1993年7月畢業於南京大學化學化工學院配位化學研究所,獲理學碩士,2004年12月畢業於南京大學化學化工學院配位化學國家重點實驗室,獲理學博士。研究領域主要涉及二個方面:一是納米材料的製備、性質和套用研究。二是功能性配合物和納米孔配位聚合物的合成、性質和套用研究。主持和參加多項國家自然科學基金以及江蘇省自然科學基金等資助項目的研究工作。在Advance Materials(國際頂尖水平的材料類刊物)、 Journal of Solid State Chemistry、等期刊發表論文30多篇,其中SCI收錄20餘篇。獲常州市優秀科技論文一等獎(2003年),南京大學研究生優秀獎學金(2004年)。2008年始,擔任國際期刊Materials Research Bulletin的審稿人。中國化學會會員。
1. 金屬納米粒子的形狀可控合成和性質研究;省高校自然科學研究計畫項目(批准號:05KJB150023) 項目負責人。
2. 輻照輔助的形狀化金屬納米粒子的可控合成和結構研究;國家自然科學基金項目(批准號:20371026)主要參加者。(第二)。
3. 分子固體材料的控制合成與功能性質研究---子課題:富勒烯基分子固體材料的合成、表征、磁性及發光性能研究;國家自然科學基金重大項目(批准號:20391001)主要參加者。(第五)。
4. 功能性無機/有機納米複合材料的製備、結構和性能;江蘇省自然科學基金項目(批准號:BK 20022076)主要參加者。(第三)。
1. Qi Liu, Hongjiang. Liu, Zheng Xu, et al “Nanometer Nickel Hollow Spheres”
Advance Materials 2005, 17,1995-1999.
2. Min Han, Qi Liu, Jinghui He, You Song, Zheng Xu and Jianming Zhu “Controllable Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Cubic and Hexagonal Phases Nickel Nanocrystals”
Advance Materials 2007, 19,1096-1100.
3. Qi Liu, Jianhua Sun, Hongren Long, et al,“Hydrothermal synthesis of CoFe2O4 nanoplatelets
and nanoparticles”
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008,108,269-273
4. Qi Liu, Lifang Lai, Xiujuan Fu, Fangping Zhu, Jianhua Sun, Hongren Rong, etal “Solvothermal synthesis of CoFe2O4 hollow spheres”
J of Materials Science, 2007, 42,10113–10117
5. Qi Liu, Hongjiang Liu, Zheng Xu, et al “Large-Scale Synthesis of Single Crystal Silver Nanowires by a Sodium Diphenylamine Sulfonate Reduction Process”
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2006, 6, 231-234
6. Qi Liu, Hongjiang Liu, Zheng Xu, et al “Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline CuO nanoplatelets by a hydrothermal process
Materials Research Bulletin. 2006, 41, 697-702.
7. Qi Liu, Yongye Liang, Zheng Xu, et al “Solution phase synthesis of CuO nanorods”
Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2006,98,519-522
8. Qi Liu, Hongjiang Liu, Quanfa Zhou,Yongye Liang, Gui Yin, Zheng Xu, “Synthesis of nearly
monodispersive gold nanoparticles by a sodium diphenylamine sulfonate reduction process”
J of Materials Science, 2006, 41,3657-3662
9. Qi Liu, Zheng Xu,“Synthesis and crystal structure of one novel three-dimensional supramolecular compounds [Ni(H2O)6(fum)]·2(hmt)·4H2O (fum = fumarate; hmt = hexamethylenetetramine)”
Chinese. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 22, No6, 1095-1098.
10. Qi Liu, Yonghong Ni, Gui Yin, Jianming Hong and Zheng Xu, “High yield synthesis of PbS nanocubes using one-step solid-state reaction in the presence of an anionic surfactant”
11. Qi Liu, Yi-zhi Li,Hongjiang Liu, Fei Wang and Zheng Xu, “Synthesis and structure of a novel three-dimensional coordination polymer [Cd3(μ3-hmt)2(μ2-C4H2O4)2(H2O)6]SO4·4H2O with (3,4) connected topological motifs (hmt = hexamethylenetetramine)”
J. Molecular. Structure. 2005, 733(1-3), 25-28.
12. Qi Liu, Yi-Zhi Li, You Song, Hongjiang Liu, Zheng Xu, “Three-dimensional five-connected coordination polymer [M2(C3H2O4)2(H2O)2(m2-hmt)]n with 4466 topologies (M=Zn, Cu; hmt= hexamethylenetetramine)”
J. Solid. State. Chemistry. 2004. 177, 4701-4705
13. Qi Liu, B. L. Li, Z. Xu etal “Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Magnetic property of [Mn2(mal)2(H2O)2(m2-hmt)]n. A Novel Three-Dimensional Network Self-Assembled by hmt (hmt=Hexamethylenetetramine and mal=malonate)”
J.Coord. Chem., 2003, vol. 56(9).pp,771-777
14. Qi Liu, X.Q.Sun, Z.Xu etal “A new azide-bridged three-dimensional supramolecular manganese(II) compound: synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic property”
J. Coord. Chem., 2002, vol. 55(9). pp,1021-1027
15. Qi Liu, Z.Xu etal “A novel three-dimensional coordination polymer [Cd2(C3H2O4)2(H2O)2(m2-hmt)]n (hmt = hexamethylenetramine): synthesis and crystal structure”
Transition Metal Chemistry .2002, 27; 786-789.
16. Qi Liu, X.Q.Sun, Z.Xu etal “Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [Ag2(m4–hmt)(NO2)2]n. Two–Dimensional Network with Square Cavities Self-assembled by hmt (hmt=Hexamethylenetetramine)”
Transition Metal Chemistry. 2001, 26, 369–371.
1. 新型納米核@殼結構材料的設計、合成和性能研究;國家自然科學基金;(項目批准號:20671045);項目負責人。