



1982-1986, 東北師範大學,數學系, 理學學士。
1986-1989, 吉林大學,數學系,理學碩士。
1999-2003, 東北大學信息工程學院, 控制理論與工程,工學博士.
2003.5-2003.12, 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學,電子與計算機工程系,化學工程系,高級訪問學者。
2004.6-2004.12, 澳大利亞柯廷大學,計算機系, 客座研究員.
1989-1992, 大連海事大學 (助教)
1992-1993, 大連海事大學 (講師)
1993-1998, 大連海事大學 (副教授)
1998-至今, 大連海事大學 (教授)
2001年-至今, 遼寧省骨幹青年教師
2002-2004, 大連海事大學, 套用數學學科帶頭人
2004年-至今, 遼寧省百千萬, 百層次
2005年-至今,澳大利亞柯廷大學,計算機系, 客座教授.


美國數學會重要會員, Membership code: LXXGXC.











1 劉曉東,張運傑著,《The Fuzzy Theory Based On AFS Structure and AFS Algebra》(英文版, 基於AFS結構和AFS代數的模糊理論),大連海事大學出版社,大連市政府學術出版基金資助,1998.

2 趙連昌,劉曉東,《線性代數與幾何》,高等教育出版社,2002,面向21世紀課程教材.

3 鄒開其,劉曉東編著,《CF代數》,河北教育出版社,1993.


[1]Xiaodong Liu, Qingling Zhang, New approaches to H controller designs based on fuzzy observers for T-S fuzzy systems via LMI, Automatica, 2003, 39(9): 1571-1582 (Regular Paper). (SCI, EI檢索)

[2] Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling, Approaches to Quadratic Stability Conditions and H Control Designs for T-S Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, ( Regular paper) vol.11, no 6, 2003, pp830-839. (SCI, EI檢索)

[3] Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Q L, New Approaches to H control for T-S Fuzzy Descriptor Systems via LMI. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithms, Volume 11, (2004), p153-164. (SCI檢索)

[4]Liu Xiaodong, The Fuzzy Theory Based on AFS Algebras and AFS Structures. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1998, 217: 459—478. USA. (SCI, EI檢索)

[5]Liu Xiaodong, The Topology on AFS Algebras and AFS Structures. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1998, 217: 479—489. (SCI, EI檢索)

[6]Liu Xiaodong, The Fuzzy Theory Based on AFS. Structure, EI Algebra and EII Algebra, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1998, 95: 179—188. Holland. (SCI, EI檢索)

[7]Xiaodong Liu, Wei Wang, Tianyou Chai, The Fuzzy Clustering Analysis Based on AFS Theory, IEEE Transections on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B, (Regular Paper), vol.35 No 5, pp.1013-1027,2005.(SCI, EI檢索)

[8]Liu Xiaodong, A New Fuzzy Model of Pattern Recognition and Hitch Diagnosis of Complex Systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1999, 104: 289—296. (SCI, EI檢索)

[9]Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Q. L. The Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Based on AFS Fuzzy Logic, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis, Volume 11, Number5-6, 2004, pp. 787-796 (SCI檢索)

[10]Xiaodong Liu, Wanquan Liu, Credit Rating Analysis With AFS Fuzzy Logic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3612, pp. 1198–12042005(SCI檢索).

[11]Liu Xiaodong,Zhang Qingling, H-Controller Designs Based on Observer for T-S Fuzzy Systems, ACTA Automatica Sinica, 29(1):45-53, 2003.(EI檢索)

[12]Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling, H output feedback control designs of fuzzy dynamic systems via LMI, 41th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002, 2153-2158. (EI檢索)

[13]Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling, H control for T-S fuzzy systems: LMI Approach, Proceedings of American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, May 8-10,2002, pp987-988. (EI檢索)

[14]Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling, H control designs based on observer for fuzzy dynamic systems :LMI approaches, 41th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002, pp2151-2152 (EI檢索)

[15] 劉曉東, 張慶靈,模糊系統H控制器的LMI設計,控制理論與套用,vol.21, No.1, 2004, pp. 120-124.(EI檢索)

[16] 劉曉東, 張慶靈, 王岩,關於T-S模糊系統穩定性的研究,東北大學學報,vol.23, No.6, 2002. p531-534. (EI 檢索)

[17] 劉曉東 張慶靈 王岩,T-S模糊廣義系統的H控制,東北大學學報,vol.23, No.5, 2002, pp428-431. (EI 檢索)

[18] 劉曉東,張慶靈,王岩,基於LMI的T-S模糊系統的H控制,控制與決策,2002, 17(6):923-927.

[19] 劉曉東,張慶靈, 基於LMI方法的T-S模糊系統的H輸出反饋控制器設計,控制與決策,2002, vol.17:143-746.

[20] Xiaodong Liu, Qingling Zhang and Guanghong Yang, H-Control for T-S Fuzzy Descriptor Systems: LMI Approaches, Proceedings of 4th Asian Control Conference, September 25-27, 2002, p329-334. Singapore, ISTP檢索.

