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Guoli Zhu,Liangjiang Wang,Wenqiao Tang mai,Dong Liu,Jinquan Yang. De Novo Transcriptomes of Olfactory Epithelium Reveal the Genes and Pathways for Spawning Migration in Japanese Grenadier Anchovy (Coilia nasus).PLOS ONE,2014,9(8):1-8

Dong Liu, Yingying Liu, Wenqiao Tang, Jinquan Yang, Hongyi Guo, Guoli Zhu, Huihua Li, Population structure of Coilia nasus in the Yangtze River revealed by insertion of short interspersed elements. Biochem Syst Ecol, 2014,54,:103–112

Dong Liu, Hongyi Guo, Wenqiao Tang, Jinquan Yang, Comparative evolution of S7 intron 1 and ribosomal internal transcribed spacer in Coilia nasus. Int J Mol Sci, 13, 3085-3100, 2012

Dong Liu, Guoli Zhu, Wenqiao Tang, Jinquan Yang, Hongyi Guo, PCR and magnetic bead-mediated target capture for the isolation of short interspersed nucleotide elements in fishes. Int J Mol Sci, 13, 2048-2062, 2012

Dong Liu, Chunguang Zhang,Wenqiao Tang, First record of long whisker catfish Mystus gulio from china with discussions on the taxonomic status of the genus mystus, Acta Zootaxono- mica Sinica, 37(3),648-653,2012

Jinquan Yang, Xiaodu Zhou, Dong Liu, Zhizhi Liu, Liangjiang Wang, Wenqiao Tang, Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from Japanese grenadier anchovy (Coilia nasus). Conserv Genet Resour, 4(2), 519-521, 2012

Jinquan Yang, Wenqiao Tang, Teyu Liao, Yang Sun, Zhuocheng Zhou, Dong Liu, Hungdu Lin, Phylogeographical analysis on Squalidus argentatus recapitulates historical landscapes and drainage evolution on the island of Taiwan and Mainland China. Int J Mol Sci, 13, 1405-1425. 2012

Yang Sun, Hungdu Lin, Wenqiao Tang, Yumin Ju, Zhizhi Liu, Dong Liu, Jinquan Yang, Polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the Squalidus argentatus using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Int J Mol Sci, 12, 5666-5671, 2011

Jinquan Yang, Xiaodu Zhou, Dong Liu, Zhizhi Liu, Liangjiang Wang, Wenqiao Tang, Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the fish Coilia mystus (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays. Genet Mol Res, 10(3): 1514-1517, 2011

Dong Liu, Shaojun Liu, Cuiping You, Lin Chen, Zhen Liu, Liangguo Liu, Jing Wang, Yun Liu, Identification and expression analysis of genes involved in early ovary development in diploid gynogenetic hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp. Mar Biotechnol, 12:186-194, 2010

Dong Liu, Cuiping You, Shaojun Liu, Liangguo Liu, Wei Duan, Song Chen, Jinpeng Yan, Yun Liu, Characterization of a novel Tc1-like transposon from bream (Cyprinidae, Megalobrama) and its genetic variation in the polyploidy progeny of bream-red crucian carp crosses. J Mol Evol, 69:395–403, 2009

Dong Liu, Zhen Liu, Shaojun Liu, Liangguo Liu, Cuiping You, Lin Chen, Huan Zhong, Yun Liu, Comparative analysis and evolutionary significance of the HMG1 gene in crucian carp, blunt snout bream, and their polyploid progeny. Prog Nat Sci, 19, 1691-1697, 2009

Liangguo Liu, Cuiping You, Shaojun Liu, Huan Zhong, Dong Liu, Zhen Liu, Min Tao, Yun Liu, Cloning and evolutionary analysis of cyclin B gene intronsin cyprinids with different ploidy levels. Prog Nat Sci, 19, 1103-1108, 2009

Liangguo Liu, Jinpeng Yan, Shaojun Liu, Dong liu, Cuiping You, Huan Zhong, Min Tao, Yun Liu, Evolutionary analysis of allotetraploid hybrids of redcrucian carp × common carp, based on ISSR, AFLP molecular markers and cloning of cyclins genes. Chinese Sci Bull, 54, 2849-2861, 2009

劉東,李盈盈,唐文喬,楊金權,郭弘藝,刀鱭類Tc1轉座子的分子特徵及拷貝數變化的意義,水產學報,02:156-163, 2016

王聰,朱國利,唐文喬,劉東,楊金權,刀鱭MOR-2AK2的克隆、序列分析及組織表達,水產學報,01:11-23, 2016

朱國利,唐文喬,劉東,魚類嗅覺受體基因研究進展,水產學報, 06:916-927, 2015


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劉良國,顏金鵬,劉少軍,劉東,尤翠平,鍾歡,陶敏,劉筠,基於ISSR,AFLP分子標記和cyclins基因克隆的異源四倍體鯽鯉進化分析,科學通報,54(14), 2096-2107,2009

劉良國,尤翠平,劉少軍,劉東,鍾歡,劉筠,不同倍性鯉科魚Cyclin B基因內含子克隆與進化分析,自然科學進展,19(6),611-618,2009







《長江刀鱭全人工繁養和種質鑑定關鍵技術研究與套用》,上海市科技進步一等獎, 2015





