成語: 一言不發發音: yī yán bù fā
解釋: 一句話也不說。暗示有自己的想法或見解。發:不說。
出處: 明·馮夢龍《喻世明言》卷一:“三巧兒聽說丈夫把她休了,一言不發,啼哭起來。”
示例: 只見她~,回手拔出那把刀來。 ★清·文康《 兒女英雄傳》第七回
用法: 中性詞,作謂語、狀語;指默不做聲
反義詞 :侃侃而談、絮絮叨叨、喋喋不休
歇後語:① 鐵水封口,一言不發。
②徐庶進曹營------- 一言不發。
納森·康拉德是一位 工作勤奮、頗享盛名的青少年心理醫生。象許許多多體面的美國人一樣,他也有一個溫馨的三口之家,不過妻子艾吉最近在一次滑雪事故中摔傷了腿部,整日臥病在床,生活無法自理,這多少給他們平靜的生活添上一些煩擾。感恩節到了,納森興致勃勃地趕回家去同妻女 團聚,第二天早上,夫婦倆從酣夢中醒來時,面對的卻是一場惡夢:他們8歲的女兒傑茜已被人綁架。原來,一夥匪徒正在探尋他們多年前劫掠未遂的珠寶,而獲取這一贓物的秘密則隱藏在一名年輕女子伊莉莎白·巴羅斯的大腦深處。數年前,伊莉莎白因目擊這起突發的恐怖事件而精神失常,此後便一直輾轉於精神病院,整日提心弔膽,害怕那些陌生的兇犯們發現自己的藏身之處。
歹徒們綁架傑茜的目的很明確:納森必須把 伊麗莎白治好,並誘導她道出寶藏的秘密。糟糕的是,納森必須在晚上5點鐘以前把伊莉莎白搞定,否則傑茜就性命難保。由於歹徒們使用先進的監視器跟蹤納森和他妻子的一舉一動,因此他們無法報警。與此同時,正在調查一起謀殺案的女偵探桑德拉·凱茜蒂順藤摸瓜,與科斯特一夥以及正處於絕境中的康拉德醫生撞了個正著……
A group of thieves steal a rare gem, but in the process, two of the men double cross the leader of the thieving group, Patrick (Sean Bean), and take off with the precious stone. Ten years later, prominent psychiatrist Nathan Conrad (Michael Douglas) is invited to examine a disturbed young woman named Elisabeth (Brittany Murphy). Patrick immediately kidnaps Nathan's daughter, forcing Nathan to attempt to get Elisabeth to reveal a secret number which will ultimately lead Patrick to the whereabouts of the precious gem that has eluded him.
角色 演員 備註Dr. Nathan R. Conrad 麥可·道格拉斯/Michael Douglas ----
Patrick Koster 肖恩·賓/Sean Bean ----
Elisabeth Burrows 布瑞塔妮·墨菲/Brittany Murphy ----
Jessie Conrad Skye McCole Bartusiak ----
Dolen Guy Torry ----
Detective Sandra Cassidy 詹妮弗·艾斯波西多/Jennifer Esposito ----
Russel Maddox 肖恩·道爾/Shawn Doyle ----
Sydney Simon 維克多·阿勾/Victor Argo ----
Max Dunlevy Conrad Goode ----
Jake 保羅·舒爾澤/Paul Schulze ----
Arnie 蘭斯·萊迪克/Lance Reddick ----
▪ 製作人:Bruce Berman;Jeffrey Downer;Nana Greenwald;Andrew Klavan;Anne Kopelson;Arnold Kopelson;Arnon Milchan▪ 導演:加里·弗雷德@加利費達 Gary Fleder
▪ 副導演(助理):Robert C. Albertell;Marlene Arvan;Adam Bocknek;Joan G. Bostwick;Jennifer Cote;Tyler Delben;Grant Lucibello;Mike Manzato;Jono Oliver
▪ 編劇:Andrew Klavan;Anthony Peckham;Patrick Smith Kelly
▪ 攝影:Amir M. Mokri
▪ 配樂:Mark Isham
▪ 剪輯:Armen Minasian;William Steinkamp
▪ 藝術指導:Dennis Davenport
▪ 造型設計:尼爾森·科斯塔斯/Nelson Coates
▪ 服裝設計:Ellen Mirojnick
▪ 視覺特效:Victor Abbene;Tim Angulo;Scott Beverly;Catherine Burns;Carole Cowley
▪ 布景師:Carolyn'Cal' Loucks
本片改編自 安德魯·克拉文Andrew Klavan的同名獲獎小說《Don't say a word》(1992年埃德加文學獎)。早在1990年,好萊塢夫妻製片人阿諾德和安妮·科佩爾森(Arnold & Anne Kopelson)便以250,000美元買下這本小說的電影改編權。經過數年的折騰,幾經修改的劇本交到了麥可·道格拉斯的手上,他對這個故事抱有濃厚的興趣,因為道格拉斯6歲時也遭到過綁架,幸虧只是有驚無險,他一頭扎進公寓地下室,逃開那個不明身份的追擊者。
為了把握原作中罪犯及精神病人的變態心理,劇組特地諮詢了紐約的犯罪心理學專家羅伯特·伯格,了解心理醫生如何在短時間內引導精神嚴重受擾的患者回歸現實。而道格拉斯則決意按自己的理解行事,甚至拒絕拜讀克拉文的原著。因為他覺得,當初自己在《 飛越瘋人院》一片中的閱歷足以應付這一角色。