[21]Liu Xiaodong, The Structure of Fuzzy Matrices, Int. Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 1994, 2: 311—325. USA. (收錄美國數學評論)

[22]Liu Xiaodong, The Solution of Fuzzy Equations, Int. Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 1994, 2: 327—333. USA. (收錄美國數學評論)

[23]Liu Xiaodong, A New Mathematical Axiomatic System of Fuzzy Set and Systems. Int. Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics (模糊數學雜誌), 1995, 3: 559—560. USA. (收錄美國數學評論)

[24]Liu Xiaodong, Two Algebraic Structures of AFS. Structure, Int. Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 1995, 3: 561—562. USA. (收錄美國數學評論)

[25]Liu Xiaodong, Witold Pedrycz, Zhang Qingling. AFS Fuzzy Logic Systems, IEEE International Conference on fuzzy systems, 2003. vol. 1 2003: 55-60, EI檢索.

[26]Liu Xiaodong, Zhu Kejiu and Huang Hongzhong, The representations of fuzzy concepts based on the fuzzy matrix theory and AFS theory, 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, October 5-8, 2003, pp.1006-1011,Texas USA. EI檢索。

[27]Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling, The EI algebra Representations of fuzzy concepts, The 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2002,pp.2968-2972 EI檢索

[28] 劉曉東 張慶靈 王岩,AFS模糊邏輯系統及其在模糊信息處理上的套用,東北大學學報,23(4): 2002, 321-323 (EI 檢索)

[29] 劉曉東 張慶靈 朱克久, 基於AFS邏輯的模糊聚類分析,模糊系統與數學,vol.16,No.1, 38-48, 2002. (美國《數學評論》核心引用期刊)

[30] 劉曉東 張慶靈,模糊概念的EI代數分解,模糊系統與數學, vol.16, No.2, 2002, pp27-35. (美國《數學評論》核心引用期刊)

[31]Liu Xiaodong, Zhang Qingling, The Fuzzy Information Systems Based on AFS Theory, Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, August 18-20, vol.1, 2001, pp.326-329. ISTP檢索。

[31] Liu Xiaodong, Wang Fengwu and Wei hua, The Data Mining Based on AFS Theory, Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2002 (ISTP檢索)

[32] Wang Xin Liu Xiaodong, The Design of Database Query Based on AFS Fuzzy Algorithm, Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2002,(ISTP檢索)

[33] Liu Xiaodong, Wang yibin and Liu Wanquan, The Decomposition Algorithm of AFS Structure and Its Applications to Failure Diagnosis, Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, 2004.(EI 檢索)

[35] Xin Wang Xiaodong Liu, The Base of finite EI Algebra, 3th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp2005-2009, 2004..(EI 檢索)

[36] Xiaodong Liu, Xiaoyue Zhou, Xin Wang, The Fuzzy Inference Rule Extraction and Attribute Reduction Based on AFS Theory and Closeness degrees, 3th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp1586-1589, 2004..(EI 檢索)

[37] Xiaodong Liu, AFS Fuzzy Logic Systems and its applications to Modeling and control, International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences, accept 2004.

[38] Xiaodong Liu, Fuzzy Identification of Systems Based on AFS Fuzzy Logic, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete And Impulsive Systems, Series B, 12b, supp, (2005), 90-102.2005.(SCI檢索)

[39] 劉曉東,環上微商的本原類與環的交換性,數學學報,1990,33:528—536. (收錄美國數學評論)

[40] 劉曉東,環上微商的準質類與環的交換性, 吉林大學學報自然科學版,4(1990), 21—27.

[41]Xiaodong Liu and Witold Pedrycz, The Development of Fuzzy Decision Trees in the Framework of Axiomatic Fuzzy Set Logic, Applied Soft Computing, accepted,available online 2005.(SCI檢索)

[42]Shaocheng Tong, Xiaodong Liu, Decentralized Fuzzy Control for Discrete-time Nonlinear Large-scale Systems with Parametric Uncertainties, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete And Impulsive Systems, Series B, 12b, supp, (2005), 17-31.(SCI檢索)

[43] Liu XD, Liu WQ, Zhang QL,H-infinity dynamic feedback control for fuzzy systems,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete And Impulsive Systems, Series B -APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 2: 866-873 Sp. Iss. SI 2005. (SCI檢索)


2 2002年交通部“吳福-振華”優秀教師獎。
3 2002年海事大學“泛洋”優秀教師一等獎。
4 2003年東北大學優秀博士論文。
5 2004年大連市優秀教師.
6 2004年遼寧省優秀博士論文.
1)1997-1999, AFS理論及其在模式識別和故障診斷中的套用, 遼寧省教委, 5萬元 (項目負責人)。
2)2000-2002, C-F代數及其在航海中的套用, 交通部,5萬元 (參加者).
3)2002-2004, 基於AFS理論和拓撲分子格理論的模糊控制系統, 國家自然科學基金項目, 18萬元(項目負責人)。
4)2003-2008,論複雜生產製造過程實時,智慧型控制,最佳化理論和方法研究複雜工業過程的模糊建模與模糊自適應控制理論與方法, 國家973項目, 30萬 (主要成員)
5) 2005-2006基於AFS模糊邏輯的複雜系統辯識與建模,國家博士後基金一等,3萬(目負責人)。
6) 2005-2007基於模糊認知圖和AFS模糊邏輯的知識發現和表示,國家自然科學基金項目, 項目經費:22萬元(項目負責人)。60575039
7) 2005-2008流程工業一體化過程控制的若干基礎理論與關鍵技術研究,國家


