
劉奮勇,病毒學、生物化學專業,美國籍,現為美國加州大學柏克利分校公共衛生學院終生教授,同時還任加大柏克利分校比較生物化學學科主任。劉奮勇博士先後師從美國科學院院士、世界著名的皰疹病毒專家、芝加哥大學 Bernard Roizman教授和諾貝爾獎獲得者、耶魯大學Sidney Altman教授。
劉奮勇博士目前主要從事HCMV研究以及治療這類病的新藥物和方法的研究與開發;在人皰疹病毒的基因組和功能組研究方面和由核酶介導的基因治療方面取得了重要的研究成果;先後在美國科學院院刊、Journal of Virology、Cell、Gene & Development、Nucleic Acids Research等國際一流和知名學術刊物上發表研究論文數十篇;並獲得“美國傑出青年學者獎”、“美國白血病協會傑出學者獎”、“美國心臟協會傑出學者獎”等。
2006年12月從美國加州引入江蘇。到泰州市病毒研究所從事技術開發與服務工作,主要從事快速診斷禽流感病毒株的晶片產品的開發, 設計, 生產及銷售。在最初兩年試銷和市場培育期內,每年將生產及售出至少20,000套人類晶片和20,000套動物晶片。預計今後幾年內,每年將售出200,000套人類晶片和200,000套動物晶片。此外,幫助引進多名國內外知名專家擔任研究所顧問。

該病毒檢測晶片由美國芝加哥大學博士、耶魯大學博士後,美國加州大學柏克利分校公共衛生學院終身教授、比較生物化學學科主任劉奮勇研發。2008年1月,劉奮勇博士加盟中國醫藥城,註冊了高新技術企業——泰州親和力生物技術有限公司,建立了先進的分子生物學實驗室、生物二級動物房和GMP晶片生產廠房,主要從事嚴重危害人類健康的病毒性疾病的快速診斷、病原分子生物學及藥物防治研究。經過近一年的努力,企業研製出了 “世界第一”也是“世界唯一”的流感病毒診斷生物晶片。
在檢測甲型H1N1流感病毒時,只需對可疑患者鼻或咽拭子標本 (用醫用棉簽從人體鼻或咽部蘸取少量分泌物)、漱口水進行檢測。晶片具有靈敏度高、特異性強、檢測速度快、樣本前處理相對簡單、價格低、攜帶方便等優點,填補了國際同行業空白。

1. Liu, F., and Roizman, B. (1991). The promoter, transcriptional unit, and coding sequence of herpes simplex virus 1 family 35 proteins are contained within and in frame with the UL26 open reading frame. J. Virol. 65: 206-212.
2. Liu, F., and Roizman, B. (1991). The herpes simplex virus 1 gene encoding a protease also contains within its coding domain the gene encoding the more abundant substrate. J. Virol. 65: 5149-5156.
3. Liu, F., and Roizman, B. (1992). Differentiation of multiple domains in the herpes simplex virus 1 protease encoded by the UL26 gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 2076-2080.
4. DiIanni, C. L., Drier, D. A., Deckman, I.C., McCann III, P. J., Liu, F., Roizman, B., Colonno, R. J. and Cordingley, M. G. (1993). Identification of the herpes simplex virus 1 protease cleavage sites by direct sequence analysis of autoproteolytic cleavage products. J. Biol. Chem. 268: 2048-2051.
5. Liu, F., and Roizman, B. (1993). Characterization of the protease and of other products of the amino terminus proximal cleavage of the herpes simplex virus 1 UL26 protein. J. Virol. 67, 1300-1309.
6. Liu, F., and Altman, S. (1994). Differential evolution of substrates for an RNA enzyme in the presence and absence of its protein cofactor. Cell, 77, 1093-1100.
7. Liu, F., and Altman, S. (1995). Inhibition of viral gene expression by the catalytic RNA subunit of RNase P for Escherichia coli. Genes & Development, 9, 471-480.
8. Liu, F., and Altman, S. (1996). Requirements for cleavage by a modified RNase P of a small model substrate. Nucleic Acids Res. 24, 2690-2696.
9. Kim, J., Kilani, A., Zhan, X., Altman, S., and Liu, F. (1997). The protein cofactor allows the sequence of an RNase P ribozyme to diversify by maintaining the catalytically active structure of the enzyme. RNA, 3, 613-623.
10. Yuan, Y., and Liu, F. (1998). Targeted cleavage of RNA using eukaryotic RNase P and external guide sequences. In Therapeutic applications of ribozymes. Edited by K. J. Scanlon, Methods in Molecular Medicine . Humana Press, New Jersey. p397-414.
