucleus test in Vicia faba root tips cell to detect the mutability of
Cu and As pollution. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),12(5):777-779. (in Chinese)
10. Liu, D(劉登義). and Ericson, L. 2001. Effects of an interspecific competition gradient on the
interactions between Trifolium repens and its pathogenic rust fungus Uromyces trifolii-repentis. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica(植物生態學報),25(3):344-350.
11. Liu, D(劉登義). and Ericson L. 2002. Studies on induced protective resistance
in Geranium sylvaticum populations and interactions between pathogenic fungi. Biodiversity Science(生物多樣性),10(1):29-37.
12. Liu, D(劉登義). and Ericson, L. 2002. Infection of the Anther-smut Microbotryum violaceum
in population of Silene dioica: Variation in floral morphology, patterns of spore deposition and pathogen-pollinator mediated selection. Acta Botanica Sinica(植物學報),44(1):88-96.
13. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2002. Effect of Cu and As on germination and seedling growth
of crops. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),13(2):179-182. (in Chinese)
14. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2002. Effect of copper mine tailing on seed germination and
seedling growth of five legumes species. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),13(5):596-600.(in Chinese)
15. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2002. Effect of sewage irrigation on wheat growth and its
activate oxygen metabolism. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),13(10):1319-1322.(in Chinese)
16. Liu, D(劉登義) and You bao, W. 2003. Effects of sewage irrigation on the
growth and scavenging system of activated oxygen of crop plants. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination
And Toxicology,71(5):1011-1018.
17. Liu, D(劉登義), You bao, W. and Ericson, L. 2003. Relationship between resistance and growth
of Trifolium repens plants and their disease history. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(套用生態學報),14(1):35-42.
18. Liu, D(劉登義), Ying, L., Ling, Ch., Guanglin, W., and Lilong, W. Study of the Tolerance
of Hippochaete ramosissimum to Cu Stress. Science in China,2005 supp.
1. 《污染土壤修復原理與方法》,科學出版社,北京,2004.(著者之一)
2. 《生態學》,科學出版社,北京,2004.(副主編)
3. 《生態安徽的理論與實踐》,合肥工業大學出版社,合肥,2004.(主編)
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人物生平 史籍記載 家庭成員 人物評價 -
張延登(1566年2月3日~1641年12月11日) ,字濟美,號華東,別號小黃山居士、白䨲緣人、古香齋主人、漢儒伏生里人、漢儒伏生同里等,山東鄒平人。...
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