出版社: 化學工業出版社; 第6版 (2008年9月1日)
外文書名: Practical Metallurgy and Materials of Industry
叢書名: 國外名校名著
平裝: 449頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787122034564
條形碼: 9787122034564
尺寸: 25 x 20.2 x 1.6 cm
重量: 907 g
作者:(美國)尼里 (Neely.J.E.) (美國)貝湯 (Bertone.T.J.)
《冶金學與工業材料概論(第6版)(英文影印版)》主要內容:This textbook on metallurgy and materials is ideally used as an introductory bookfor both materials science and metallurgy courses and for students whose majorsare closely related, such as quality control, machine tool technology, welding tech-nology, and many others. Practical Metallurgy and Materials of Industry, SixthEdition, includes many of the latest industry processes that change the physical andmechanical properties of materials and is highly recommended as a "materials pro-cessing" reference handbook in support of design, process, electrical, and chemi-cal technicians and engineers.
The book is intended to be easy to read. We make an effort to explain com-plex metallurgical terms in clear, practical language within the text. An extensiveglossary is also included.
Practical Metallurgy and Materials of Industry, Sixth Edition, establishes asolid foundation for understanding the behavior and characteristics of metals andmaterials as well as the practices for materials processing currently used in the met-als and materials industry. The text also provides the student with a basic under-standing of the mechanisms that cause material failures and those that preventfailures.
chapter 1 Extracting Metal from Ores
Chapter 2 The Casting of Metals
Chapter 3 The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Metals
Chapter 4 The Crystal Structure of Metals, Basic Phase Diagrams, and the Metallographic Sample Preparation Laboratory
Chapter 5 Classification, Identification, and Selection of Iron Alloys
Chapter 6 The Manufacturing of Steel Products
Chapter 7 Heat-Treating Equipment
Chapter 8 The Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram
Chapter 9 The Hardenability of Steels, I-T/T-T-T Diagrams,and Cooling Curves
Chapter 10 annealing, Stress Relieving, Normalizing, Hardening, and Tempering of Steels
Chapter 11 Welding Processes for iron and Iron Alloys
Chapter 12 Identification and Heat Treatment of Nonferrous Metals
Chapter 13 Metallurgy of Welds: Nonferrous Metals
Chapter 14 Powder Metallurgy
Chapter 15 Corrosion of Metals
Chapter 16 Composite Materials
Chapter 17 Nondestructive Testing
Chapter 18 Plastics and Elastomers
Chapter 19 Ceramic Materials
Chapter 20 Wood and Paper Products
Chapter 21 Adhesives, Industrial Lubricants, and Gases
Chapter 22 Hardness Testing
Chapter 23 Failure Analysis and Materials Characterization Techniques