1 .中南林業科技大學 教授
科研、教學及學術活動從事套用生物化學、植物分子生物學與經濟林育種栽培的研究,近年來主持(第2)完成了國家“948”項目“人心果優良品種及配套技術引進”( 2002-29);第2主持貴州省重點林業項目“金秋梨無公害生產新技術研究”(C990001)獲2002年貴州省科技進步三等獎;主持湖南省教育廳青年課題“南方棗優良品種分子標記及鑑別系統的開發”項目(03B048),參加完成了國家自然科學基金“ACC合成酶基因轉化棗樹的研究”(2001-2003,30070635),湖南省自然科學基金“橡實澱粉主要理化功能特性的研究”(1999-2001 99JJY1004)及國家自然科學基金“珍稀無核棗樹品種原生質體融合的研究”(39670621)。主要參加湖南省自然科學基金“香榧雌雄株控制基因的克隆”(03JJY4037)。現承擔主持湖南省自然科學基金“南方棗品種花粉育性機理及品種間親和力的研究”(06JJ20022),第3主持國家“948”項目“木質纖維素製取生物乙醇燃料技術的引進”(2006-4-123),參加國家十一五支撐項目“高濃廢水高效生物反應器處理和資源化利用技術”(2006BAD18B0503),先後擔任湖南雙牌縣(1990-1994)、湖南新晃縣(1991-1994)、湖南資興市(1993-1998)、湖南攸縣(1997-2001)的經濟果木等經濟林開發專家顧問,曾擔任國家林業局世貸款項目專家組顧問(1998-2003),貴州省台江縣扶貧開發顧問(1998-2004)。1999-2001年擔任貴州台江縣金秋梨開發顧問。承擔分子生物學、基因工程、植物基因工程、果樹設施栽培學等研究生和本科生課程。
Yafeng Wen1, Gang He, Sen Wang,AFLP Analysis of Genetic Relationship and Discrimination on jujube Germplasm Resources,Acta Horticulturea,2009,245
劉義,何鋼,等. 細菌的抗鋅基因及其在生物修復中的套用,生物技術通報生物技術通報2008,(2):35-38
文亞峰, 謝碧霞,何鋼.人心果品種資源親緣關係的AFLP分析,林業科學,2008,44(9):59-64
何鋼,文亞峰,燕亞飛,等.到金獅桂的植物學特性及核型分析經濟林研究, 2008,26(3):8-12
XIE Bi Xia, He Gang. 2004. Manilkara zapodilla. The Science technology Publishing House of GuiZhou, Guiyang. China.
He Fang, He Gang, et.2004. cultivation of Economic Forestry. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing .China.
Hu Fangming, et. He Gang, Culture and Utilization of Chinese Non-wood Product Forest Tress. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing .China.
He Gang. 1999.The Polishness Cultivars of Grandis and Cultivation Techniques . The Science Popularity Publishing House, Beijing .China
HE Gang , WEN Ya-Fang , XIE Bi-Xia, et. 2005. Study on Extraction Method of Sapodilla Rubber in laboratory. Acta Agriculture Universitatis Jiangxiensis,27(2):225-229.
HE Gang, CHEN Jian-Hua, LI Fan, et. 2005. The Technique of Big Tree Transplanting and Introduction of Big Five planets Erilbotrya japonica. Economic Forest Researches. 23(3):18-20
HE Gang, XIN Wei-Yi, LUO Li-Hua,et. 2004. Optimization of Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase Expression in E.coli. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 24(4):62-65.
HE Gang , WEN Ya-Fang , MAO Shao-Ming, et. 2004. Qualitative Analysis of Latex Components in Minilkara zapoto. Economic Forest Researches. 22(2):38-41
HE Gang , WEN Ya-Fang , FU Jie,et. 2004. Research of Cell Suspension Culture of Manilkara zapota. Economic Forest Researches. 22(4):43-46
He Gang,Tang Chang-Wan,Liu Jun-ang. 2003. Studies of Bionomics and harmless Control of Jingqiu Pear’s Fruit-sucking Moths. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 23(4):46-49.
HE Gang,XIE Bi Xia ,XIE Tao, et.2003. Study on granule Properties of Cyclobalanopsis starch. Acta Agriculture Universitatis Jiangxiensis,25(5):681-684.
He Gang, Xie Tao, Xie Bixia.2003. The developments of research on starch properties. Economic Forest Researches.21(4):112-116.
