

We seek to provide All Users with the most comprehensive and accurate purchasing information of brand Air Compressor fittings and the authoritive professional knowledge to repair and maintain air compressor by China Air Compressor Fittings Net, thus creating an online sales platform which is worthy of reliance for all users to sell authoritive Chinese brand air compressor accessories.
Shanghai Machinery Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998, mainly engaged in the production and sales of air compressor and freezing type dryer, the wholesale and retail business of air compressor accessories. Its subsidiary company is as follows:
Shanghai Screw Compressor Factory, which is mainly engaged in the production and sales of screw compressor; Freezing Type Dryer Factory, which is mainly engaged in the production and sales of air compressor; Corporate Agent for Foreign Brand Air Compressor, which is mainly engaged in the sales of types of brand foreign air compressor; Professional Sales Company for Brand Air Compressor, which located in Yiyang, Hunan, mainly engaged in wholesale of air compressor accessories.
Goods on China Air Compressor Fittings Net are divided into two types, chief and deputy. Goods of chief factory are all produced by origin factory. With the purchasing advantage of our Group Company in Shanghai, we have set up long-term good relationship with major brand air compressor manufacturers. 中國空壓機配件網的產品分為正副廠兩類,正廠配件均為品牌空壓機廠家原產,憑藉上海集團公司的採購優勢,業已與各大品牌空壓機生產廠家建立的長期良好的關係;其副廠配件均由集團上海公司生產,以不侵犯品牌空壓機廠家商標權為原則,品質上以超越正廠零件為客戶檢驗標準,以滿足不同客戶的需求。憑藉湖南益陽的低運營成本優勢,力求將質優價兼的品牌空壓機配件奉獻給客戶。
The goods of its deputy factory are manufactured by the Group Company in Shanghai with the principle of not infringe the Trademark Right of brand air compressor manufacturers. For the product quality, our customer test standard is surpassing the quality of parts from origin factory to meet the needs of different customers. With the advantage of low operating costs in Yiyang, Hunan, we try to delicate the high quality but low price brand air compressor to all customers.
As the subject of sales operation of China Air Compressor Fittings Net, Hunan Yiyang Yuansheng Machinery Co., Ltd executes according to the standard of headquarter in Shanghai. The specific operation standards are as follows:
About the payment, in order to reduce the risk of payment, customers can pay us through credit third party, for example Alipay, E-Bank etc, and then the credit third party pays us after the goods are checked as qualified.
About the delivery time, all Shanghai fittings warehouses are usually have safety storage. In order to reduce the waiting time, all contract goods are sent out from headquarter in Shanghai, and delivered by Shunfeng Express. Except for the northwest of China, the goods will be arrived within three days after the effectiveness of contract.
About the safety of delivery, in order to ensure the safety of transportation, our company provides support value which is 3 times of the value of goods to ensure that the legitimate interest of customers will not be infringed.
About the quality of goods, customers can return unconditionally if the goods are found not according to the contract, and the charge of transportation will be paid by us. For the fulfillment of this article, all sold goods will be insured with cargo insurance by us.
Take creating the first sales net of air compressor accessories as our aim, and make easy access to all customers and express our value with specialized service.


