出生於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,就讀於美國加州大學,曾是一名童星。九歲時開始演戲,又因在迪士尼作品《巫山歷險記》中飾演男主角Seth 受到人們的關注。
他曾在2007年的幻想電影,飾演威爾斯坦頓:黑暗崛起的基礎上,也將參加黑暗崛起第二部的拍攝 2009年3月,路德維格出現在迪斯尼的《巫山歷險記》中。他被確認參與了“飢餓遊戲”電影改編飾演加圖。但在書中的加圖和在現實生活中得ALEX的性格完全不一致,在書中他是一個殘忍、惡毒的職業貢品,在生活中卻是一個不折不扣的動物愛好者。這部電影被設定為發布2012年三月。培育一個令人印象深刻的工作,包括電影和電視機構,亞歷山大·路德韋格把自己塑造成好萊塢最有前途的年輕人之一,為他的演藝生涯繼續努力和參加富有挑戰性的新項目。詳細介紹
Alexander Ludwig does not lack enthusiasm. The 15-year- old is talking happily about his starring role in The Seeker: The Dark is Rising, and even over the phone his giddy energy is obvious.
Small Wonder. After a gruelling audition process, the Vancouver resident was chosen to star in the fantasy-adventure movie, jumping his profile from a couple of small roles in a few small movies, to lead.
Ludwig is very handsome, and this role will probably win him quite a following among teenage girls. He bursts out laughing at the very idea.
"After everything else that's happened," he says, "I have no idea what's going to come next. This has been such a roller-coaster ride. It was the opportunity of a lifetime."
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising, which co-stars Wendy Crewson, Ian McShane and Christopher Eccleston, is based on the award-winning novel by Susan Cooper. Ludwig plays the central character, a boy who discovers his crucial role in a fight between the powers of good and evil. The movie was filmed in Romania, and that, says Ludwig, was an eye-opener.
"For people who had so little, they wanted to give so much," says the young actor. "To visit this place that's just recently come out of the communist era -- you really learn how much we have in North America. You really appreciate life here."