



敬松(1975.4-)男,副教授。1998年陝西科技大學本科畢業,獲學士學位,2005年3月電子科技大學研究生畢業,獲博士學位並留校工作,2006年7月破格晉升副教授。2007年3月至2008年2月在葡萄牙阿威羅大學做博士後研究。2008年3月起在西南科技大學工作。2006年獲四川省優秀博士學位論文。研究方向為電子薄膜與集成器件,曾為電子薄膜與集成器件國家重點實驗室成員。“十·五”期間參與973重大基礎研究項目一項,承擔國防預先研究項目一項。2003年以來以在Physical Review B、Journal of Applied Physics、Journal of American Ceramic Society、Physical Letters A、Journal of Crystal Growth等國際主流學術雜誌發表論文30餘篇,均被SCI收錄,2005年、2006年兩次應美國Nova Science編輯部邀請,出版關於電子薄膜研究進展專著兩部。獲發明專利一項,申請3項。
1.指導本科畢業設計和畢業論文, 3屆16人;
2.指導碩士研究生, 2屆5人。




1. J. S. Liu, H. Q. Li, PZT powder enhanced orientation of SBT ceramics, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, submitted.
2. J. F. Scott, H. J. Fan, J. S. Liu, et al, Terahertz emission from PZT nanotubes, NANO LETTERS, 8, 4404(2008).
3. J. S. Liu, Z. H. Zeng, and A. L. Kholkin, Cross-sectional analysis of ferroelectric domains in PZT capacitors via piezoresponse force microscopy, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (22): 7053-7056 2007. 4. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, H. Z. Zeng, W. D. Fei, and S. Y. Du, 90 degrees switching of polarization in La3+-doped SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 99 (9): Art. No. 094103 MAY 1 2006
5. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, Z. H. Zeng, and C. T. Yang, Coercive field dependence of the grain size of ferroelectric films, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 (17): Art. No. 172101 NOV 2005
6. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, L. S. Dai, and Y. Yuan, Domain evolution in ferroelectric thin films during fatigue process, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 97 (10): Art. No. 104102 Part 1, MAY 15 2005
7. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, C. T. Yang, and L. S. Dai, Domain structure and fatigue behavior of La3+-doped SrBi2Ta2O9 thin film, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 88 (1): 85-88 JAN 2005
8. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, S. Q. Zhang, and C. T. Yang, Fabrication of ferroelectric thin films with alternate deposition of multilayers, INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS 66: 115-+ 2004
9. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, C. W. Zhong, J. L. Zhou, and C. T. Yang, SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films fabricated by alternate deposition of SrTa2O6 and Bi2O3 layers, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 39 (11): 3853-3855 JUN 1 2004 10. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, C. T. Yang, and J. L. Zhou, Low-temperature fabrication of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 films using a new chemical solution deposition method without post-annealing, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 264 (1-3): 302-306 MAR 15 2004
11. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, F. G. Chen, C. T. Yang, and X. H. Zhou, Measurements and simulation of hysteresis loops of donor-doped strontium bismuth tantalate ceramics, PHYSICS LETTERS A 321 (3): 199-204 FEB 2 2004
12. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, W. N. You, and J. L. Zhou, Growth mechanism and characteristics of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 films prepared with alternate deposition of PbZrO3 and PbTiO3 layers, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 39 (4): 1485-1487 FEB 15 2004
13. J. S. Liu, S. R. Zhang, and C. T. Yang, Investigation of the crystal structure and electrical properties of La3+-doped SrBi2Ta2O9 ceramics, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 14 (4): 229-231 APR 2003
14. S. R. Zhang, J. S. Liu, and C. T. Yang, Growth and characterization of PZT films with different grain sizes, INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS 84: 99-105 2006.
15. Z. H. Zeng, J. S. Liu, L. S. Dai, Z. H. Wang, and S. X. Bao, In-plane 90 degrees rotation of lamellar domains in PbTiO3 grains revealed by piezoresponse force microscopy, JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS 15 (2): 135-141 NOV 2005


1. S. R. Zhang and J. S. Liu, Recent progress in bismuth layer structured ferroelectrics, in the section of Thin films and coatings: New research (Editor Frank Columbus), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2005, ISBN: 1-59454-517-0. (Invited work)
2. H. Z. Zeng and J. S. Liu, Nanoscale Static and Dynamic Domain Structures of Ferroelectric Thin Films, in the Section of Trends in Thin Solid Films Research (Editor Alyssa R JOST), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2006, ISBN: 1-60021-455-X.





