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1.管理層的承諾;Make it clear that management is committed to quality.

2.團隊行動;Form quality improvement teams with representatives from each department.

3.設定標準;Determine where current and potential quality problem lie.

4.衡量質量成本;Evaluate the cost of quality and explain its use as a management.

5.增強質量意識;Raise the quality awareness and personal concern of all employees

6.制定糾正措施;Take actions to correct problems identified through previous steps.

7.開展零缺陷活動;Establish a committee for the zero defects programme.

8.開展員工教育;Train supervisors to actively carry out their part of the quality improvement programme.

9.開展“零缺陷日”活動;Hold a 'zero defect day' to let all employees realize that there has been a change.

10.設定目標;Encourage individuals to establish improvement goals for themselves and their group.

11.消除產生差錯的原因;Encourage employees to communicate to management the obstacle they face in attaining their improvement goals.

12.肯定成績、獎勵先進;Recognize and appreciate those who participate.

13.創建質量委員會;Establish quality councils to communicate on a regular basis

14.設立新的目標,在較高的水平上重新開始。Do it all over again to emphasize that the quality improvement programme never ends