11. Kawa, D., Wang, J., Yuan, Y., and Liu, F. (1998). Inhibition of viral gene expression by human ribonuclease P. RNA. 4: 1397-1406.
12. Chen, D., Jiang, H., Lee, M., Liu, F., and Zhou, H. (1999). Three-dimensional visualization of tegument/capsid interactions in intact human cytomegalovirus. Virology, 260, 10-16.
13. Kilani, A. F. and Liu, F. (1999). UV-crosslink mapping of the substrate-binding site of RNase P ribozyme to a target mRNA sequence. RNA, 5, 1235-1247.
14. Trang, P., Hsu, A., and Liu, F. (1999). Nuclease footprint analyses of the interactions between RNase P ribozyme and a model mRNA substrate. Nucleic Acids Res. 27, 4590-4597.
15. Zhan, X., Abenes, G., Lee, M., VonReis, I. , Kittikarookoon, C., Ross-Macdonald, P., Snyder, M., and Liu, F. (2000). Mutagenesis of murine cytomegalovirus using a Tn3-based transposon. Virology, 266, 264-274.
16. Kilani, A. F., Trang, P., Jo, S. Hsu, A., Kim, J., Nepomuceno, E., and Liu, F. (2000). RNase P ribozymes selected in vitro to cleave a viral mRNA effectively inhibit its expression in cell culture. J. Biol. Chem.,275, 10611-10622.
17. Wang, J., Jiang, H., and Liu, F. (2000). In vitro selection of novel RNA ligands that bind human cytomegalovirus and block viral infection. RNA, 6, 571-583.
18. Trang, P., Lee, M., Nepomuceno, E., Kim, J., Zhu, H., and Liu, F. (2000). Effective inhibition of human cytomegalovirus gene expression and replication by a RNase P ribozyme. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97, 5812-5817.
19. Liu, F. , Wang, J., and Trang, P. (2000). In vitro selection of substrates by RNase P ribozymes. Methods in Enzymology, Vol 318, 238-250.
20. Zhan, X., Lee, M., Xiao, J., and Liu, F. (2000). Construction and characterization of murine cytomegalovirus mutants that contain a transposon insertion at open reading frames m09 and M83. J. Virol. 74, 7411-7421.
21. Hsu, A. W., Kilani, A. F., Liou, K., Lee, J., and Liu, F. (2000). Differential effects of the protein cofactor on the interactions between an RNase P ribozyme and its target mRNA substrate. Nucleic Acids Res. 28, 3105-3116.
22. Trang, P., Kilani, A. F., Lee, J., Kim, J., and Liu, F. (2000). A ribozyme derived from the catalytic subunit of RNase P from Escherichia coli is highly effective in inhibiting replication of herpes simplex virus 1. J. Mol. Biol.,301, 817-826.
23. Xiao, J., Tong, T., Zhan, X., Haghjoo, E., and Liu, F. (2000) In vitro and in vivo characterization of a murine cytomegalovirus with a transposon insertional mutation at open reading frame M43. J. Virol., 74, 9488-9497.
24. Lee, M., Xiao, J., Haghjoo, E., Tong, T., Abenes, G., Zhan, X., Dunn, W., and Liu, F. (2000) Murine cytomegalovirus containing a mutation at open reading frame M37 is severely attenuated in growth and virulence in vivo. J. Virol. 74, 11099-11107.
25. Abenes, G., Haghjoo, E., Lee, M., Tong, T., Zhan, X., and Liu, F. (2001) Murine cytomegalovirus open reading frame M27 plays an important role in viral growth and virulence in mice. J. Virol. 65, 1697-1707.
26. Trang,P., Lee, J., Kilani, A. F., Kim, J., and Liu, F. (2001) Effective inhibition of herpes simplex virus 1 gene expression and growth by engineered RNase P ribozyme. Nucleic Acids Res, 29, 5071-5078.
27. Dunn, W., Trang. P., Kahn, U., Nassi, A., and Liu, F. (2001). RNase P-mediated inhibition of cytomegalovirus protease expression and viral DNA encapsidation by oligonucleotide external guide sequences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98, 14831-14836.
28. Trang, P., Hsu, A., Zhou, T., Lee, J., Kilani, A. F., Nepomuceno, E., and Liu, F. (2002). Engineered RNase P ribozymes inhibit gene expression and growth of cytomegalovirus by increasing rate of cleavage and substrate binding. J. Mol. Biol. 315, 573-586.