扮演納森醫生的道格拉斯無疑是該片的亮點所在。身為好萊塢巨星兼製片人的他自1969年首次在《Hail Hero!》一片中扮演一名反戰嬉皮士以來便開始了漫長的演藝生涯。1975年,他因參與製作米洛斯·福爾曼Milos Forman的力作《飛越瘋人院》一片而一舉成為紅極一時的製片人。該片不僅贏來可觀的票房收入,而且榮膺5項奧斯卡大獎。旗開得勝之後,道格拉斯重操演藝生涯,逐漸樹立自己獨特的表演風格和魅力。他扮演的角色通常具有很強的矛盾色彩:時而誠實而富於感情,時而老練油滑甚至狡詐多智。1987年,他在《 致命誘惑》Fatal Attraction一片中塑造了一位因一 夜情而釀成大錯的雅皮士形象。這一角色成為他表演生涯中的里程碑。同年,他又在奧利佛·斯通的名作《華爾街》中扮演不擇手段的大亨高登,為自己掙得奧斯卡影帝頭銜。即將邁入花甲之年的道格拉斯依然十分活躍,在《後起之秀》、《毒品網路》中均有十分出色的表現。
扮演納森妻子艾吉的是出生於荷蘭的法米克·詹森。從影前原是出名模特的她。因在007系列片《黃金眼》中扮演變態嗜血的邦女郎而一舉成名,從此片約不斷,比較著名的影片有《 老師不是人》和去年的《 X戰警》。
Factual errors:Dr. Sachs talks about having a "10 gauge needle". A 10 gauge needle is like a number 2 pencil and is almost never used. For injections, 18-27 gauge needles are used.Continuity:When Dr. Conrad and Elizabeth take the boat to go to Hart Island, neither of them ever bother to untie it from the dock.
Continuity:A Thanksgiving Day NFL football game is being shown in New York at what we subsequently find out is just after 10 a.m. In New York City, the football games aren't on until later in the day.
Continuity:When the coroner is conducting the autopsy we first see the body on its back. In the next scene the body has been turned to lie on its front without us seeing the coroner flip it over.
Crew or equipment visible:While Cassidy is showing the girl into the morgue to identify Sara, you can briefly see the wireless mic transmitter under one of the women's denim jacket.
Factual errors:The graves in the NYC Potter's Field are not marked with wooden crosses - brush fires in the early 1900s on Hart Island destroyed the wooden grave markers and after that the graves were marked by concrete and stone markers. Also there aren't individual markers for each grave, there are over 100 coffins per site.
Errors in geography:During the New York Thanksgiving parade, a Toronto street car is clearly visible. There are no streetcars in New York.
Continuity:In the final scene, when Dr. Conrad picks up Patrick's gun you hear the sound of the hammer being cocked back. When we see the close-up of the gun put against Patrick's head, the hammer is in the down position.
Factual errors:When they are driving the stolen boat to Hart Island they see the setting sun above the horizon. According to Conrad it is past 5:00 o'clock in the evening. On Thanksgiving Day 2001, the sun, at New York City, sets at 4:33pm. Even if it is not 2001, the sun would have set by 5:00 p. m.
Audio/visual unsynchronized:When Dr. Conrad is on the phone with the kidnappers, he hangs up and throws the phone onto the bed. Yet when the kidnapper calls back and Dr. Conrad answers the sound of the phone being lifted from the cradle can clearly be heard even though the phone was not placed on the cradle.
