2003年於河南大學生物工程系獲學士學位;同年推免進入中國科學院生化工程國家重點實驗室,於2008年獲得博士學位,期間,2006年8月至2008年5月在瑞典Lund University從事訪問學者研究;2008年8月至2010年6月在瑞典Bioprocess Control AB從事技術研發和推廣;2010年7月至2012年3月在清華大學化工系從事博士後研究工作;2012年4月起任中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院“優秀人才”副教授、博士生導師。
(1)國家自然科學基金-石油化工聯合基金(U1562107)“有機廢棄物加壓水熱液化轉化年輕石油的套用基礎研究”。 2016.1-2018.12. 主持
(2)國家自然科學基金中泰(NSFC-NRCT)國際合作項目(5151101167) “太陽能水熱水解及生化轉化耦合製取微藻生物燃料基礎研究” 子課題。2015.10-2018.9.主持
(3)北京市優秀人才資助計畫青年拔尖個人項目。2016-2018. 主持
(4)大北農青年學者研究計畫“灰分調控和催化劑強化藻類生物質水熱液化高效產油機制”。2015-2017. 主持
(5)美國比爾及梅琳達·蓋茨基金會項目(RTTC-C-R2-01-001)“熱水解-氣化集成技術處理廁所糞尿的環境增值系統與裝置”。2015-2016. 主持
(6)國家自然科學基金面上項目(51576206)“低脂高蛋白藻水熱液化過程關鍵元素遷移與成油機制”。2016-2019. 骨幹
(7)“十二五”國家科技支撐(2014BAD02B03)“秸稈高效生物轉化製備氫氣和高值化產品關鍵技術研究及其系統集成示範”子課題,2014-2016. 主持.
(8)行業(水利部)公益專項項目(201401078)子課題“用於控制灌水器生物膜和成垢堵塞的電化學工藝與技術研發”,2014-2016. 主持
(9)國家自然科學基金青年項目(21106080)“微生物電解池強化生物質暗發酵制氫的過程機理研究”,2012-2014. 主持.
(10)中國農業大學優秀人才項目(2012RC030)“熱化學和生物電化學強化農業廢棄物發酵生產高值化生物燃料”,2012-2014. 主持.
(11)中國博士後科學基金項目(20100480281)“產電微生物ARTP誘變及其突變株高產電特性研究”,2010-2012. 主持.
(12)國家自然科學基金委重大國際合作NSFC-JST項目(21161140328)“生物質生產氣體生物燃料的微生物種群工程及套用系統最佳化”,2011-2014. 骨幹.
(13)國家973計畫項目(2011CB707400)“木質纖維素高效降解轉化中的生物科學技術問題”,2011-2015. 骨幹.
發表國內外學術論文43 篇,其中第一或通訊作者SCI 論文22篇,影響因子大於5 的論文8篇,進入ESI 前10%的論文7 篇,主編/副主編著作3 部,申請專利12 項,其中授權8 項。近三年主要論文和專利如下:
(1)Shen R, Liu Z*, He Y, Zhang Y, Lu J, Zhu Z, Si B, Zhang C, Xing X. Microbial electrolysis cell to treat hydrothermal liquefied wastewater from cornstalk and recover hydrogen: degradation of organic compounds and characterization of microbial community. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. In press. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.01.032. (SCI).
(2)Zhu Z, Liu Z*, Zhang Y, Li B, Lu H, Duan N, Si B, Shen R, Lu J. Recovery of reducing sugars and volatile fatty acids from cornstalk at different hydrothermal treatment severity. Biores. Technol. 199(2016), 220-227. (SCI).
(3)Shen R#, Tian C#, Liu Z*, Zhang Y*, Li B, Lu H, Duan N. Temporal changes in the characteristics of algae in Dianchi Lake, Yunnan province, China. Frontiers in Agricultural Science and Engineering. 2(2015), 266-275
(4)Si B, Li, J, Li B, Zhu Z, Shen R, Zhang Y*, Liu Z*. The role of hydraulic retention time on controlling methanogenesis and homoacetogenesis in biohydrogen production using upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and packed bed reactor (PBR). Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 40(2015), 11414-11421. (SCI).
(5)Si B, Liu Z*, Zhang Y, Li J, Xing X, Li B, Duan N, Lu H. Effect of reaction mode on biohydrogen production and its microbial diversity. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 40 (2015), 3191-3200 (SCI)
(6)Liu Z*, He Y, Shen R, Zhu Z, Xing XH, Li B, Zhang Y. Performance and microbial community of carbon nanotube fixed-bed microbial fuel cell continuously fed with hydrothermal liquefied cornstalk biomass. Biores. Technol. 185 (2015), 294-301. (SCI).
(7)Si B, Liu Z*, Zhang Y, Li J, Shen R, Zhu Z, Xing X. Towards biohythane production from biomass: Influence of operational stage on anaerobic fermentation and microbial community. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. In press. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.06.045. (SCI).