29. Zhou, T., Kim, J., Kim, K., Kilani,A. F., Dunn, W., Jo, S., Nepomuceno, E., and Liu, F. (2002). In vitro selection of external guide sequences for RNase P-mediated inhibition of viral gene expression. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 30112-30120.
30. Trang, P., Kilani, A., Lee, J., Hsu, A., Liou, K., Khan, U., Nassi, A., and Liu, F. (2002). (Review) RNase P ribozymes for the studies and treatment of human herpesvirus infections. Journal of Clinical Virology, 25, 63-74.
31. Lee, M., Abenes, G., Zhan, X., Xiao, J., Dunn, W., Haghjoo, E., Tong, T., Kim, J., Tam, A., and Liu, F. (2002) (Review). Genetic analyses of gene function and pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus by transposon-mediated mutagenesis. Journal of Clinical Virology, 25, 111-122.
32. Zhu, J., Chen, J., Hai, R., Tong, T., Xiao, J., Zhan, X., Lu, S., and Liu, F. (2003). In vitro and in vivo characterization of a murine cytomegalovirus with mutation at open reading frame m166. J. Virol. 77, 2882-2891.
33. Trang, P., Kim, K., Zhu, J., and Liu, F. (2003). Expression of a RNase P ribozyme against the mRNA encoding human cytomegalovirus protease inhibits viral capsid protein processing and growth. J. Mol. Biol. 328, 1123-1135..
34. Tam, A., Zhu, J., Hai, R., Haghjoo, E., Zhou, T., Zhan, X., and Liu, F. (2003). Murine cytomegalovirus with a transposon insertional mutation at open reading frame M35 is defective in growth in vivo. J. Virol. 77, 7745-7755.
35. Singh, R., Haghjoo, E., and Liu, F. (2003). Cytomegalovirus M43 gene modulates T helper cell response. Immunol Lett. 88, 31-5.
36. Zou, H., Lee, J., Umamoto, S., Kilani, A. F., Kim, J., Trang, P., and Liu, F. (2003). Engineered RNase P ribozymes are efficient in cleaving a human cytomegalovirus mRNA in vitro and are effective in inhibiting viral gene expression and growth in human cells. J. Biol. Chem., 278, 37265-37274.
37. Raj, M. L. S., and Liu, F. (2003) (review). Engineering of RNase P for gene-targeting applications. Gene. 313, 59-69.
38. Dunn, W., Chou, C., Li, H., Hai, R., Patterson, D., Stolc, V., Zhu, H., and Liu, F. (2003). Functional profiling of human cytomegalovirus genome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100, 14223-14228.
39. Zou, H., Chan, K., Trang, P., and Liu, F. (2004). (Book chapter). General design and construction of RNase P ribozymes for gene-targeting applications. In Catalytic Nucleic Acids. Edited by M. Sioud and J. Walker, Methods in Molecular Medicine. Vol. 252, p385-398. Humana Press, New Jersey.
40. Kim, K., and Liu, F. (2004). (Book chapter). In vitro selection of RNase P ribozymes that efficiently cleave a target mRNA. In Catalytic Nucleic Acids. Edited by M. Sioud and J. Walker, Methods in Molecular Medicine Vol. 252, p399-412. Humana Press, New Jersey.
41. Raj, M. L., and Liu, F. (2004). (Book chapter). In vitro selection of external guide sequences for directing human RNase P to cleave a target mRNA. In Catalytic Nucleic Acids. Edited by M. Sioud and J. Walker, Methods in Molecular Medicine . Vol 252, p413-424. Humana Press, New Jersey.
42. Dunn, W., and Liu, F. (2004). (Book chapter). RNase P-mediated inhibition of viral growth by exogenous administration of short oligonucleotide external guide sequence. In Catalytic Nucleic Acids. Edited by M. Sioud and J. Walker, Methods in Molecular Medicine. Vol 252, p425-436. Humana Press, New Jersey.
43. Trang, P. and Liu, F. (2004). (Book chapter). RNAse P ribozyme as an antiviral agent against human cytomegalovirus. In Catalytic Nucleic Acids. Edited by M. Sioud and J. Walker, Methods in Molecular Medicine . Vol. 252, p437-450. Humana Press, New Jersey.
44. Kim, K., Umamoto, S., Trang, P., Hai, R., and Liu, F. (2004). Intracellular expression of engineered RNase P ribozymes effectively blocks gene expression and replication of human cytomegalovirus. RNA, 10, 438-447.