He Gang, Xie Tao, Xie Bixia,et.2003. Study on Granule Properties of Quercus Variabilis starch. Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology.22(3):226-229.
He Gang, Xie Tao, Xie Bixia. 2003. Supercritical CO2(S-CO2) extraction Measure Total Fat in Food Products. Economic Forest Researches.21(3):28-31.
He Gang, Han wenjun, Wang yiqiang. 2003. Survey of Red Grandis Germplasm Resource and Selection of Plus Trees. Economic Forest Researches.21(2):23-25
Chen Jianhua,He Gang ,Li Zhihui et. 2002. Promoting the differentiation of female buds of Castanea mollissima blume. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 22(3):27-30
He Gang ,Zhou Guoying,Tang Chengwan et. 2001.Environment quality assessment of the “Jinqiu” pear production base area in Taijiang County,Guizhou. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):43-47
He Gang ,Zhou Guoying,Ji Wuxing et. 2001.Technique of bagging the fruit for “Jinqiu” pear orchard. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):54-56
Zhou Guoying,He Gang , Liu Junang et. 2001.Pest prediction and forecast for “Jinqiu” pear production base area with reference to non –pollution contol measures. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):49-51
Zhou Guoying,He Gang , Tang Chengwan et. 2001.Non –pollution technique fertilizer application for “Jinqiu” pear orchard. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):51-54
Liu Junang ,Li Xian,He Gang et. 2001.Survey of the agricultural environment quality in the “Jinqiu” pear production base area in Taijiang County,Guizhou. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):41-43
He Gang ,Wu Ruoyan. 1999.Optimal fruit percent on mature trees of Prunus salicina var.cordata. Economic Forest Researches.17(1):21-23
Zhao Shidong ,Hu Chunshui,He Gang. 1999. Study on growing Kiwifruit for high profitability in hilly and upland area. Journal of Fruit Science ,16(1):60-65
He Gang ,Zhao Junyi,Cheng jianhua. 1998. Prunus salicina var.cordata :mineral nutrient status in the floral differentiation stage . Economic Forest Researches.16(3):26-27
He Gang ,Tang Kaishan,Zhao Shidong et. 1997.Analysis and comparison of biological characteristics of JIfeng group and Kyoho group grapes. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 17(2):45-48
He Gang , Tang Kaishan Zhong Yenjue et. 1997. Top working techniques for grape trees. Economic Forest Researches.15(1):40-41
He Fang,He Gang , Tian Zairong et..1997. Oiltea Camellia: economic and ecologic benefit from stand improvement. Economic Forest Researches.15(2):1-6
He Fang,He Gang , Tian Zairong et..1997. Oiltea Camellia: Correlation Analysis of stand improvement effects. Economic Forest Researches.15(3):12-17
He Gang , Zhao Shidong. 1996. Study on bury Weeds and cover with its in Yangtao orchard. Hunan Forestry Technology.23(4):36-38
Wu Ruoyan ,He Gang . 1996.A Reliability analysis of expected genetic advance assessed with heritability under different selection conditions. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 16(4):77-82
He Gang. 1998. Prunus salicina var.cordata in Hunan Province: causes of poor production and ways of improvement. Economic Forest Researches.14(3):28-29
He Gang, Tang Kaishan, Zhong Yenjue et .1996. Experiment on variety introduction and variety comparison of table grape in red earth hilly land. viticulture and Enology.77(2):19-21
He Gang, Tang Kaishan, Zhong Yenjue et .1996. The Cultivation Techniques of high grade table grape in red earth hilly land. Present Status of Economic Forest China and countermeasure. China Forest Press .286-289
AWARDS Science and Technology Third Class Award, GuiZhou Provincial government,China. 2001
Science and Technology Third Class Award, Forestry Department of P. R. China.1999
Excellent Teacher Second Class Award, Central South Forestry University.1998-1999
Excellent Teacher Frist Class Award, Central South Forestry University.1996-1997
Pedagogy Third Class Award , Hunan Provincial government, China. 1997
Science and Technology Third Class Award, Hunan Provincial government, China. 1994
Science and Technology Third Class Award, Forestry Department of P. R. China.1992
Science and Technology Third Class Award, Forestry Department of P. R. China.1990
MEMBERSHIPS Economic Forestry Society .China(since 1988)
PERSONAL Interests: gardening, angling, table tennis and network
