1998/09-2002/06,華中農業大學植物保護系,獲農學學士學位。2002/09-2008/06,華中農業大學生命科學技術學院,作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室王石平課題組,獲生物化學與分子生物學博士學位。2008/07-2010/06,山東農業大學,植保學院植物病理學系,副教授。2010/07-至今,山東農業大學, 植保學院植物病理學系,教授。2012/09-2013/08,美國密西根州立大學,植物生物學系,Shengyang He(美國科學院院士)實驗室,研究學者。

4)有益微生物叢枝菌根真菌對植物的礦質元素吸收、抗病反應以及生長發育的促進效應及分子機理研究 。
近年先後承擔國家自然科學基金、全國優秀博士學位論文專項基金、山東省農業重大套用技術創新項目、山東省英才基金、轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項子課題、“863”計畫專題等課題十餘項。獲國家授權發明專利19項,在申請國家發明專利11項和國際專利PCT1項。在《Plant Cell》、《Molecular Plant》、《Plant Physiology》和《Plant Biotechnology Journal》等雜誌上發表論文40餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文21篇,累積影響因子95.931,論文被SCI引用總數達753次,其中單篇最高引用252次。主編專著1部,參編專著3部。
1、LiNing, Wei Shutong, Chen Jing, YangFangfang, KongLingguang, Chen Cuixia, Ding Xinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*. OsASR2regulates the expression of a defense-related gene, Os2H16, by targeting theGT-1 cis-element. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017. (SCI二區,impactfactor 7.443)
2、ZhangBaogang, Liu Haifeng, Ding Xinhua(co-first author), Qiu Jiajia, Zhang Min, and Chu Zhaohui. AtACS8 Plays aCritical Role in the Early Biosynthesis of Ethylene Elicited by Copper Ions inArabidopsis. Journal of Cell Science, 2017, doi: 10.1242/jcs.202424. (SCI二區,5-yearimpact factor 5.5)
3、JuYanhu, Tian Hongjuan, Zhang Ruihua, Zuo Liping, Jin Guixiu, Xu Qian, Ding Xinhua*, Li Xiangkui, ChuZhaohui*. Overexpression of OsHSP18.0-CI Enhances Resistance to Bacterial LeafStreak in Rice. Rice, 2017, 10(1):12, DOI : 10.1186/s12284-017-0153-6 (SCI一區,impactfactor 3.739)
4、WangShaoli, Chu Zhaohui, Ren Mingxing, Jia Ru, Zhao Changbao, Dan Fei, Su Hao, FanXiaoqi, Zhang Xiaotian, Li Yang, Wang Yingzi, Ding Xinhua*. Identification of Anthocyanins Compositionsand Functional Analysis of An AnthocyaninActivator in Solanum nigrum Fruits. Molecules, 2017, 22, 876;doi:10.3390/molecules22060876 (SCI三區,5-yearimpact factor 2.988)
5、LiNing, Chen Jing, Yang Fangfang, Wei Shutong, Kong Lingguang, Ding Xinhua*, and Zhaohui Chu*.Identification of two novel Rhizoctonia solani-inducible cis-acting elements inthe promoter of the maize gene, GRMZM2G315431. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:42059| DOI: 10.1038/srep42059 (SCI二區,5-yearimpact factor 4.847)
6、LiXiaoming, Han Huipei, Chen Ming, Yang Wei, Liu Li, Li Ning, Ding Xinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*.Overexpression of OsDT11, encoding a novel cysteine-rich peptide, enhancesdrought tolerance and increases ABA concentration in rice, Plant MolecularBiology, 2017, 93(1):21-34DOI: 10.1007/s11103-016-0544-x (SCI二區,5-yearimpact factor 3.874)
7、YangWei, Dong Ran, Liu Li, Hu Zhubing, Li Jing, Wang Yong, Ding Xinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*. A novel mutant allele of SSI2 confers abetter balance between disease resistance and plant growth inhibition onArabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 169(1):208 DOI:10.1186/s12870-016-0898-x (SCI二區,impactfactor 3.964)
8、LiYang, Tang Wenzhao, Chen Jing, Jia Ru, Ma Lianjie, Wang Shaoli, Wang Jiao, ShenXiangling, Chu Zhaohui, Zhu Changxiang*, DingXinhua*. Development of marker-free transgenic potato tubers enriched incaffeoyl quinic acids and flavonols. Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry, 2016, 64(16):2932-2940(SCI一區,impact factor 3.154).