45. McGregor, A., Liu, F., and Schleiss, M. R. (2004). Identification of essential and non-essential genes of the guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) genome via transposome mutagenesis of an infectious BAC clone. Virus Res. 101, 101-8.
46. Trang, P., Kim, K., and Liu, F. (2004) (Invited review). Developing RNase P ribozymes for gene-targeting and antiviral therapy. Cellular Microbiology, 6, 499-508.
*47. Abenes, G., Chan, K., Haghjoo, K., Zhu, J., Lee, M., Zhou, T., Tong, T., and Liu, F. (2004). A murine cytomegalovirus with a transposon insertional mutation at open reading frame m155 is attenuated in growth and virulence in immunodeficient hosts. J. Virol. 78, 6891-6899.
*48. Zhu, J., Trang P., Kim, K., Zhou, T., Deng, H., and Liu, F. (2004). Effective inhibition of Rta expression and lytic replication of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by human RNase P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 101, 9073-9078.
*49. Kim, K., Trang, P., Umamoto, S. Hai, R., and Liu, F. (2004). RNase P ribozyme inhibits cytomegalovirus replication by blocking the expression of viral capsid proteins. Nucleic Acids Res., 32, 3427-34.
*50. Lee, M., and Liu, F. (2004). (Book chapter). Genetic analysis of cytomegalovirus using shuttle mutagenesis. In DNA Viruses: Methods and Protocols. Edited by Lieberman, P., Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press, New Jersey. 292, 371-386.
*51. Zou, H., Lee, J., Kilani, A. K., Kim, K., Trang, P., Kim, J., Liu, F. (2004). Engineered RNase P ribozymes increase their cleavage activities and efficacies in inhibiting viral gene expression in cells by enhancing the rate of cleavage and binding of the target mRNA. J. Bio. Chem. 279, 32063 - 32070.
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*53. Lodoen, M., Abenes, G., Umamoto, U., Houchins, J. P., Liu, F., and Lanier, L. L. (2004). The Cytomegalovirus m155 Gene Product Subverts NK cell Antiviral Protection by Disruption of H60-NKG2D Interactions. J. Exp. Med. 200, 1075-1081.
*54. Yu, X., Shah, S., Atanasov, I., Lo, P., Liu, F., Britt, W., and Zhou, Z. H. (2005). Three-dimensional localization of smallest capsid protein in human cytomegalovirus capsid. J. Virol. 79, 1327-1332.
*55. Netterwald, J., Yang, S.,Wang, W., Ghanny, S., Cody, M., Soteropoulos, P., Bin,T., Dunn, W., Liu, F., and Zhu, H. (2005). Two VRS elements in the human cytomegalovirus major immediate-early promoter/enhancer are important for viral replication. J. Virol. 79, 5035-46.
*56. Yu, X., Trang, P., Shah, S., Atanasov, I., Bai, Y., Zhou, Z. H. and Liu, F. (2005). Dissecting human cytomegalovirus gene function and capsid maturation by ribozyme targeting and electron cryomicroscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 7103-7108.
*57. Dunn, W., Trang, P., Zhong, Q., Yang, W., van Belle, C., Bai, Y., and Liu, F. (2005). Human cytomegalovirus expresses novel microRNAs during productive viral infections. Cell Micro., 7, 1684-1695.
*58. Li, H., Trang, P., Kim, K., Zhou, T., and Liu, F. (2006). Effective inhibition of human cytomegalovirus gene expression and growth by intracellular expression of external guide sequence RNA. RNA, 12, 63-72.
*59. Yang, Y. H., Li, H., Zhou, T., Kim, K., and Liu, F. (2006). Engineered external guide sequences are highly effective in inducing RNase P for inhibition of gene expression and replication of human cytomegalovirus. Nucleic Acids Res. 34, 575-583.
*60. Yang, S., Ghanny, S., Wang, W., Galante, A., Dunn, W., Liu, F., Soteropoulos, P., and Zhu, H. (2006). Using DNA microarray to study human cytomegalovirus gene expression, J. Virol. Methods. 131, 202-208.
*61. Hai, R., Chu, A., Li, H., Umamoto, S., Rider, P., Liu, F. (2006). Infection of human cytomegalovirus in cultured human gingival tissue. Virology J. 3:84.