(8)Lu J, Liu Z*, Zhang Y, Li B, Li H, Tian C, Zhu Z. Effects of operational parameters on the hydrothermal liquefaction of Enteromorpha prolifera and products distribution. J Biob Mat Bioenergy. 9(2015), 16-21 (SCI).
(9)Tian C, Liu Z*, Zhang Y, Li B, Cao W, Lu H, Duan N. Hydrothermal liquefaction of harvested high-ash low-lipid algal biomass from Dianchi Lake: Effects of operational parameters and relations of products. Biores technol.. 184 (2015), 336-343 (SCI).
(10)Liu Z, Zhang C, Wang L, He J, Li B, Zhang Y, Xing XH*. Effects of furan derivatives on biohydrogen fermentation from wet steam-exploded cornstalk and its microbial community. Biores technol.175 (2015), 152-159 (SCI).
(11)He Y, Liu Z*, Xing XH, Li B, Zhang Y, Shen R, Zhu Z, Duan N Carbon nanotubes as simultaneous anodes and microbial carriers for up-flow fixed-bed microbial fuel cell. Biochem Engi J. 94 (2015), 39-44. (SCI).
(12)Zhu Z, Liu Z*, Zhang Y*, Xing X, Li B, Duan N, Lu H, Li H, Si B, He Y. Coproduction of reducing sugars and volatile fatty acids from xylan and cellulose through hydrothermal liquefaction. J Bioprocess Engi Biorefinery. 3(2014), 219-226
(13)Liu Z*, Liu J, Li B, Zhang Y, Xing XH. Focusing on the process diagnosis of anaerobic fermentation by a novel sensor system combining microbial fuel cells, gas flow meter and pH meter Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 39 (2014), 13658-13664 (SCI)
(14)Tian C, Li B, Liu Z*, Zhang Y*, Lu H. Hydrothermal liquefaction for algal biorefinery: A critical review. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 2014, 38, 933-950. (SCI) (included by ChemInform Abstract, Volume 46, Issue 29, page no, July, 2015 DOI: 10.1002/chin.201529326)
(15)Liu Z, Li Q, Zhang C, Wang L, Han B, Li B, Zhang Y, Chen H, Xing XH*. Effects of operating parameters on hydrogen production from raw wet steam-exploded cornstalk and two-stage fermentation potential for biohythane production. Biochem Engi J. 2014, 234-238. (SCI).
(16)Li H, Liu Z*, Zhang Y*, Li B, Lu H, Duan N, Liu M, Zhu Z, Si B. Conversion efficiency and oil quality of low-lipid-high-protein and high-lipid-low-protein microalgae via hydrothermal liquefaction. Biores technol. 2014, 154, 322–329 (SCI)
(17)Liu Z, Zhang C, Lu Y, Wu X, Wang L, Wang L, Han B, Xing XH*. States and challenges for high-value biohythane production from waste biomass by dark fermentation technology. Biores technol. 2013, 135: 292–303 (SCI).
(18)Liu Z, Lv F, Zheng H, Zhang C, Xing XH*, Wei F. Enhanced hydrogen production in an UASB reactor by retaining microbial consortium onto carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2012, 37, 10619 -10626. (SCI)
(20)Liu Z. Gas Biofuels from Waste Biomass: Principles and Advances. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2015.
堀克敏,主編:下一代生物制氫發展,日本化學同人出版社. 2014.
(22)唐艷芬,王宇欣 主編;劉志丹,崔秋娜,周濤 副主編。《大中型沼氣工程設計與套用》. 化學工業出版社。2013.
(23)Liu Z. Fuel cell performance. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2012.
(24)一種藻類與粗甘油共液化製備生物原油及方法。國家發明專利. 2014. 專利授權號:ZL201410499416.2。
(25)一種氫烷發酵耦合微藻養殖處理有機廢棄物的方法. 國家發明專利. 2014. 專利申請號: 201410226015.X
(26)連續處理污水產電的碳納米管載體型微生物電化學裝置. 國家發明專利. 2014.專利申請號:2014100626744
(27)用於有機廢棄物發酵過程監測的微生物燃料電池及方法。國家發明專利. 專利授權號:ZL201310195353.7.
(28)用於生物過程診斷和物料特性分析的複合感測器及方法。國家發明專利. 專利授權號:ZL201310195391.2.
(29)一種研究微生物電化學的多電極微生物燃料電池系統。國家發明專利. 專利授權號:ZL201310195986.8.
(30)一種調節氫烷發酵產氫的方法. 國家發明專利. 專利授權號:ZL201310482059.4
(31)一種生物原油萃取重油產物有機溶劑回收裝置. 實用新型專利. 專利授權號:ZL 201320626602.9.
(32)一種用生物質發酵制混合氫烷的系統生產混合氫烷的方法。2012. 國家發明專利. 專利號:ZL 201210161121.5
(33)一種用於多階段生物質發酵反應體系的監控系統及其監控方法。2012. 國家發明專利. 專利申請號:ZL201210230597.X
(2)2012年獲得2nd Environment-Enhancing Energy and Biochemicals 國際會議最佳論文獎