1990年 “何銳軍畫展”。北京墨西哥駐中國大使館
1993年 “圓明園藝術家村作品大聯展”;廣州
1994 張耀南、王志軍、徐子偉、老四、何銳軍合作“行者樂隊”;
He Haoyaun, original name Ruijun, professional name Haoyuan. Born: 1964
April 11th 1964, born in Inner Mongolia China.
1980 - Art designer in the Museum of Culture at Ning county Inner Mongolia.
1981- Art adviser for Chifeng city’s garden maintenance.
1985 – Arrives at Beijing and begins his career as a professional artist.
1987 –“He Ruijun’s abstract oil painting”. Beijing Yuanbin Hotel.
1988 “He Ruijun’s abstract oil painting exhibition”.Beijign Goethe’s institute.
1988 “He Ruijun’s abstract oil paintins”exhibition. China’s Museum of fine arts - artists gallery.
1989 “Different Worlds – He Ruijun, Zhou jirong, Li Di,and En He Group Exhibition”. Beijing.
1990 He Ruijun’s Painting Exhibition”.Embassy of Mexico in Beijing.
1993 Moved to live in China’s famous and controversial first experimental art village ‘Yuanmingyuan’.
1993 “China’s first Professional Painting Exhibition”: Amangna Gallery, Bejing.
1993 “China’s First Art Fair Exhibition”: Guangzhou, China.
1993 “Yuanmingyuan Art Village group exhibition”: Guangzhou, China.
1994 Zhang Yaonan, Wang Zhijun, Xu Ziwei, Lao Si, and He Ruijun collaboration “The Traveling Band Exhibition: Beijing China.
1995 After the closure of the Yuanmingyuan art village moves to a residential area in Beijing.
2009 “The Shanghai Porcelain Art fair”; Shanghai, China.
He Haoyuan’s art works have been collected by institutions and art collectors all over the world, including Germany, France, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denemark, Switzerland, Australia, New-Zealand, Mexico, U.S.A.,Canada,and Israel.
About He Haoyuan:
In 1985 at the age of 21 He Haoyuan moved from his birth place in Inner Mongolia to the more artistically vibrant capital of Beijing in a quest to pursue an art career.It was in this new context and setting that he soon became part of a small group of China’s first Avant-Garde professional artists. His early paintings explored the nature of abstract motifs in traditional Chinese art, focusing on calligraphic elements in painting where he tried to fuse Daoist nihilism with the central concepts of Western Abstract expressionism. Many of his works done through the 1980’s were collected by foreign institutions and private collectors. He Haoyuan is first and for all an artist that is Obsessed with exploring cultural modes of expression,a task he was continuously engaged with in the ten years after he left the Yuanmingyuan art village. In 2006 he began to use porcelain as the main medium for his deconstructionist series “transmigration and Retribution” where he strives to reconstruct Buddhism through the contemporary lens of advanced science. Through this medium and a new form of artistic expression he criticizes the overreliance of Western deconstructionists on cubism and their departure from the original philosophy of deconstructionism. For him these artists are constantly “falling sinking into the quicksand of modernism, unable to save themselves from their own predicament”. It’s for this reason that he thinks that Deconstructionism needs to approach matters from a new and fresh angle – in a way he is asking us to “deconstruct the deconstructionists” and move away from the early influence of Cubism to a new artistic disposition which emphasizes cultural interaction and dialogue. In order to oppose the monopoly of modernism as it strives to form rigid binaries He Haoyuan offers a more flexible, free-spirited, and diverse method where he constructs a new theoretical framework for modern art.
Our universe is a system that is forever in a state of cyclical emergence and as humans we are embedded in this system. He Haoyuan expresses this cosmological state of affairs through the use of porcelain-made water pipes and images as he tries to reconstruct the Buddhist world view from the perspective of particle physics. The images he uses to represent this complex reality are an interplay between macrocosmic and microcosmic elements in physical existence while the water pipes as “channels of water”with a hollow core are used as a metaphor for the motion and cyclicality of reality. This idea parallels the Buddhist idea of Samsara & Karma hence the name “Transmigration and Retribution”. Through this unique way of constructing his art He Haoyuan strives to express the ambiguity, uncertainty and “fussiness” of reality as he highlights and magnifies the most infinitely microscopic details of material reality. It sometimes seems like his works have no explicit direction, the images on the water pipes, for instance, do not seem to have a coherent pattern. This lends his works the complicated and somewhat confusing nature which we encounter in the chaotic and never ceasing process of the cosmos, a cosmos that never stops to construct and reconstruct itself.
About Transmigration & Retribution:
Experiencing the porcelain sculptures in He Haoyuan’s Transmigration & Retribution series is quite a unique experience. This is directly related to the work’s powerful and imposing shapes, size, weight, and vivid colors. Although theoretically speaking He Haoyuan sees art and philosophy as fields with similar goals it is clear that expressing and transmitting abstract philosophical concepts using art is his greatest challenge. Therefore his works try to offer us a glimpse at the interaction between the micro and the macro in a quest to answer life’s “big questions” and it is exactly for this reason, namely, that the works try to direct us toward ultimate concerns and big questions that they are different than Western art’s methods of seeking interpretation or criticizing. It is for this reason that looking at the works in “Transmigration & Retribution” from a Western angle will lead people to miss the point in He Haoyuan’s art. This is for the simple reason that it seeks to transmit its ideas through a method of analogy: Instead of speaking ‘explicitly’ looking at the details of the works one, almost intuitively, is drawn to the macrocosmic and universal.
In He Haoyuan’s eyes art is the abstraction of human will as well as the carriage of technique and science. Human thought on the other hand is the creator of what Buddhists refer to as Ultimate Reality or Buddha Nature. Each piece in this series looks like a structure of cells, particles, DNA or other physical structures we are familiar with. The diverse number of random images of star systems, atoms, human figures which were downloaded from the endless virtual space we have available on the internet, work to intensify the dialectical interaction between the small and the big, microcosmic and cosmic. It is interesting that the shapes of these huge porcelain structures cannot be seen in reality, they are all shapes invented by the artist through different combinations of normal and highly available water pipes that we are all familiar with. But yet they strike us as familiar and real as they adhere to the basic rules of symmetry and universal beauty. These unique configurations result in shapes which have a very modern and contemporary “feel” full of dynamism, vitality, and diversity. The works convey a built-in symmetry which conveys completeness and perfection, the type of shapes that anyone can relate to. There is an interaction between the inner elements, namely, the details on the work, the relationship between the different angles and the outer elements, namely, the overall work as it is captures by the viewer. This special dynamic is the way the artist successfully transforms his philosophical credo into visual information in the world of art. The materials, structure of the works, the process of creation, and the information transmitted through the images are all come together to convey a philosophy and a mode of religious thought. Every element and detail have a cultural baggage behind them which reflect what He Haoyuans sees as his life mission and ultimate creative goal of transmitting charges philosophy in a new language of aesthetics.