*62. Liu, F., and Zhou, Z. H. (2007). (Book chapter). Comparative virion structures of human herpesviruses. In Human herpesviruses: pathogenesis, therapeutics, and immunophalactics. Edited by Arvin, A., Mocarski, E., Moore, P., Roizman, B., Whitley, R., Yamaguchi, P. Cambridge University Press, New York. p27-43.
*63. Kim, K. and Liu, F. (2007). (Invited review) Inhibition of gene expression in human cells using RNase P-derived ribozymes and external guide sequences. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1769, 603-612.
*64. Bai, Y., Trang, P., Li, H., Kim, K., Zhou, T., and Liu, F. (2008). Effective inhibition in animals of viral gene expression and pathogenesis by an engineered ribozyme derived from RNase P catalytic RNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105, 10919-24.
*65. Trang, P. and Liu, F. (2008). (Book chapter). Mapping the regions of RNase P RNA that are potentially in close contact with its protein cofactor. Methods Mol Biol., 488, 267-277.
*66. Rider, P. J., Dunn, W., Yang, E., and Liu, F. (2008). Human cytomegalovirus microRNAs. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, 325, 21-39.
*67. Qi, X., Li, X., Rider, P., Fan, W., Gu, H., Xu, L., Yang, Y., Lu, S., Wang, H., and Liu, F. (2009) Molecular Characterization of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza A Viruses Isolated from Raccoon Dogs in China. PLoS ONE, 4, e4682.
*68. Gong, H., Su, J., Bai, Y., Miao, L., Kim, K., Yang, Y., Liu, F., and Lu, S. (2009). Characterization of the expression of Salmonella Type III secretion system factor PrgI, SipA, SipB, SopE2, SpaO, and SptP in cultures and in mice. BMC Microbiology. 9, 73.
*69. Li, X., Qi, X., Miao, L., Wang, Y., Liu, F., Gu, H., Lu, S., Yang, Y., Liu, F. (2009). Detection and subtyping of influenza A virus based on a short oligonucleotide microarray. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 65, 261-70.
*70. Gong, H., Vu, G, Bai, Y., Yang, E., Liu, F, Lu, S. (2010) Differential expression of Salmonella Type III secretion system factor InvJ, PrgJ, SipC, SipD, SopA, and SopB in cultures and in mice. Microbiology, 156, 116-127.
*71. Gu, H., Qi, X., Li, X., Jiang, H., Wang, Y., Liu, F., Lu, S., Yang, Y., Liu, F. (2010) Rapid and specific detection of H3 swine influenza virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification method. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 108, 1145-1154.
*72. Kim, K., Yang, E., Vu, G. P., Gong, H., Su, J., Liu, F., and Lu, S. (2010). Mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomic analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis protein expression upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide. BMC Microbiology. 10, 168.
*73. Bai, Y., Li, H., Gong, H., Vu, G., Umamoto, S., Zhou, T., Lu, S., Liu, F. (2010) Salmonella-mediated delivery of RNase P ribozymes for inhibition of viral gene expression and replication in human cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 7269-7274.
*74. Bai, Y., Rider, P. J., and Liu, F. (2010). Catalytic M1GS RNA as an antiviral agent in animals. Edited by M. Sioud, Methods in Molecular Biology. 629, 337-352.
*75. Li, L.M., Hu, Z.B., Zhou, Z.X., Chen, X., Liu, F., Zhang, J.F., Shen, H.B., Zhang, C.Y., Zen, K. (2010). Serum microRNA profiles serve as novel biomarkers for HBV infection and diagnosis of HBV-positive hepatocarcinoma. Cancer Res. 70, 9798-807.
*76. Jiang, X., Bai, Y., Rider, P., Kim, K., Zhang, C., Lu, S., and Liu, F. (2011). Engineered external guide sequences effectively block viral gene expression and replication in cultured cells. J. Biol. Chem. 286(1):322-30.
*77. Bai, Y., Gong, H., Li, H.,Vu, G., Lu, S., and Liu, F. (2011). Oral delivery of RNase P ribozymes by Salmonella effectively inhibits viral infection in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108(8):3222-27.
*78. To, A., Bai, Y., Shen, A., Gong, H., Umamoto, S., Lu, S., and Liu, F. (2011). Yeast two hybrid analyses reveal novel binary interactions between human cytomegalovirus-encoded virion proteins. PLoS ONE. 6, e17796.
*79. Yu, X., Shah, S., Lee, M., Dai, W., Lo, S., Britt, W., Zhu, H., Liu, F. and Zhou, Z. H. (2011). Biochemical and structural characterization of the capsid-bound tegument 3 proteins of human cytomegalovirus. Journal of Structure Biology. 174, 451-460.
