南京大學地球科學與工程學院副教授,碩士生導師。主要研究領域為岩土體多場多尺度定量分析和數值模擬,包括岩土體微觀結構數字圖像定量分析,岩土體離散元法、多場耦合理論、系統研發和套用等。2012年博士畢業於南京大學,獲“2012年李四光優秀博士研究生獎”和“2013年江蘇省優秀博士論文”。後在史丹福大學開展博士後研究。2014年始任南京大學副教授。2015年獲岩石力學與工程學會“青年人才托舉工程”支持(二等)。主持和參與了六項國家自然科學基金項目研究,發表了三十餘篇研究論文,包括20篇SCI論文。其中,以第一作者發表了10篇SCI論文,包括3篇Journal of Geophysical Research- Solid Earth, 2篇Computers & Geosciences, 2篇Journal of Structural Geology,以及Build and Environment, Engineering Geology和Applied Clay Science等。已申請和獲得國家發明專利6項,獲得5項軟體著作權。
1. 岩土體離散元(DEM )建模理論、系統研發和套用。在研課題包括:
2. 岩土體微觀結構定量分析及微巨觀聯繫。在研課題包括:
發表論文( * 為通訊作者)
Liu, C.*, Shi B., Pollard D. D., and Gu K. 2015. Mechanism of formation of wiggly compaction bands in porous sandstone: 2. Numerical simulation using discrete element method, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JB012374. (SCI)
Liu, C.*, Pollard D. D., Aydin A., and Deng S. 2015. Mechanism of formation of wiggly compaction bands in porous sandstone: 1. Observations and conceptual model, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JB012372. (SCI)
Liu C.*, Pollard D.D., Shi B. 2013. Analytical solutions and numerical tests of elastic and failure behaviors of close-packed lattice for brittle rocks and crystals. Journal of Geophysical Research- Solid Earth, 118, 71–82. [doi: 10.1029/2012JB009615] (SCI)
Liu C., Shi B., Shao Y., Tang C., 2013. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Urban Heat Island Effect on Slope Stability. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 72(3-4), 303-310. [doi: 10.1007/s10064-013-0476-5] (SCI, EI)
Liu C. *, Tang C., Shi B., Suo W., 2013. Automatic quantification of crack patterns by image processing. Computers and Geosciences, 57, 77-80. [doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.008] (SCI, EI)
Liu C. *, Yin H., Zhu L., 2012. TrishearCreator: a tool for the kinematic simulation and strain analysis of trishear fault-propagation folding with growth strata. Computers & Geosciences, 49, 200-206 [doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.002] (SCI, EI)
Liu C. *, Shi B., Zhou J., Tang C., 2011. Quantification and characterization of microporosity by image processing, geometric measurement and statistical methods: application on SEM images of clay materials. Applied Clay Science, 54(1), 97-106 [doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2011.07.022] (SCI, EI)
Liu C. *, Shi B., Tang C., Gao L., 2011. A numerical and field Investigation of underground temperatures under urban heat island. Building and Environment 46(5), 1205-1210 [doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.12.015] (SCI, EI)
Liu C. *, Zhang Y., Wang, Y., 2009. Analysis of complete fold shape based on quadratic Bezier curves. Journal of Structural Geology 31(6), 575-581 [doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2009.03.019] (SCI, EI)
Liu C. *, Zhang Y., Shi B., 2009. Geometric and kinematic modeling of detachment folds with growth strata based on Bezier curves. Journal of Structural Geology 31(3), 260-269 [doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2008.11.019] (SCI, EI)
Gu, K., Jin, F., Al-Tabbaa, A., Shi, B.,Liu, C., & Gao, L. (2015). Incorporation of reactive magnesia and quicklime in sustainable binders for soil stabilisation. Engineering Geology, 195, 53–62. (SCI, EI)
Deng, S., Cilona A., Morrow C., Mapeli C.,Liu C., Lockner D., Prasad M., and Aydin A. (2015b), Cross-bedding related anisotropy and its interplay with various boundary conditions in the formation and orientation of joints in an aeolian sandstone, J. Struct. Geol., 77(8), 175–190. (SCI, EI)
Jiao K., Yao S.,Liu C., Gao Y., Wu H., Li M., Tang Z., 2014. The characterization and quantitative analysis of nanopores in unconventional gas reservoirs utilizing FESEM–FIB and image processing: An example from the lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale, upper Yangtze region, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 128-129, 1-11. [doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2014.03.004] (SCI, EI)
Tang C., Shi B., Cui Y.,Liu C., Gu K., 2012. Desiccation cracking behaviour of polypropylene fiber reinforced clayey soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49(9), 1088-1101 [doi: 10.1139/t2012-067] (SCI)