9、FengChuanshun, Zhang Xia, Wu Tao, Yuan Bin, DingXinhua*, Yao Fangying,ChuZhaohui*, The polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein 4 (OsPGIP4), a potentialcomponent of the qBlsr5a locus, confers resistance to bacterial leaf streak inrice, Planta, 2016, 243(5), 1297-1308 (SCI三區,impactfactor 3.361).
10、YangWei, Xu Xiaonan, Li Yang, Wang Yingzi, Li Ming, Wang Yong, Ding Xinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*. Rutin-Mediated Priming of PlantResistance to Three Bacterial Pathogens Initiating the Early SA Signal Pathway.PLoS One, 2016, 11(1): e0146910 (SCI三區,impactfactor 2.806).
11、HaifengLiu, Baogang Zhang, Tao Wu, Yiliang Ding, XinhuaDing*, and Zhaohui Chu*. Copper ion Elicits Defense Response in Arabidopsisthaliana by Activating Salicylate- and Ethylene-Dependent Signaling Pathways.Molecular Plant, 2015, 8(10):1550-1553(SCI一區, impact factor 8.827).
12、LiYang, Chen Ming, Wang Shaoli, Ning Jing, DingXinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*. AtMYB11 regulates caffeoylquinic acid and flavonolsynthesis in tomato and tobacco. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture,2015,122(2):309-319(SCI三區,impact factor 2.002).
13、FengWenjie, Wang Yi, Huang Lisha, Feng Chuanshun, Chu Zhaohui, Ding Xinhua*, Yang Long*. Genomic-associated Markers andcomparative Genome Maps of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv.Oryzicola. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2015, 31(9):1353–1359(SCI三區,impact factor 1.658).
14、LiuHaifeng, Chang Qingle, Feng Wenjie, Zhang Baogang, Wu Tao, Li Ning, YaoFangyin, Ding Xinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*.Domain dissection of AvrRxo1 for suppressor, avirulence and cytotoxicfunctions. PLoS One, 2014, 9(12): e113875(SCI三區,impactfactor 2.806).
15、LiNing, Kong Lingguang, Zhou Wenhui, Zhang Xia, Wei Shutong, Ding Xinhua*, Chu Zhaohui*. Overexpression of Os2H16 enhancesresistance to phytopathogens and tolerance to drought stress in rice. PlantCell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2013, 115(3):429-441(SCI三區,impactfactor 2.002).
16、Ding Xinhua,Cao Yinglong, Huang liling, Zhao Jing, Xu Caiguo, LI Xianghua, Wang Shiping*.Activation of the Indole-3-Acetic Acid-Amido Synthetase GH3-8 SuppressesExpansin Expression and Promotes Salicylate and Jasmonate-Independent BasalImmunity in Rice,ThePlant Cell, 2008, 20(1):228-240 (SCI一區,5-yearimpact factor 10.529).
17、WangGongnan, Ding Xinhua(co-firstauthor), Yuan Meng, Qiu Deyun, li Xianghua, Xu Caiguo, Wang Shiping*. Dualfunction of rice OsDR8 gene in disease resistance and thiamine accumulation,Plant Molecular Biology, 2006, 60(3):437-449(SCI二區,5-year impact factor3.874).
專利號:ZL200810047235.0,水稻抗病相關基因OsDR9及其在改良水稻抗病性中的套用;發明人:王石平、丁新華;申請日:2008.04.07;授權公告日:2010.06.30 。近年先後主持或承擔國家自然科學基金、教育部博士點博導類基金、山東省優秀中青年科學家獎勵基金、轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項、“863”計畫專題課題等項目。獲國家授權發明專利8項,在申請發明專利11項。在《Plant Cell》、《Plant Molecular Biology》、《Plant Cell tissue organ culture》、《PLOS ONE》、《Genetics》、《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions》等多家雜誌上發表研究論文,單篇最高影響因子9.868,論文被引總數超過500次。參與編寫10000個科學難題-農業卷以及農業植物病理學教材等 。
中國植物病理學會青年委員會副主任,華中農業大學青年聯合會委員,國家自然科學基金評審專家,《核農學報》編委,《Molecular breeding》等審稿專家。榮獲2013年國家自然科學二等獎以及2010年度全國百篇優秀博士論文獎(生物學) 。