Audio/visual unsynchronized:When Dr. Conrad is taking the stolen boat to Hart Island, the boat's owner is yelling at him. his lips don't match his words.
Continuity:The 2s Elisabeth writes on the glass with her finger are a different shape than the ones Dr. Conrad points out after they've dug up the wrong grave. His point was that she was writing it backward, but her 2s would not have looked like 5s in reverse.
Continuity:db During the shootout at the end, puffs of smoke enhance the effect of bullets hitting victims. However, a puff of smoke comes from Detective Sandra Cassidy before she's shot by the villain, Patrick Koster.
Continuity:The position of the needle held to the guards arm. First it was behind the badge, and then it jumps around inside of it.
Factual errors:In the beginning, the crooks are listening to police on their radio scanner, but the frequency (162.425) shown is for the National Weather Service
Continuity:Throughout the film, the henchman Max wears two rings on his right hand. When digging near the end of the film, the rings switch to his left hand, then a few minutes later, they are back on his right hand.
Elisabeth: I'll never tell. I'll never tell. Any of you.[Elisabeth puts her and up her shirt as Nathan watches her]
Elisabeth: Wanna touch?
Nathan Conrad: No.
Jessie Conrad: What's your name?
Max: [ignores her]
Jessie Conrad: Your hair's really long! My hair used to be that long, but my mom made me cut it.
Jessie Conrad: [points to her neck] What's that thing on your neck?
Max: [stares at Jessie and looks back down]
Jessie Conrad: It's kinda impolite not to answer someone's question.
Max: It's a symbol.
Jessie Conrad: What's it mean?
Max: Don't talk!
Aggie Conrad: You brush your teeth?
Jessie Conrad: Yep!
Aggie Conrad: Let me smell?
Jessie Conrad: [opens mouth]
Aggie Conrad: Mmmmm delicious.
Jessie Conrad: [Telephone rings] Hello?
Nathan Conrad: [Wants to play a trick on Jessie] Hello?
Jessie Conrad: Hi Daddy.
Nathan Conrad: Exsuse me, who am I talking to?
Jessie Conrad: This is me.
Nathan Conrad: No, no my Jessie is 8 years old. The girl who I'm talking to is at least 11.
Jessie Conrad: [Laughs]
Nathan Conrad: [Laughs] Can you speak to your mother please!
Jessie Conrad: You had a bad day!
Nathan Conrad: Why do you say that?
Jessie Conrad: [copies Nathan] Frown faceeeeee!
Nathan Conrad: [copies Jessie] Well my little frown face, is because it's after ten o'clock and your still awake.
Jessie Conrad: Where were f3c you tonight?
Nathan Conrad: I was working!
Jessie Conrad: Why?
Nathan Conrad: Well, because I was helping a young girl.
Jessie Conrad: Oh well alright that's going to cost ya!
Nathan Conrad: Alright what's it going to be?
Jessie Conrad: One hug, two kisses!
Nathan Conrad: Two kisses? Boy, you got us a tough deal!
Jessie Conrad: Will they put Bart Simpson in the parade tomorrow?
Nathan Conrad: They will but Bart Simpson in the parade tomorrow if you go to sleep right now.
Jessie Conrad: Well alright, I don't think they will care if I go to sleep or not!
Patrick Koster: Daddy's smart little girl, aren't you?
Jessie Conrad: [stays silent]
Patrick Koster: Better hope your mother didn't hear that!
[trying to get Dr. Sax to tell her what the deal is]
Detective Cassidy: Why don't you quit wasting my fucking time and tell me whose we?
Nathan Conrad: This looks like the Conrad house, it smells like the Conrad house. It even is severely overheated by the Conrad house
Nathan Conrad: Rule number three: no more phone.
Patrick Koster: She heard.
Dolen: How do you know?
Patrick Koster: She stopped breathing.
導演加里·弗雷德此前曾執導過97年大火的驚悚片《驚唇劫》Kiss The Girls,為影片營造懸疑緊張的氣氛是他的拿手好戲,儘管片中的情節和《 贖金風暴》《 亡命天涯》《 沉默的羔羊》等同類影片有頗多相似之處,但仍有不少別具匠心、懸念迭起的地方。自911事件以來,心有餘悸的美國人對那些充斥著爆炸場面的動作片頗有敬而遠之的跡象,因而這類影片紛紛推遲了公映日期,而《 一言不發》則大有逆潮流而上的架勢,看來福克斯公司對它是很有信心的,且讓我們看看觀眾對此作何反應。