Shi B., Tang C., Gao L.,Liu C., Wang B., 2012. Observation and analysis of the urban heat island effect on soil in Nanjing, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. Environmental Earth Sciences, 67(1), 215-229 [doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1501-2] (SCI, EI)
Tang C., Shi B., Gao L., Daniels J.L., Jiang H.T.,Liu C., 2011. Urbanization effect on soil temperature in Nanjing, China. Energy and Buildings, 43(11), 3090–3098 [doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.08.003] (SCI, EI)
Tang C., Cui Y., Shi B., Tang A.,Liu C., 2011. Desiccation and cracking behaviour of clay layer from slurry state under wetting-drying cycles. Geoderma, 116(1), 111-118 [doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2011.07.018] (SCI, EI)
Tang C., Shi B.,Liu C., Gao L., Inyang H., 2011. Experimental investigation on the desiccation cracking behavior of soil layer during drying. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 23(6), 873-878 [doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000242] (SCI, EI)
Tang C., Shi B.,Liu C., et al. 2011. Experimental characterization of shrinkage and desiccation cracking in thin clay layer. Applied Clay Science 52(1-2), 69-77 [doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2011.01.032] (SCI, EI)
Tang C., Shi B.,Liu C., Wang B., 2008. Influencing factors of geometrical structure of surface shrinkage cracks in clayey soils. Engineering Geology 101(3-4), 204-217 [doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.05.005] (SCI, EI)
Shao Y., Gao L., Liu C., Lei Gao, 2012. Experimental Study on Temperature Effect on Engineering Properties of Clayey Soils. Advanced Materials Research 512, 1905-1918 [doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.512-515.1905] ( EI)
劉春*,王寶軍,施斌,唐朝生,2008.基於數字圖像識別的岩土體裂隙形態參數分析方法.岩土工程學報,30(9):1383-1388 (EI)
劉春*,施斌,顧凱, &孫義傑. (2014).岩土體大型三維離散元模擬系統的研發與套用. 2014年全國工程地質學術大會論文集.
吳靜紅,周春慧,姜洪濤,蘇晶文,姜月華,劉春,施斌, 2014,.蘇州第四紀沉積物物理性質與地面沉降生命過程分析.岩土工程學報,36(9):1745-1753.(EI)
施斌,唐朝生,高磊,姜洪濤,劉春,2012.城市和郊區淺部地溫場差異.工程地質學報,20(1):58-65 [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-9665.2012.01.009]
邵玉嫻,施斌,劉春,顧凱,唐朝生,2011.黏性土水理性質溫度效應研究.岩土工程學報, 33(10), 1576-1582 (EI)
唐朝生,施斌,高磊,劉春,趙理政,2011.城郊土體剖面含水量監測與對比研究.工程地質學報,19(5):656-663 [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-9665.2011.05.004]
唐朝生,施斌,高磊,顧凱,劉春,2010.土體剖面溫度物理模型試驗研究.工程地質學報,18(6):913-919 [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-9665.2010.06.016]
施斌,邵玉嫻,劉春,王寶軍,2009.城市"熱島"效應對土體工程性質的影響及其關鍵科學問題.工程地質學報,17(2):180-187 [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-9665.2009.02.005]
唐朝生,施斌,劉春,王寶軍,2007.影響黏性土表面乾縮裂縫結構形態的因素及定量分析.水利學報,38(10):1186-1193 (EI)
唐朝生,施斌,劉春,王寶軍,高瑋,2007.黏性土在不同溫度下乾縮裂縫的發展規律及形態學定量分析.岩土工程學報,29(5):743-749 (EI)
Shi B.,Liu C., Tang C.S., Wang B.J., 2008. Urban heat island effect on engineering properties of soil and the related disaster effect. In proceeding of International symposium on drought and constructions, Paris, Sep.1-3. (conference)
Shi B., Zhang D., Zhu H.H., Liu C., 2011. Application of distributed optical fiber strain measurement into geotechnical engineering monitoring. 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2011, Stanford University. (conference)
Liu C., Wang B., Shi B., Tang C., 2010. Quantitative analysis of soil cracks using image processing. 11th International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment Congress 2010, Beijing. (conference)
1.Liu, C.
2.Liu, C.
3.Liu C.
4.Liu C.
5.Liu C. *
6.Liu C. *
7.Liu C. *
8.Liu C. *
9.Liu C. *
10.Liu C. *
11.Liu, C.
12.Liu C.
13.Liu C.
14.Liu C.
15.Liu C.
16.Liu C.
17.Liu C.
18.Liu C.
19.Liu C.
20.Liu C.
21.Shao Y., Gao L., Liu C., Lei Gao, 2012. Experimental Study on Temperature Effect on Engineering Properties of Clayey Soils. Advanced Materials Research 512, 1905-1918 [doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.512-515.1905] ( EI)
34.Liu C.
35.Shi B., Zhang D., Zhu H.H., Liu C., 2011. Application of distributed optical fiber strain measurement into geotechnical engineering monitoring. 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2011, Stanford University. (conference)
36.Liu C., Wang B., Shi B., Tang C., 2010. Quantitative analysis of soil cracks using image processing. 11th International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment Congress 2010, Beijing. (conference)
短絲纖維加筋石灰土地基處理方法(第8),專利號:ZL2006 1 0086081.7
灌注樁基礎分散式光纖感測檢測方法(第9),專利號:ZL2006 1 0086083.6
二維顆粒離散元模擬系統軟體,No. 00463158