*80. Gong, H., Vu, G., Bai, Y., Chan, E., Wu, R., Yang, E., Liu, F., and Lu, S. (2011). A Salmonella small non-coding RNA facilitates bacterial invasion and intracellular replication by modulating the expression of virulence factors. PLoS Pathogens. 7, e1002120.
*81. Chen, Y., Shen, A., Rider, P., Yu, Y., Wu, K., Mu, Y., Hao, Q., Liu, Y., Gong, H., Zhu, Y., Liu, F., and Wu, J. (2011). A liver-specific microRNA binds to a highly conserved RNA sequence of hepatitis B virus and negatively regulates viral gene expression and replication, FASEB J. 25, 4511-4521.
*82. Shen, A., Lei, J., Yang, E., Pei, Y., Chen, Y.-C., Gong, H., Xiao, G., and Liu, F. (2011). Human cytomegalovirus primase UL70 specifically interacts with cellular factor Snapin, J. Virol. 85, 11732-11741.
*83. Rider, P. J., and Liu, F. (2012). Crosstalk between HIV and Hepatitis C Virus during co-infection. BMC Medicine. 10, 32.
*84. Jiang, X., Gong, H., Chen, Y.,Vu, G., Zhang, C., Trang, P., Lu, S., and Liu, F. (2012). Effective inhibition of cytomegalovirus infection by external guide sequences in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109, 13070-13075.
*85. Jiang, X., Chen, Y., Gong, H., Trang, P., Lu, S., and Liu, F. (2012). Ribonuclease P-mediated inhibition of human cytomegalovirus gene expression and replication induced by engineered external guide sequences. RNA Biol. 9, 1186-95.
*86. Pei, Y., Fu, W., Yang, E., Shen, A., Chen, Y., Gong, H., Chen, J., Huang, J., Xiao, G., Liu, F. (2012). A Hsp40 chaperone protein interacts with and modulates the cellular distribution of the primase protein of human cytomegalovirus. PLoS Pathog. 8, e1002968.
*87. Zeng, W., Chen, Y., Bai, Y., Trang, P., Vu, G., Lu., S., Wu, J., Liu, F. (2012). Effective inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus 1 replication by engineered RNase P ribozyme. PLoS ONE. 7, e51855.
*88. Bai, Y., Sunkara, N., and Liu, F. (2013). Targeting mRNAs by engineered sequence-specific RNase P ribozymes. Edited by J. Hartig, Methods in Molecular Medicine. 848, 357-368.
*89. Yang, Z., Mao, G., Liu, Y., Chen, Y. C., Liu, C., Luo, J., Li, X., Zen, K., Pang, Y., Wu, J., and Liu, F. (2013) Detection of the pandemic H1N1/2009 influenza A virus by a highly sensitive quantitative real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assay. Virol Sin. 28, 24-35.
*90. Zeng, W., Vu, G., Bai, Y., Chen, Y., Trang, P., Lu., S., Xiao, G., Liu, F. (2013). RNase P-associated external guide sequence effectively reduces the expression of human CC-chemokine receptor 5 and inhibits the infection of human immunodeficiency virus 1. Biomed Res Int. 2013, 509714.
*91. Xia, C., Chen, Y., Gong, H., Zeng, W., Vu, G., Trang, P., Lu., S., Wu, J., Liu, F. (2013). Inhibition of hepatitis B virus gene expression and replication by ribonuclease P. Molecular Therapy. 21, 995-1003.
*92. Zhang, Z, Vu, G., Gong, H., Xia, C., Chen, Y., Wu, J., Liu, F., Lu., S. (2013). Engineered external guide sequences are highly effective in inhibiting gene expression and replication of hepatitis B virus in cultured cells. PLOS ONE. 8, e65268.
*93. Dai, X., Yu, X., Gong, H., Jiang, X., Abenes, G., Liu, H., Shivakoti, S., Britt, W.J., Zhu, H., Liu, F., Zhou, Z.H. (2013). The Smallest Capsid Protein Mediates Binding of the Essential Tegument Protein pp150 to Stabilize DNA-Containing Capsids in Human Cytomegalovirus. PLoS Pathog. 9, e1003525
*94. Luo, J., Chen, J., Yang, E., Shen, A., Gong, H., Pei, Z., Xiao, G., Lu, S., Liu, F. (2013). Modulation of the cellular distribution of human cytomegalovirus helicase by cellular factor snapin. J Virol. 87, 10628-40.
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